Do you think that Sakasky, as the highest decision-maker

of the navy, will send troops over at that time? As long as the country of Wano

is not opened, and the five old stars do not give the necessary orders, the navy will not take action at all

, think about it, for other sea emperors, the group of agents of the world government are more involved in the internal monitoring, and

it is impossible to do it

The other party will come tens of thousands of people at every turn, except for the navy to mobilize elite troops

, who can stand this, although the CP agents of the entire world government are all

elites, but how many of their elites can fight against these pirates

, this is an extremely unrealistic thing, and after the battle is over

, it is the navy and navy that will clean up the mess, and if the navy does not cooperate with them,

It is entirely possible to let them have greater losses in these battles

, and it is not impossible to completely abolish

these secret service organizations at that time, don't think too well about the river marshals

of the navy, clean them up, these guys are also not soft

, and once they have the opportunity, those cp secret service organizations of the world government,

The same will also be a dead hand to their

navy, and the navy will not be soft on some of them, this is an obvious truth, after everyone is basically cleaned up

, Hewen took his friends to leave Vegapunk's Eggtip

Island, this trip to Eggtip Island can be regarded as very good for Hewen

, the test has also been tested, and the people who should be angry are also afraid of death,

In the end, he is not interested in staying here,

as mentioned above, he is just telling Vegapunk something

, you really expect him to be as ignorant as the Straw Hat Boy

, to touch those blank 100 years of history, and he has not lived enough, it

is impossible to think of this very deadly behavior

The blank 100-year history, who wants to touch it

, think about the result, as long as a person

is not very stupid, he will not touch those messy

things, his impact is very, very terrible, for that big machine

, Hewen knows, two hundred years ago attacked the Holy Land Mary Joy's things,

It's not so easy to understand, if it arouses the suspicion of some well-intentioned

people, the consequences are even more terrible, those people in the world government are not fuel-efficient

, especially the five old men who are so bad that they are bleeding pus, they are even more hateful

when they do things, and if they want to do anything that challenges them, it will cause them to be suspicious

, Hewen is not stupid, if Sakasky, the marshal of the admiral, is there to say something wrong,

I have to be scolded, not to mention that he is a general of the Navy Headquarters

, so this guy left here decisively after packing up and saluting

, originally that one still wanted to let Hewen get a little bit of knowledge

, maybe he could really ask this one to help when the time comes

, but when he saw Hewen, he seemed to know what he was going to invite him to do,

Quickly refused to say it, and sped up the speed of leaving Eggtip Island

, he knew that the admiral of the Navy Headquarters in front of him was not an easy person

, maybe people might have already felt a little wrong

, so hurry up and leave him, thinking of this

, Vegapunk sighed, he has no way

to force others, so he doesn't plan to stay here, can you force people to stay,

With his so-called pacifist Seraph,

this is an unrealistic thing, therefore, for

Hewen, the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters, he also feels very sorry

for him to leave him quickly, and he wants to leave him very much, but people have already taken precautions to leave

, which is more embarrassing, looking at the back of Hewen and them leaving in a small boat

In this case, he no longer thinks about winning over

the navy of Hewen, as long as the navy does not cause trouble for him at that time

, and the navy has clarified its attitude and explained some problems

, and then he can start to make some preparations

, in case of an accident one day in the future, this is a very necessary thing


, the entire Eggtip Island began to act secretly after Hewen and them left, and countless scientific research materials were secretly packed up by Vegapunk

, if there was really a special situation one day

, he would leave in time, and these things had to be taken away

, after all, these things were precious on the entire Eggtip Island

He has exchanged all the funds for these valuable materials

, which can support him to study for a long time

, so that he doesn't have to worry about the following things, Hewen doesn't know these small

actions, if he knows his actions, he will secretly scold: What an old fox

, the speed of action is so fast, and finally Hewen and the others swayed and returned directly to the Navy Headquarters

I've been

to the G-14 branch base before, plus he has made sufficient supplies in the place of Vegapunk, so there is no need to go to this G-14 branch base to harass people

, going to the last time is annoying enough, he is the highest combat force of the Navy Headquarters, and

the naval units where he goes must be regular to greet him,

Therefore, this is a very troublesome thing, he doesn't want to be so excited every time he goes out

, according to his personality, if he can be low-key, he will be low-key

, in case he is remembered by others, he has just become famous on the sea

, and he has a hard encounter with the revolutionary army, so that the other party suffers a small loss, and

these guys of the group of cp agents of the world government are also unpretentious

In addition, he has offended a lot of people on the sea,

so now in this situation, he hurries up to return to the Navy Headquarters and

arrives at his own naval elite training camp is the most important thing

In the end, he will feel tired, if people invest in it regardless of the cost,

it is also a headache, and after these are all busy,

he hurried back to the Navy headquarters for a trip is the most important

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