The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1007 Xiao Lu, give them the whole job!

According to the Albert Presbyterian Church, Tranquility Sea spring tides are a relatively regular phenomenon. The cycle of purple spring tides is about 7 months, and the error is basically no more than 15 days. The most common green spring tides are extremely frequent. 7 days, 10 days, 15 days, 20 days, anyway, just like a woman's face, the shortest interval recorded is only 4 days.

The big tide involving the entire Sea of ​​Tranquility will not be wiped out by the efforts of some workers. In fact, the Styx jellyfish cluster left the Styx for less than 2 hours, and the strange purple color of the surrounding sea quickly destroyed this precious land. Filling is complete, fish appear, and predators and apex predators return.

Without the closure and control of the Styx Jellyfish, the slaves' yesterday's glory has returned. As long as they are willing to work hard and risk lowering their orbits, even the most useless island can make tens of thousands in one day. Thousands of destiny coins.

Danger and opportunity coexist. Some people make money while others lose everything.

After two days of free eating and drinking, a sudden accident took away 36 foreign subordinate islands and more than 1,500 Albert-owned ships. The death toll exceeded 10,000, and the number of serious injuries exceeded 40,000.

What caused this disaster was just a fish rain.

The six-eyed flying fish is a small silver-blue fish that is no more than two feet long. It has six large and bright eyes and six pairs of fins like wings. These fish are found in sandstorm-like numbers and postures less than 10 nautical miles away from the Albert Island chain. The sea surface suddenly surged, and Little Coin Zaizi's estimate of their flying speed was between h.

Wherever it passed, no island or ship had time to escape. All flying objects below 80 meters evaporated, crushing everything like a millstone composed of endless swarms of insects. Hundreds of fish swarmed below and around the Albert Island chain. It circled like a tropical cyclone within a kilometer radius for several hours before diving back into the water. After eating and drinking, it came out of the water and floated away before the predators launched their attack. It was a complete mess.

As the flying fish left, the locals in Albert seemed to suddenly heave a sigh of relief and seemed to be looking forward to something. The radio continued to sound: "The fish disaster has ended, which basically indicates that the Jinghai tide is about to enter its final stage. The Jinghai country may be affected at any time." To launch a sneak attack, the air islands not belonging to the Albert Island chain can leave during this period or go directly to the safe harbor 600 nautical miles north of the island chain. On the way, you only need to pay attention to the attacks of alienated sailfish and black-skinned sharks. Albert Island Chain welcomes you to come again at any time. I repeat, if you stay, you may be attacked by Jinghai Kingdom. Those people are not as peace-loving as Albert and open the door to welcome visitors from all directions. Please be careful. "


I'm worth thousands of coins every minute and you let me go?

Not to mention Jinghai Kingdom at this time, even the Dragon King of Jinghai would not be able to drive away these subordinates with red eyes!

Because even in such a large tide, the density of marine animals in each sea area is different. The sea areas with empty islands above will always be more lively. Money can make the world go round, and ordinary subordinates are not willing to give up this. The great opportunity to make a fortune left in despair, as for the track slaves who were fighting life and death on the track.

None of the orbital subordinates looked up to Jinghai Kingdom.

If they were threatened by such a sneaky dog, they would still go to some rail line and become a street kid. They might as well find a base to grow potatoes and count balls for the rest of their lives!

"Although it's not the era of drawing swords to help when there's an injustice, these guys are still using this name as a gimmick or something, and it's just annoying Gill." Lao Wang said casually: "Do you think they are aware that they are not good, or are they just innocent? Deserve a beating?”

According to Lao Wang's thinking, this matter itself has nothing to do with simple right or wrong. I don't care whether you are right or wrong. Now it is your attitude that is problematic. Since you put "any sky island and land creature" We are not allowed to fly over the Jinghai Kingdom." If you say these words, it will be impossible for us to be friendly. Do you know what it means to be a prophecy?

"It's not important." Li Leisi threw the binoculars to Lao Wang, "Look at the expressions of those people, as if they are preparing to make money?"

Almost all the subordinate Kongdao that entered the Albert Island chain received the same treatment from the Jinghai Kingdom. Those who had no strength sank early in the morning and could not get here at all. At least those who came here were with the Jinghai Kingdom’s maritime patrol team. "beat" in person.

Jinghai Kingdom's attitude and arrogance are really unpleasant. Everyone is not a good person anyway. Now there is such an opportunity to hunt rabbits and take revenge. The time has come for revenge. What about a group of notorious thorns on the track? Are you eager to give it a try?

You know, being a slave can make more money than killing monsters.

Even if you fight monsters here for a year, you may not be able to get a good Destiny Servant embryo. If you get one, the slave's luck is not bad and you can explode several damaged bloodlines in minutes. The explosion rate is very high!


This thing is replaced with simple and crude language that is easy to understand: Don't be that person who went shopping, bought you a movie, watched a meal with you, and treated you to a meal. You rubbed the grease and twists into your small mouth. Well, it's too late. I have to go home. We are all children of the world, and we all know a little bit about the ways of the world!

Compared with the "excited" subordinates, Li Cang's behavior seemed very strange. He rejected several groups of teammates who came up to ask for a group meeting and recommended themselves for pillow seats, and was busy making various preparations to prevent problems before they occur. Lao Wang was amazed.

"I'm not talking about Teacher Cang, why are you so nervous!"

"Use your brain, you're panting when I tell you you're fat, do you really think this is a fair competition? Or do you think you're invincible?"

Li Cang glanced at Lao Wang.

He's not good at anything except licking the plate.


(This timi seems to mean the same thing!)

Lao Wang was so disgusted that he said, "No, it's just a coward hiding under the sea, what else can we do? What can they do? I can't do anything to a group of guys who have angered the public."

"Public anger? Do you mean the public anger of these hundreds or thousands of shabby foreign islands? Have you ever seen such an arrogant turtle? Threatening every cowardly island that enters the Jinghai Sea area?"

Lao Wang: "emmm"

Li Leisi's words were like a slap in the face, waking Lao Wang up directly.

Yes, the victory in the battle of Monroe and the smooth sailing all the time really make people feel proud.

But no matter what, the Jinghai Kingdom is still a behemoth that can compete with the Albert Island Chain with a population of millions and can steadily move forward in the tide of Jinghai!

Where does my sense of superiority come from?

Where does my assumption come from?

Lao Wang thought seriously for a long time, went to Curry and dragged out the land-sinking bomb again, shook hands with every dancing zombie claw and every foot on it, and said solemnly: "Xiao Luzi, today it depends on you, Xiao Luzi, we brothers must give them a big job!"

"Get as far away from me as possible, run away!"


This idiot is not worthy of being treated as a human being. He still reflects on it. If he can reflect on it, he can reflect on it. Just treat him as a big beast!

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