On the contrary, after completing some small tasks

in the back, his official position has been soaring all the way, which you have to say that the joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same

, after all, unlike the agents who conquered CP in the world

, Hewen itself has attracted the attention of the high-level, coupled with the problem of strength and loyalty

, this kid was trained by the navy as a high-level when he was a child, and his own talent is also very good

Efforts and character are guaranteed in all aspects

, so the navy has cultivated talents

, so where will his strength be, and then take a look at what this kid went to face

on the battlefield, although in most cases he was forced to participate

, but I have to say that these things are also very good for him to accumulate military merits,

Every time he came back, the old boy of the Warring States Marshal made a hard note in his merit book

, and after a long time, this guy's military exploits have been accumulated to

an incredible extent, although it is not much

, but compared to his attendance, it is already very exaggerated,

and these military exploits can just block the mouths of everyone present

To meet the needs of this guy's step-by-step

promotion, from the rear admiral, vice admiral and admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and then promoted to one of the pillars of the Navy Headquarters - Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, step by step is paved by others The road to promotion is paved by others

, and this guy just needs to go down step by step, and

he is also very worry-free after he succeeded as the Admiral of the Navy


The relationship with the above is good, and he is also really responsible for the task of training the next

generation of the navy, which is what makes the older generation of the navy more satisfied

, Zefa He is old after all, although he has been recuperated well

over the years, but there is still a slight bit of dark wounds on his body

, although these dark injuries have little impact on him, but it is not too good to worry about an old man after all,

At this moment, with the support of his own strength, Hewen is more confident when he goes to do some

things, and he is very comfortable in handling things

, and he is not a master who will suffer

, coupled with not low emotional intelligence, it can be said that he is in the Navy Headquarters,

except for a few tasks that cannot be shirked

He basically rarely participated in the planning

of the Navy Headquarters, and after the Navy Headquarters verified his ability to educate his apprentices

, it was obviously a preliminary recognition

of his ability in this aspect, and slowly this guy received the power of the Navy Elite Training Camp from his stepfather Zefa, and

became the chief officer of the Navy Headquarters in charge of the Navy's elite training

And to say that what the Navy Headquarters really lacks is those talents with other specialties

, that is, the kind of talents who fight in a special environment

, as well as some people who are particularly talented in marching and arranging

, these guys have become the main selection objects of Hewen, and

the shortcomings in all aspects of combat have also been made up for their participation in the Navy

, don't think that everyone is a wise man like Marshal of the Warring States and Vice Admiral Jonathan,

Otherwise, according to the rough training of the navy in the past

, some people would not have been able to grow to that height

, and they would be eradicated by the other party, which is a pity

, isn't there that sentence: only a genius who grows up is called a genius,

and this guy Hewen has passed a series of tests to discover these talents

After special training

, they were transferred to the navy to improve the strength of the navy, if you want to fight abroad, they don't lack such

people at all, not to mention the three major admirals of the navy at that time, the vice admirals of the navy headquarters of some elites are not easy to mess with

, and their older generation of navy has not completely withered

, they are still alive, this group of people is like the sea god needle guarding the navy,

Don't let the navy suffer a real catastrophe, and the last time the navy made a fuss

, Rob Lucci, the genius of the world government Cp, kicked directly to the iron plate

, and was beaten up by the powerful Hewen in the navy

, whether he was willing or not, all the humiliation could only be endured by him

, after years of involution, he finally had his own strength and perception,

With extremely strong self-confidence, this time he came to the Navy Headquarters in great strides again

, wanting to provoke the other party in the Blue Navy Headquarters

and find back the scene where he was beaten by the other party

, after all, he was extremely arrogant at the beginning,

but then it was the first time he experienced such a big humiliation in his life

Seeing his arrival, Marshal Sakasky said angrily: "

Rob Lucci, what are you doing here in our navy

, I remember that the CP agents of your world government have not been very busy recently,

why did they come to me?"

Lu Qi was also not the slightest polite, and said directly: "

Of course, I came here to find your navy for something

, that is, I simply borrowed ten warships from

you, and Tezzolo, a good friend of the Tianlong people, has sent an invitation to

the world government and needs our help, which has been communicated with the world government,

and you just need to cooperate." "Oh

, you need our navy to send out ten warships, are you dreaming, Rob Lucky? Or do you have stiff wings and

dare to say such things in front of me, let our navy send out ten

warships, why don't you CP agents of the world government come out of

warships? Can't you CP poor people even get ten warships?"

And Rob Lucci didn't care, he sneered and said: "

Today, I will definitely borrow these ten warships

, whether you borrow them or not, I must get them in my hands

, oh yes, the world government said, if you want to disagree,

then let me serve as your naval marshal now."

As soon as these words came out, all the people present were stunned

, let Rob Lucci come

to this guy to serve as the marshal of the navy, this joke is not funny at all, what qualifications does he have to say that he will serve as the marshal of the Navy headquarters,

it is really very funny, here blatantly threaten Sakaski

, it seems that there is indeed a little hole card, and it has indeed grown a lot in the past two years

But isn't he too arrogant?

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