The entrance to the underground seal is heavily guarded, and the mountains are covered with lush forests.

The ecological environment of Tilly's floating land, or the "alienated ecology", has been fully preserved under Li Cang's suggestion. The effect is obvious. Although it requires constant internal friction with the zombie tide and the threat of various alien beasts, this move Tili was provided with a large number of destiny servant embryos and contracted mounts. The people under the aunt's command achieved a lot of benefits through the two-mountain round battle training, and even the combat effectiveness of the slave soldiers was quite strong.

The long slave army camp was filled with the stench of sweat, yelling, and the fishy and roasted body odors of various alien animals. After the underground seal entrance was moved, it was built into an impregnable fortress. There are wide caves extending downward for more than ten kilometers. There is running water, gentle breeze, artificially excavated stepped platforms and various buildings, brightly lit, and the smell is even slightly fresher than the tents in the forest outside.

The little aunt pursed her lips and introduced seriously: "The combat zone is 15 kilometers away, with a vertical height of more than 6 kilometers from the ground. Usually large-scale mobilization and guard changing use this kind of rail cage pulled by small trains in series. It is simple and crude. It’s a bit off, but the protection and safety are very high. Even if there is a leak, you can survive the zombie wave for a while, here is.”

Qiao Shasha obviously stole the job of sealing the underground garrison officer, but as a result, a group of people had to laugh and respond in fear.

"Yes, yes, your lord is really meticulous about everything. He even understands such inconspicuous things."

"The seal is absolutely safe now and will not pose any threat to Tili City. We also capture some walking corpses from time to time and place them in the Forbidden Forest to fight against strange beasts and serve as their food. All of this is under the instruction of the lord. The decision was made after careful calculation and approval by the Secretariat.”

"After discovering the two-way jump point, there may be some cascading effects. The pace of alienation of the zombies is very fast. Compared with the previous quarter, the average quality of the zombies is at least 2 to 5 points better."

"It is said on the forum that if there is external stimulation and the food and other conditions are suitable, the progress of alienation of the walking dead will be very fast. We will send teams to the jump point to explore every day. We are well aware of the situation there and can be ready at any time if necessary. We are sure to win the jump point.”

"It would be a pity to do that. The fusion jump point needs to clear out most of the walking dead beasts. Now this thing is a cornucopia, an innate resource and wealth that other sky islands, orbital islands, bases and settlements do not have. Training troops The improvement effect is excellent, and it’s not a last resort.”

"Old Xu is right. Even if you take the jump point, there is no need to directly change it into a channel that can only be used to connect a certain region. That is simply a waste of resources and a kind of tragedy. I guarantee with my career that this source The jump points where zombies and beasts are constantly emerging will definitely become the cornerstone for Tili to integrate into the first echelon and become stronger quickly!”

"More than that, I never thought of it before. Now that I think about it, this thing is simply Tili's biggest trump card."

Although the way these people spoke inevitably gave Li Cang the feeling that the base's three major defense forces were competing for positions at different times and in different places, it was undeniable that the people under Qiao Shasha were really reliable. With recognition flashing in their expressions, a group of military representatives from Tili City State finally breathed a sigh of relief.

That's the ultimate wolf destroyer who can tear Tili apart with his hands and send her away.

Maybe the little aunt and Fu Jinxin are not good enough, but the more obsessed with improving themselves and addicted to martial arts, the more they can feel an unpredictable and frightening smell from this master. It's hard to describe, but it is The kind of guy who looks harmless to humans and animals, but secretly has some bad hobbies like bloodletting, collecting scalps, skulls, and wine glasses.

Especially for the garrison chief Aigler Sochi, who has a keen intuition due to his bloodline. When did he become so gentle, respectful and courteous? As a prison officer, he used to greet prisoners and subordinates with great memory. In order to break through their psychological defenses or achieve a certain desired effect, they always remind them to think about your family. But facing this master, Aigler Sochi repeatedly warned himself, think about my family.

This young and handsome guy may have killed more people than the walking zombies he has ever seen!

The indifference in his eyes made Aigler, the garrison commander whose main job is to kill walking corpses every day, find it unbearable. Aigler would like to call it arrogant, but that is not arrogance, but simply incompetent. Treating them as humans is a complete disregard, not in terms of personality and attitude, but in a physical sense, because Aigler can't find even a little respect for life in him, and he feels that people like him are In his eyes, there is no difference between him and a group of zombies who can talk, walk and think!

