After handing Lao Wang a satisfactory answer sheet with his fist, it was unknown whether Wang's fortune had moved or not. In the subsequent routine inspection, Li Cang found an unexpected surprise in the recent raw material archive - a large number of high-quality zombie materials transformed from followers with vacant bloodlines.

Generally speaking, after reaching a certain standard of strength, the probability of followers being infected and transformed into zombies is very, very, very low. For example, the probability of followers who have their own abilities and are transformed into zombies, such as Yamei's predecessor, Ms. Elegant, is even more touchingly low. Even if infected, even if they cannot pray for a cure, even if there is no medicine, most followers will only die from bloodline conflicts and collapse in the end, rather than being transformed into zombies.

And the unowned obviously bypassed this plan perfectly.

The unowned are not scavengers on the loop line. Most scavengers are infected after having the ability to pray. The unowned usually refer to people who have not established the ownership of the sky island. They cannot perform a series of operations such as praying.

In terms of probability, the chance of the alienated blood infecting their blank bodies is much higher than that of infecting normal subordinates. One is the Three Gorges flood discharge, and the other is a urine test sample.

From Tili to Mu Shenlu, two floating lands that have been wandering in the jump channel for countless years, with the same rich connotations and the same abundance of unowned people.

Li Cang doesn't know what the connection is between the two, but he always feels that it shouldn't be that simple.

Although the unowned people in these two places have missed two years of the outside world and have almost no knowledge of the wishes and the little coin cubs, with the support of the forum, it is not difficult to instill this amount of knowledge. Instead, they have gained potential that other subordinates can hardly reach, countless years of accumulated coins, and extremely advanced physical fitness.

With these two points alone, even if you copy homework, you can copy the prospect of turning a bicycle into a motorcycle, right?

Li Cang hid Tili and Mu Shen Lu from the public, and there was still some selfish motive behind it. The situation at the base was complicated, and it was the right choice to be prepared for any eventuality. Moreover, the benefits and prospects of letting Jin Yujing run the business would be brighter.

Li Cang thought a lot for a while, and only came to his senses when Xiaobizi gave the final feedback.

[The question asked by the subordinate Li Cang ‘Cang’ was not reasonable. This kind of zombie could not evolve into a new destiny servant or second son of the bloodline as an independent alienated bloodline variety. One destiny coin was charged for this question.]

This answer was expected.

The zombies transformed from the non-attribute did not produce any changes in the major categories. Whether it was a heavy armored zombie or a heavy armored zombie, a sickleman or a sickleman, the only difference was that their starting point was far higher than the average level of the same category, and to be more specific, the basic attributes were beyond the outline.

Xiaobizi did not give an additional sacrifice recycling price for this type of zombie material, and he searched as usual.

Seeing that the business was over, Lao Wang, who had been quiet for a long time, suddenly burst into flames: "Li Cang, you are fucking trying to supplement me! You beast, the luck I finally saved is worth it and you are using me as a cauldron? Big thunder?" Go ahead and get rid of him, he's going to kill you with the metal!"

Although the little coin boy doesn't give any preferential treatment to these walking corpses, Lao Wang knows their value very well——

High-quality bloodline fragments and destiny servant embryos!

It's true that they don't have any use for this kind of thing, but there are many subordinates rushing to get it. It has a price but no market, okay?

Therefore, Lao Wang felt that there was nothing wrong with his thinking.

Ah, then you asked me to save notes and pray to disturb the alloy. Good guy, I tried so hard to hold back the foreplay for such a long time. My little lady’s bear was almost flattened. No, it was swollen due to wear and tear, and she got a beating.顿揍就TM爱情转移了是吧,这弔毛简直是在搞老子的心态! It's totally treasonous!

Metaphysics is all about feeling! Well, now I feel like I'm gone, you fucking have to pay me! Pay!!

Li Cang: "."

To be honest, he really felt guilty.

These materials were not even analyzed by the endless analysis process of the mill, but he caught a glimpse of them during routine inspections. From the perspective of sacrificial value, if you don't look at them carefully, you can't see any difference in quality. If you miss this glimpse, you might be sacrificed directly or evolved into a second son of the bloodline one day, and they won't be picked out and processed separately.

In this way, it's basically no different from a windfall.

According to the market price of similar items sold last time, the value of this batch of zombie materials sorted out must be at least tens of millions. If you don't keep them in reserve and release them in a wave, it is likely to directly overturn and smash the relevant industrial chain of the 3/7 base.

"Wait." Li Leisi suddenly said, "There are almost no zombies or living people on the other side of the warp channel, but the zombies that emerge from the channel have never stopped, and most of them have male signs. Is there another entrance to this warp point? For example, the warp island chain?"

"I noticed it too." Lao Wang nodded and said in a messy way, "Will it be similar to the two-way three-way in Teacher Cang? You see, when Teacher Cang transmitted there and when we transmitted back, there was no restriction, and the delay was about ten minutes. What about the boundary of the island chain? It must have been more than fifteen minutes, and it was killing people. The boundary must have been warped, right? Even the warp rules are different. Besides, with the speed of refreshing zombies without cooling over there, the entire island chain should have been filled up long ago, so how could a bunch of people playing with hot weapons have a chance to complain?"

This Diao Mao's order of speaking and logical relationship have always been very casual, and the three of them have long been accustomed to it.

"But where did the zombies over there come from?"

"Is there another passage connected to it?"

"It's not impossible." Li Cang raised his eyes and looked at the jump channel that was as bright as a small sun and continued to release zombie rain: "At least it can explain why the rules here are so special, right?"

"Oh, is this an explanation? It's obviously more confusing!"

Li Cang shrugged: "If you want a standard answer, go to Mother Earth. Just call her and see if she dares to agree."


Well, he doesn't dare, otherwise wouldn't I really become the protagonist?

Although they have been walking on thin ice with an uncertain future, the special situation this time still makes a few people feel anxious. Fortunately, the jump island chain did not run over directly, otherwise God knows what will happen, Zombie Weaving If I can't do it again and again, I feel very melancholy.

Li Cang was extremely attentive to this and even enjoyed it. There was a big hole in the jump channel in the sky. The walking corpses and zombie monsters that fell from a height of dozens of kilometers either hit the island in the air or directly hit it. The lava river at the lower level is bubbling, so there is no way to resist.

Teacher Cang wanted to call it corpse-picking, a real corpse-picking. He really regretted it. Why was it that only Big Kunkun and a group of insects on the island were flying units?

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