Ding dong, the password is correct.

As we all know, once someone starts to say something similar to this on the empty island, the unfortunate situation is usually a direct physical connection between the inter-island hardware, and if you are lucky,

Can hit twice.

Even three times.

Li Cang + Li Laixi + Lao Wang: (ω)

The Three Musketeers have fallen countless times, but the little lady has never triggered the special lighting effect, not even once!

"The little lady is starting to be sociable."

"Children can be taught."


Tai Xiaoyi couldn't laugh or cry: "Do you dare to be more boring?"

To put it bluntly, she was born with a timid and weak character, and she was very timid. It was only after hanging around with these three crazies all day long that she gradually became, no, to be precise, she was gradually distorted. !

But until now, Tai Xiaoyi is actually not able to understand the brain circuits of the three people who always accompany us with death like the wind. Yong is really brave and really brave. Others are trembling on the track and fearful. They are on the track. It's just like a spring breeze. It's a bit puzzling to see a den of zombies and strange beasts, like a naughty child rushing up after seeing milk.

The word death is indeed far away from the three of them, but the pain will still hurt!

Recently, she has also browsed a lot of posts from subordinates on the track. She compared them horizontally, vertically, left, and right. She did not find any track slave who was busier and more tossing than them. A small dozen every three days, a dozen every five days. Even if it rains, you won’t spank your children so diligently!

And it is obvious that the dangers faced by others are not on the same level as the various events they often (note, often) experience in terms of intensity. Most of the orbital slaves are still struggling with the bulk corpse tide in the first and second stages. As for Yejima, it’s difficult to pick out hundreds of three-stage animals.

What about them?

Which one of the recent sea of ​​misery, fantasyland, dirty sea of ​​corpses and sea of ​​tranquility is easy to mess with?

Tai Xiaoyi is so afraid that if they continue to make wishes like this, if they continue to develop like this, what will stand in their way will be all the four-stage trolls and then Black Mist Island and Black Vine Island bombarding them.

Tai Xiaoyi was so distracted that she didn't know where the topic had gone, so she heard Li Leisi ask: "Didn't you get a swan back a few days ago? Where is it kept?"

"Dog." Li Cang said one word and suddenly remembered how long it had been. The dog-legged guy who brought the swan down had now become the arms, legs and head of who knows who. "I forgot. Ordinarily, It’s time for the little swan to hatch, don’t let Lao Wang’s prodigal eagle sneak it away!”

"Who are you to blame? Our golden eagle baby never eats those weird things!"

"You can't beat the swan, right?"


Both of them are first-level rookies. It’s hard to say who will win and who will lose if they are put together.


Being a mother means being strong?

"Why do you suddenly think of asking this?"

"Oh!" Li Leisi pointed to the sky above the left side of the group of people: "I want to ask if that stupid bird belongs to our family. Yes, it is the inner bird that acts as a windbreaker for wild ducks or geese!"

Li Cang: "."

Lao Wang glanced at the huge, out-of-place figure of the herringbone leader: "Damn, these stupid birds are so upset. The wind-breakers today are so awesome! I tell you!"

The Harmony is used as the front of the tractor, isn't it awesome?

Perhaps because he had had enough of it, the whooper swan flew back leisurely from a far distance beyond the reach of his sight, got into a movable skylight on the side of the island base of the insect nest, and went back to take care of his baby.

Lao Wang was finally full and put down his bowl: "Do you think Teacher Cang has a connection with this kind of big pot of meat? Every time he throws a bunch of messy stuff in and makes a casual meal, it tastes so delicious. Hey, it's amazing. "

Tai Xiaoyi said rigorously: "Is it because you use your heart?"

Li Cang: "."

A big pot, big meat, big bones, and good firewood. No matter how you think about it, the meat bones and soup will not be unpalatable, right?

He originally planned to talk to them, but the radar suddenly beeped. Li Cang stepped on the big Kunkun and got into the rain curtain, disappearing on the side of the sky island. It took about an hour. When he went out, it was the big Kunkun himself, but when he came back he had changed. The adult dog Kun fused together and struggled to drag a wild island to the shore, a pancake-shaped multi-layered honeycomb structure with sixteen, seventeen stories and four to five kilometers in height.

"Uh" Lao Wang was stunned for a moment: "Can Kongdao still grow like this?"

There are horizontal gaps deep into the interior between each layer, like the sandwich of biscuits. The island is full of bones of dead animals. When the wind blows, it brings out a fishy stench like rotting sludge from the deep gaps.

"More than that." Li Cang pointed to the low rock crevices that penetrated laterally into the interior: "There are more interesting ones."

About two minutes later, rustling noises came from the third rock crevice. A group of short dwarfs with extremely large heads, long arms and short legs came out of it. They screamed and roared and surrounded a few who were working hard. The idiots who destroyed the island.


Er Gouzi kicked these things away impatiently. A dozen dwarf zombies rolled into a ball. Among them, the lung bone that Er Gouzi kicked in the front was obviously deflated. A dozen companions saw this. Immediately drag it back to the gap in the rock formation, swarm it and eat it.

Maybe it was because there was too much noise outside to demolish the island, or maybe he was sensitive to the smell of blood. Countless pairs of green eyes soon appeared in the shadows of more than a dozen rock crevices up and down, staring at the outside, staring at the dog legs, with greedy eyes. And fear.

The eyes of the dwarf zombies are huge, like the aliens often seen in movies, but under natural light they present a grayish-white shadowy feeling, and they look not very sensitive, but they shine brightly in the shadows. Obviously, they have fully adapted to being active in the dark. Most of the zombie bones on the surface of the wild island are from their own compatriots, and occasionally there are some strange small animals, such as uneaten bat wings, vulture beaks and claws.

"Goblin!" Lao Wang shouted excitedly: "I know this thing, isn't it a goblin, a white-skinned goblin! Is it full of these things?"

"I roughly marked it with the live map, and there are at least four or five thousand in it."

"Hey, hey, you two, this is obviously more like Gollum!"

"Given that these things are so fragile, there should be no other ones around."

No matter what the other thing is, anything else can dig up their ancestors' graves anyway. It may be a problem whether five, seven or eight of these things can subdue an ordinary ugly zombie.

The four of them were somewhat amused. The alienated blood creatures are basically based on the principle of raising combat power beyond the norm. This is the first time I have seen someone who has alienated himself into a grunt, which can be regarded as adding a certain amount of fun to the track line.

This is the third day of being a mute. I can't speak human language at all, and no one can understand me when I speak. Then, the red spots that look like subcutaneous bleeding appear all over my body, disappearing during the day and appearing at night. I am weak, abnormally weak. I would like to call it the weakness of getting out of bed after a caesarean section, and a little unconscious

It is recommended that you must be cautious in the short period of recovery, friends, be cautious.

The day before yesterday, I saw the big brother in the opposite building fully armed with two layers of down jackets, wearing a leather hat and leather gloves, and went downstairs to throw away garbage after recovery. Yesterday, I asked in the owner group, "Are you okay, brother?"

He said, "Yeah, I am fine, and I lie down again with a high fever."

The Northeast strongman weighing more than 200 pounds can only whimper when he speaks, and the grievance can be felt through the screen.

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