"Damn it, if you haven't killed 8,000 people with your own hands, you will never look at people like this. Fake, how does this horse riding look like you are looking at people?"

"Huh, let's think about it from another angle. Our Tiili backstage is really fucking tough!"

"Fortunately, fortunately!"

Aigler is one of the few distant relatives left in Minsk. His personality is almost the opposite of that of the unreliable Earl of Minsk. Before Li Cang arrived for the first time, he was considered to have some martial virtues in Tili, and he was very good at martial arts. After being recommended by Shan Juan, he finally got the key position of Chief of the Underground Seal Garrison. Therefore, I am very grateful to Shan Juan and Qiao Shasha. They can now be regarded as the backbone of the team.

Coming to the underground sealed battlefield, the entire fortress is divided into 7 independent corridors, 5 of which are in wartime status. The number of zombies in each battlefield is generally maintained at around 3,000 to 5,000. Li Cang took a few glances and said, "Not bad, that timer should be able to be sealed at any time?"

"Yes, respected Li Cang, the new prayer technology can seal these 7 venues for up to 10 hours at the same time, leaving enough rest time for soldiers and slaves. If one of them is sealed alone, the longest time can be maintained for 72 hours."

Li Cang nodded: "These zombies have indeed become stronger than when I came last time. The corpse nests outside don't seem to be preserved much, but you can try to train some good players to go there to deal with some of the corpse nests that show alienated characteristics, which should be able to effectively control the alienation speed of zombies. In addition to their own alienation, the alienation of zombies is also related to the corpse nests. If a favorable alienation feedback is recorded by the corpse nest, then the next batch of zombies is likely to produce this alienation in batches. "

"So that's how it is!" Aigle's eyes lit up: "Recently we have been a little worried about the alienation speed of these zombies. If it exceeds our tolerance, we will inevitably have to remove the jump point in the end. I feel relieved when you say that!"

"Let's set up a group to study the dynamics of the forum." Li Cang said: "There are many situations on the orbital line. Many times I have to find information on the forum to supplement my knowledge points. After all, the things that can be encountered on one or two orbital islands are limited. The things that are gathered and exchanged on the forum will be very helpful. The updated zombie and monster catalogs of non-orbital islands should also be paid attention to. After all, they have a larger base and more information sorted out. "

"Okay, but the lord already has a special group, and we have..."

"The more the better." Qiao Shasha said immediately, and then glanced at Li Cang: "Hey, call everyone over. My man is here, and we have to let everyone know who is the real boss, right?"

Li Cang's mouth twitched immediately. Knowing your second uncle knows, knowing a hammer knows.

"It's meaningless to stay underground all day anyway, why not give them a holiday to go back and spend time with their families? You have to find a way to spend the wages you earn here!"

Aigler didn't understand what it meant for a while, Fu Jinxin had already opened the other two battlefields under Qiao Shasha's instruction, and shouted through the loudspeaker: "Ahem, the Lord has ordered that the garrison troops, the rotating troops and the servants should all withdraw from the battlefield. From now on, your brother-in-law will temporarily take over your work. The specific time of resuming work will be notified separately. Pack your luggage and you will have a holiday!"

After a moment of silence, the cheers almost lifted the seal of the underground.

Looking at the bloodline second son army coming out of the open portals one by one, Aigle was speechless. Well, although it was a bit hasty, what soldier doesn't like to have a holiday?


Aigler likes it too! He hadn't seen his wife for 16 days, hadn't eaten her cooking, and hadn't hugged her warm and fragrant body to have a good time!

Speaking of which, the young Minsk cousin got his aunt pregnant within three weeks of marriage, and now the child has been born. This is a world-shaking event in the Sochi family, which has a small population and difficulty in having offspring. Minsk cousin was the talk of the town.

Look at others, and then look at yourself. You are nearly 40 years old and still idle in the tunnel. If you continue like this, you will be ridiculed and preached by the elders who have finally survived. You dare not stand up straight at family gatherings. You must work harder. People's dignity is all built by themselves!

In short,

Long live the lord!

Brother-in-law, uh. Long live the prince?

