Li Cang's dumping in Albert can be said to have single-handedly transformed a large settlement island chain with a population of millions into his own shape. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is dumping, but in fact it is called suppression. At the beginning, he sold the same Vendors of the products could still take advantage of the collateral effects of the surge in foot traffic to make a fortune, but soon, they stopped laughing.

After that, Li Cang couldn't laugh anymore.

He worked hard here to export tons and tons of supplies. He was afraid that the grievances between Albert and Jinghai Kingdom and the tide of Jinghai would cause the big market to close down early, but this thing really came too early.

It can be seen that the area of ​​built-up area of ​​psychological construction can never catch up with the area of ​​psychological shadow caused by bad luck.

Around noon on the fourth day, the color of the azure sea more than a hundred meters below the island began to become lighter. It cannot be described as light. In short, it seemed to be turning gray-white.

After this phenomenon occurred, both vendors and pedestrians in the big market suddenly became anxious, just like rushing to the market before a disaster. Although the flow of people outside was still coming, the market closing time set by the managers was almost here.

Haste, anxiety, and violence occur frequently.

At night, in addition to the lighting fixtures, the Albert Market, which runs around the clock, also lights up many pale spotlights that shine brightly on the sea. Not only can they clearly illuminate the sea, showing the true color of the sea, but they can also penetrate the sea. The water depth of more than 100 meters clearly reflects the dynamics of various organisms in the shallow waters of the Jinghai Sea.

The gray-white color lasted for a day and night, and gradually turned into the dark green that Li Cang had encountered before. A large number of Jinghai wet corpses and alienated bladefin bonito began to appear under the sea surface, wandering in the nearby waters and refusing to leave.

The grand market became increasingly chaotic and hurried. Some mercenary groups and armed forces in the Albert Island chain were dispatched, using low-orbiting islands, ships and other vehicles with floating properties to approach the sea to hunt for Tranquility Shit Corpses and Bladefin Bonitos. , and piled the hunted things around the building of the "Water Hydrogen Fuel Orbital Displacement Engine", and the fishy smell permeated the entire Albert Island chain.

On the fifth day, the big market was still crowded with people.

The transaction volume reached the highest peak since Li Cang entered the big market. It was a carnival for buyers and sellers, but everyone's face was filled with dark heaviness - because the sea below was turning into a strange purple.

"This is the Tide Sea Tide, the tide with the highest purple danger level." Payton looked a little solemn and said in an apologetic tone: "Wang, I'm sorry, the Presbyterian Council did not approve your application to purchase an engine. Tranquility Sea Tide is inevitable. It will destroy a large number of air islands and existing engine stocks, so not only you, but all recent applications, even those from permanent residents, have not been approved. Our Municipal Supervision Department has tried its best. "

Li Cang nodded to express his understanding.

Peyton saw that Li Cang was not very good-looking and kept staring at the sea, so he said: "Li, don't worry, Albert has many safe harbors specially used to park foreign air islands, with protective force fields and strong shields. You just need to Listening to the notice before the spring tide breaks out, we can move to the nearest safe harbor near the Grand Market within 10 minutes. At that time, my companions and I will drive a pilot boat to guide you alone. Albert is very safe, no matter what the tide is. Or the Kingdom of Jinghai, Albert will not let irrelevant outsiders bear the losses for us. "

Payton repeatedly warned these four absent-minded super patrons and turned around every step of the way.

After a long while, Li Cang secretly held back a question: "He just said how long the Jinghai tide usually lasts? Did he say that?"

Both of them looked confused.

Tai Xiaoyi said carefully: "As I said, it can be as short as two weeks and as long as one month."

Teacher Cang counted on his fingers and frowned until it turned into a knot. The bad news is that the days of making money every day are over, but the good news is that the days of scrapping the ground are coming again.

"Get the respirator, cheek bladder grass, and siren grass ready. Remember to put the buff crystal of [Lingbo Weibu] close to your body."

"I know Mother Cang, I'll be equipped this morning!"


Maybe it’s because of the ocean scene. Albert has many related products, about diving, about breathing support, about increasing the mobility of people/empty islands/servants of fate on the seabed, etc. They are relatively expensive but necessary for everyone. [Lingbo Weibu] is one of them.

Of course, the name of this thing is translated from "divine text". Albert's side doesn't call it that. Just like some people say "I saw fire in the mountains" and others said "I saw flames rising from the lonely mountain".

The original version of Lingbo Weibu is the same as the water-hydrogen fuel orbit replacement engine. They are both produced by the Albert Presbyterian Church. When placed in the hands of the following people, they become temporary buff crystals. The effect is to make people feel as if they are walking on flat ground on the sea within 90 seconds. , each one sells for an astonishing 300 coins.

It's pure nonsense to say that it's used for fighting. What kind of return rate must be achieved to fight with this crazy coin-burning posture, but it is enough to save one's life. Normally 90 seconds is enough to kill any slave that falls into the sea. If not, it only means that whether or not it is fished out may not mean much to both parties.

On the seventh day, the sea level as far as the eye could see turned into a strange purple, and all the lamps used to monitor the sea level had been removed. This purple is not a color in the usual sense, but light. Even at night, the entire The Sea of ​​Tranquility is also as bright as day and purple in the world, illuminating the sky island and even higher places.

The air defense siren sounded three times in succession on the Albert Island chain. The empty islands in the Grand Market were evacuated in an orderly manner through hundreds of wide passages, heading towards the safe harbor marked by red searchlight poles that were clearly visible for hundreds of kilometers. Payton He and four other colleagues appeared in front of Li Cangkong Island in a torpedo-shaped enclosed ship with a large nose and small stern and a transparent front cabin: "Li, come with me. I am ordered to take you to the safe harbor with the highest security level, which is even safer than the Elders' Council Hall." Be safer!”

"No." What Lao Wang said made Peyton's face change drastically. He threw out a small bag of coins and pointed at the ten walking corpses on the island tied like rice dumplings: "Divide the coins among you. Don't dislike it and don't refuse. Peyton Dun, this sickle-hand and the heavy-armored zombie are yours. It’s been a hard day running around with you.”

At this moment, Payton really felt that he was worthy. He was so excited that he couldn't speak. His face turned red. As soon as he opened his mouth, he was pulled hard by his colleague next to him.

"The most valuable thing for a person is self-awareness! Don't go looking for death!"

Payton knew it was for his own good, but he was still worried and ashamed.

In fact, as long as he was a little stronger, he wouldn't be hiding in the market management department.

Payton murmured: "If you are really ready to participate in the battle, you can go to the Presbyterian Church one or two days after the tide starts. They will definitely give you what you want, absolutely!"

The four people's eyes lit up.

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