The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1035: Saving the dying and healing the wounded

Goudan's self-destruction, which shocked the world and made the gods cry, not only shattered the Ring Island, but also almost shattered his own body. It wasn't until a few people finished talking that it tilted one of its wings awkwardly. It twisted and floated up from the middle of the ring island, teetering on the edge of collapse.

This explosive increase in strength, speed, and weight, as well as the blessing of the Gray Knight, obviously caused it to lose the correct judgment on its own endurance. It used too much force to hang itself directly in. This is how the floating force field started. The recessive skill has become an explicit skill. Before now, Goudan might not even have the chance to come back.

What response?

My sister is available!

However, Goudan Deming had no time to complain about his stepfather's way of raising the baby, which was better than his own father's, because a black vine that covered the sky had already descended from the sky and hit him from above in a posture that seemed slow but actually almost drained the surrounding air and crushed everything. Come.


But Goudan was not hit.


Tai Xiaoyi's perfectly buffed Moonfall enveloped the black vines like a catastrophe. Exploding lightning and evil fire sprayed everywhere, and almost all the black vines twitched along with the ones that were hit. He fell into a brief moment of stiffness.

Li Leisi raised her hand and threw it at Goudan with a healing motion. Goudan's distorted wings immediately returned to their original state, and he suddenly accelerated and took the opportunity to get rid of the black vine behind him.

"Well done young lady!"

"Come on -"

"Come back, you're looking for death!"


It's you who let me rush, and it's you who don't let me rush. You're crazy. All the energy I finally mustered up has lost its strength. Anyone who shakes the morale of the army in front of the battle should be killed! Don’t you know what it means to work hard and then fail again?

Li Laisi projected the overhead view she had just prayed for and circled a huge red circle: "See, although these black vines are all broken, they still need to take root. Don't enter this circle."

"But I see why they seem to be moving?"

Li Laisi looked like a fool: "It sounds like the black vine can't move! But it seems that those root nodules should be used as nodes to temporarily take root and provide nutrients? The whip is quite loud, but not fast. Also, How can you go faster while plowing? You see, they are obviously heading towards the empty island, not us, am I right, Teacher Cang?"


Lao Wang was a little dumbfounded: "No, how can we fight like this? Those dogs are all huddled under the black vines, holding a turtle shell on their head."

"Just fight!"

Li Cang no longer pays attention to the elegance of the mage. He is the first to charge with giant weapons, the big magic wand dances wildly, the Burning of Isolaye blooms everywhere, and one person can just suppress the area two or three miles around. Scavengers scurried away with their heads in their hands.

Goudan hovered loyally above Li Cang, and from time to time he would set off a huge flame mushroom with a breath or simply create a burning path. Unfortunately, the two of them were beyond the reach of the nearby black vines.

Not to mention Big Leiko, this bitch simply rushed directly into the area where the crowd and the black vine were densest. With her own speed, skill, flash frequency and distance, even if the huge and clumsy black vine teamed up, Taking care of her specifically would probably not hurt Dalei Zi even half a hair.

Besides, what can I do if I get injured?

Lao Wang smacked his lips: "Wonderful!"

Figured it out?

Have you thought about it?

In short, a bunch of high-grade concentrated energy matrix flashed into the mouth of the electric mouse. This guy held the electric mouse as if he was carrying an RPG: "Here comes the assistant grandpa!"

The electric mouse was glowing green like a squirt gun, with clusters of rows of horizontal flames almost filling the ground within a radius of seven or eight miles around it, wailing all over the place.

So, who will do the output?

What a bastard~

The mighty gangsters found the place where the crowd was densely packed and rushed straight up!


This piece of shit has never been afraid of anyone. What are their identities? With a human face on their faces, they are doing a job that even big animals are not willing to do. Their lives are really not lives!

When the first form of the black vine was shattered and the scavengers were completely exposed to the outside, they actually looked very panicked. Otherwise, they would not have continued to hide around the black vine and use it as a talisman. Now when they saw this group of things, they looked at it. He came around to die generously without caring about his crotch, and his face turned green.

No one understands the characteristics of the alienated black vine better than them. The first delicacy on the black vine menu is undoubtedly the subordinate Sky Island, followed by the alienated blood life. There is not much interest in the subordinate itself, or in other words, even ordinary black people Vine, they only like to sink the subordinate islands and raise the subordinates or other alienated bloodline creatures to a certain scale before selectively having a gluttonous feast.

The content of alienated bloodline creatures is too high, but it will attract black vines to attack!



But where can they run? The original Ring Island model has been broken into tens of thousands of branches. They can't continue to hide in Black Vine and Black Vine Island to reap the benefits. The surroundings are densely packed and full of scoundrels. .

There is no escape.