All seven alloy and rock fortresses lit up safety lights, and a large number of demon mountain lackeys set out on the battlefield. The soldiers and slaves inside evacuated in an orderly manner amid the scolding and scolding of their superiors. Everyone's face was filled with joy and relaxation, perhaps mixed with a little confusion.

Tili has been in a sustainable state of war since the two hundred years of high-pressure rule of the Ministry of Doctrine and the Inquisition.

First, Usman and the Tili people bitterly explained the pros and cons, and then the underground seal and the zombie monsters had a heart-to-heart exchange, and then plunged into the track line, never stopping at all

Although the aunt is now doing her best to implement the rotation system in the underground seal, how many people are there in Tili? At most, there are only more than a million people. Facing the jump channel with a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, no matter how much people change, the speed of adapting to the rhythm can't keep up with the refresh frequency of zombies.

To put it bluntly, Tili's traditions have caused these soldiers, slaves, and a large number of ordinary people to not understand what normal life is, and they don't know what they can do without endless fighting.

What is the most popular profession in Tili?



Doctors and psychologists!

Tili's per capita combat power is off the charts, but there are many disabled patients, soldiers with various psychological and physiological diseases such as PTSD, and even ordinary people. Doctors and psychologists with the skill level of their destiny have become a noble and widely recognized emerging profession in Tili, where the atmosphere is becoming increasingly harmonious.

Therefore, the confusion in the eyes of these soldiers and slaves has become easy to understand.

Fighting is not just a job where they can get paid, eat, become strong, and obtain mating rights and priority selection rights, but their lives, which have been integrated into their DNA. Soldiers who are used to 996 and 007 suddenly get an outrageous rhetoric of an unlimited short vacation. Cheers and joy are just instincts. In the end, what is left is the panic and horror that is no less than that of ordinary ugly people who are unemployed in middle age.

When these soldiers, who are either dazed or excited, lined up and walked out of the fortress passage, and saw the hideous monsters who took over their jobs, most of the soldiers felt as if their hearts were suddenly empty.

They are different from slave soldiers. Slave soldiers have no human rights, let alone family, welfare, and work. It is not a pity to die.

But soldiers are different. They have elderly parents and children at home, and they may have several sweet concubines or mistresses at home. A decent and respected job and a generous salary are the lifeblood of their lives to maintain all this and make themselves satisfied and others envious.

These things in front of him looked much stronger than himself and his servants of fate. It was not just a visual impact, but they were really revealing the taste that they could not afford to offend and their business level was higher. No matter how you look at this situation, isn't it a standard template of unemployment crisis?

This is too scary and desperate!

After joy comes emptiness, and after emptiness comes suffocation, so that some of these soldiers who bleed more than sweat have some overly intense imaginations and even shed tears on the battlefield and sobbed

Aigleir was confused, and all the military representatives and officers responsible for the underground seal were confused!

What's the matter?

What the hell is this?

What the hell are you bastards doing!

There is no more ugly accident in the world than this. The big boss and the big boss's backers came to inspect. We just praised you to the sky. You are the iron and steel army that I am proud of and have trained and experienced hundreds of battles. Is this how you treat me?

I don't care what you are crying about, but you are crying for me now. You are sending me to the funeral home for people to see!

If I can't make a name for this matter today, all the people who take over my position will point at my sign and say: See, this is the famous weirdo Aigler Sochi, the loser who turned the army into a professional funeral group, the number one idiot who has never been seen before and will never be seen again in the modern history of Tili!

Aigler's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, with blue in the black and scarlet in the blue. Bloodshot instantly covered his eyes, and the blood vessels in his temples were bulging as if they were about to explode. He even pulled the "Tearer" crossbow of the Supervisory Team off the base and held it against his chest. His hoarse roar echoed in the depths of the underground fortress: "What the hell! What! Is! Going on!!"

It can't be said that Aigler's psychological endurance is too fragile or his personality is extreme, because other military representatives and officers are in almost the same state.

Under Tili's weird system is a deformed thinking logic and shockingly cruel competition. There are countless people waiting for them to make mistakes and covet their positions. If they flip today, it will spread throughout the floating land in less than tomorrow, and then they will be sprayed, coughed, and impeached by a group of stupid, big, black people whose heads are filled with muscle energy and have nowhere to vent!

It's hard to find someone with brains, but there are Tilis with long fists everywhere. The crisis on the track is not something that anyone can handle. But who can't do this job of fighting zombies?

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