The next second, the light above the head disappeared, and a black vine with a length of more than 10 kilometers fell heavily with thunderous momentum.


A ravine more than ten kilometers long and hundreds of meters wide appeared in the dense community of scavengers and doglegs. The solid land and rocks of the floating land were like water, with ripples visible to the naked eye. Hurricanes and shaking autumn winds swept away fallen leaves. Everything that was not strong enough around it was swept away and collapsed, turning flesh and blood into pulp and leaving no bones behind.

Then, the black vine laboriously squirmed its huge body like a fat snake. Countless trident-shaped slender air roots sprouted from the root nodules and nodules, piercing the ground, greedily digging out every inch of flesh, flesh, mud, and squeezing out every inch of flesh and blood. One point of nutrition.

"Huh?" Li Cang's eyes widened like two lanterns: "Is there such a good thing?"

Of course, this kind of movement could not be hidden from Li Cang's eyes. Before that, he had only seen the black vine island and the scattered black vine root nodule branches squirming towards his empty island, but he never thought that this thing was not controlled by scavengers. , not even friendly to them, these are completely two concepts!


Scavengers do not have the authority to hang hair and pray, and are almost on the same level as the betrayers. How can they control such a level of alienated bloodline creatures, and they are not surnamed Du or Wang, so why should they?

Li Cang gritted his teeth, feeling sorry for my dogs!

"Bring those black vines over here!"


"Stop talking nonsense!"

There are more than 800,000 scavengers who don't even have their own skills. No matter how high the panel data is, it's still fake. The losers let them go and kill them as they please. Today, I'm going to do it with Black Vine Island!

After the artillery position and a group of destiny servants carrying the cauldron deliberately released the water, the black vines were scattered all over the floating land. The black vines with nodules as roots were no longer disturbed, and the speed of creeping finally increased. There was about one of the first batch About 10 of them are less than 5 kilometers away from Li Cang Kong Island. The huge root nodules are waving countless long and short twisted black vines with no leaves, and they can finally bring Li Cang's Sky Island into the attack range.

But it was not Heiteng who exploded first, but the tomb beast lurking inside the island.

If the Tomb Suppressor Beast was just a small potted plant before, it has now completely grown into a towering tree, with thousands of tentacles bursting out of the earth and entangling the black vines that it has always regarded as food.

If the Tomb Slayer Beast had a memory, it might vaguely recall the miserable past when it was just a 400-ton seedling and was despised by the black vine?

He's a girl, sweep the floor gracefully, bring it to you!

The entire floating land seemed to be almost filled with two completely different tentacles, waving, colliding, entangling, and twisting all over the sky. The length was measured in kilometers and the thickness was often hundreds of meters. It was truly earth-shaking.

The total number of tentacles of the tomb-suppressing beast is probably several million, but they are not all of the same thickness and length. In fact, there are only a few dozen tentacles that can reach 3 to 5 kilometers in length, and Li Cang has not discovered this yet. The thing has the meaning of dividing the trunk.

But even just a few dozen is amazing enough.

The natives of the Sandor Island Chain have completely become onlookers at this time. They simply do not understand what virtues and abilities I have in the Sandel Island Chain. Two monsters are waiting for me alone. Do I have this blessing?

They once thought that the vast sea of ​​servants of fate and the dragon beasts that covered the sky had reached their limit.

What is this?

What is that?

Who the hell am I?

Even in their wildest dreams, they could not have imagined that the entire scene would get out of control to this extent in just a few minutes - by the way, is it so popular to raise this kind of tentacle monster in your orbit? What does it eat? What to drink? How much carbon emissions? Is applying chemical fertilizers and pesticides green and pollution-free?

Facts have proven that when a person's brain is down, he can talk nonsense and open up all kinds of imagination. An overloaded brain is like a compromised server, full of garbled codes and data, but it can't finish the journey at all. A normal thread.

Li Cang's eyes were shining brightly, and even Lao Wang was surprised: "The Tomb Suppressor Beast hasn't advanced yet? Has it not advanced? Did I remember correctly? How can it be played like this?"

No matter what kind of strength it is, it is not worthy of being rampant in front of the 220 million tons of Tomb Suppressor beasts blessed by the Gray Knights, and this thing is based on an empty island of nearly 100 square kilometers as an egg shell!

There was no skill in the beating and collision, and the two sides were entangled and twisted into braids. It basically turned into a duel of size and weight. Li Cang suddenly felt that the little coin boy did not evaluate the strength value of this kind of thing and only showed " X" actually makes some sense, well, just a little bit.

For more than ten minutes, the earth shook and the mountains shook. More than a dozen black vines were uprooted and nodulated, and dragged forcefully into the criss-crossing abyss of Li Cangkong Island, leaving huge nodules stuck outside the cracks. If you don't go in, it's like a huge butt planted on an empty island.

The main body of Black Vine Island crawling on the floating land seemed to have some kind of connection with these branches. After more than ten black vines were filled into the empty island, the main body of Black Vine Island suddenly started to move, using every vine on its body as a reference. He was so satisfied that he actually "plucked" himself out of the empty island he was living on.

The goal is clear!

It is more difficult to move than to divide the plant, dragging out millions of trident-shaped roots between it and the empty island like pulling threads - it is said to be roots, but in fact every one of this thing The thickness of the roots ranges from more than ten meters to tens of meters.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

Oh, there are no eyes, and there is no earth-shattering murderous aura or anything like that. After all, everyone is actually from plants, let’s just say they look like plants.

After a series of operations such as the "cancer" bullet on the dog egg, the main core of Heiteng Island has shrunk more than ten times compared to its previous exaggerated size. However, with this action, the entire floating land is really experiencing an eight-magnitude earthquake. The land base at every corner is cracking and collapsing.

"Mom sells batches."

Lao Wang was already paralyzed and had basically given up fighting completely, staring blankly with his eyes wide open.

The worst thing is for the scavengers. They are left alive on Black Vine Island to fight with another island. They are surrounded by a large group of servants of fate who act as living walls. The branches were stabbed and massacred in the back.

In such a big scene, does it matter whether you have a strength value of tens of C or hundreds of C? Is it meaningful?

Maybe, maybe not.

Everyone and the servants of fate are like sand in a river between the main body of Black Vine Island and the thousands of branches, being tossed around. As long as they run a little slower and are sucked in, even traces of their existence will be lost. Can't find it.

The main body of the black vine moved very slowly. Thousands of branches finally arrived first, burying Li Cangkong Island in layers. The [Vitality] bar of the tomb-suppressing beast instantly turned on the roller coaster mode, with violent explosions of tens of thousands. Increase and decrease suddenly.

"Go back. Your island and the little lady's island will be ready to open protective fields at any time." Li Cang said, "If it doesn't work, we will force them to be sealed!"

"Full protection?"

"Full amount!"

To protect the entire sky island without leakage, even the aftermath of the battle between Tomb Beast and Black Vine, conservatively estimates that the number of Destiny Coins consumed per second would be tens of thousands.

"This, is this okay?"

“You have to do it even if you don’t!”

Li Cang could even hear the wailing of his empty island being shattered. There was really nothing on his empty island that could be destroyed in a physical sense. The mill was basically a different dimension. Whatever it was that had nothing to do with the mill, Lao Wang's was empty. The island is not good, the four people's homes are on it, and the insect nest is related to the settlement of the orbital cycle.

Li Cang casually fired a few rounds and overturned a piece of densely populated land: "Goudan returned to the island and looked at the greetings, Lao Wang used the cancer bullet, Big Leizi gave a weak lightning, Miss Yueyun hit the main body of the black vine, I...cough .Wait until I save up a lot of blood and explode first.”



Li Cang didn't expect that things would reach such an outrageous level. He wanted to scrape the land in a comfortable way, but who would have expected that such a natural disaster-level scene would happen?

Super class.

out of control.

Sure enough, my magic is still too weak, and my road to becoming a magician is long and difficult!

Goudan was busy there with barbecue and floating force field, which was almost equivalent to scraping. Finally, he was so angry that he took advantage of the black vine's main body to freeze after being hit by a moonfall, and added a solid claw attack. Turning around and running away, a huge piece of one-twenty-thirty-third of the main core of the black vine was killed. The vines broke countless times, and the black slime flowed into a river.

Unfortunately, the black vine healed itself in just a few minutes.

Compared with plant-level vitality, the walking zombies must be considered gentle and amiable.

Li Laixi also ended her meaningless work and returned to Li Cang: "This can't continue like this. More than one-third of the group of scavengers were beaten to death by black vines and crushed to death. Once the laws of war are over, the tomb-suppressing beasts will I can’t stand Black Vine at all!”

Li Cang's eyes gradually turned red: "Then let them die less and die more slowly!"

Li Laisi: "."

Lao Wang: "."

Who knows how much sanity Li Cang still has left at this time, and it is obviously even more irrational to reason with him.

However, perhaps Teacher Cang's subconscious thoughts finally affected the doglegs. They no longer risked their lives to lure the black vines into the crowd of scavengers as before, but even started to actively rescue the injured out of the danger zone, even using their arms and legs in a sling. , the humanitarian spirit is heart-warming.

Sandor Island Chain: "?"

Scavenger: "?"

Thank you for your concern. After taking the test, there is still no positive, and the symptoms are not very similar. If it is just a cold, I can only say that I am dumbfounded. My head is buzzing!

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