The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1307: My dad is a giant meow who knows how to be warm and caring!

[Teasing the Laws of War] The deterrence of this kind of thing, even within the business comfort zone and professional profession of a person like Teacher Cang, must be at the level of a beast. Being hit on the head by this thing can really drive people crazy on the spot.

Just because Lao Wang can withstand six small-caliber energy matrix cannons doesn't mean he can withstand another one. If he doesn't want to waste his transformation ability in such a garbage scene, being a saddle for the Magic Mountain Master can't be considered at the same time. Insulting both parties.

An almost hysterical bombardment came down, and the roar finally stopped temporarily.

Going down to the miniature high-speed ship and up to the thousand-meter-class giant ship transformation island, the angle of the ship is adjusted along with the hum of various instruments to facilitate observation and continue the next round of fire coverage.

The Demonic Mountain was engaging in pit wrestling with the opponent's army of destiny servants while waving their own health bars. The firepower of various collector's editions or cool girl editions had tried to avoid those areas. Lao Wang shouted: "Haha, I'm shit. Nothing happened!”

Although Li Cangren's posture on Gou Kun's back was weird, he just sucked blood with one hand and two hands and was as steady as an old dog. It was as peaceful and far-reaching as Buddha sitting on a lotus platform, and it was so dense that mosquitoes accidentally wandered in and you had to look at the driveway. Energy beams, cannonballs, and bullets couldn't even make this guy move his noble hips even a little.

"I'm very disappointed. If you die, I might be able to use your posts to defraud a lot of pensions on the forum." Li Cang said, "You idiot, the energy matrix cannon is not a missile. That thing can't turn. Do you need me to tell you some trivial knowledge? "

"I'm fine." Li Laisi held a half piece of armor plate unloaded from the deck of an unlucky ship on her head, stretched out a hand among a pile of corpses and soil, and waved dejectedly, "Thank you for your concern, I am If anyone can think of me."

"Corpses can't talk." The little lady compared her heart remotely, her voice sounded on the intercom channel, and she shot two ships that secretly turned their guns, "Leilei and I~"

"Muma, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~"

Li Cang pinched his eyebrows speechlessly and smiled evilly: "Old Wang, just make a gesture of wiping your neck or shooting at them. The one who is more handsome and the more fierce is better!"

Lao Wang poked out a big head from under the butt of a certain magic mountain: "Why? Why don't you compete?"

"Because it's silly and awkward."

Boom boom boom~

The twin tyrant cannons that were spread out by Li Cang on the empty island rumbled, and under the eyes of the opponent, on the opponent's empty island, and at various locations, they conducted a round of bloody and passionate baptism of their own ships.

Generally, the larger the caliber of the energy matrix gun, the longer the rigid cooling time required. This is almost irreparable by all the prayer materials and soft construction at this stage. The cooling of the main naval gun of more than 1200mm on the large kilometer-class ship It can even take more than half an hour.

Otherwise, how could Li Cang be willing to endure this round of bombardment with his vengeful nature? What he was waiting for was the opportunity for the ship's energy field and protective shield to be affected and weakened to the maximum extent before the gun smoke was gone.

Tens of thousands of single-barreled small hand cannons, whose caliber was not worth mentioning compared to the naval guns, created an unimaginable torrent of energy, swallowing up the satellite-like ships around the island like a storm and swallowing up the sky.



Still exploded.

The explosion and tongues of flames turned the sky into a Van Gogh painting. It was crazy, but at least some people were willing to admit that it was beautiful enough.

With the various metal debris ejected by the explosion, the war was directed to other ships, the transformation island and the floating land itself. Then, the second round of the Gemini Tyrant's concentrated fire began without stopping. Their ranges were compared to Compared with normal energy matrix cannons and those live ammunition weapons, it is really short, but it doesn't matter, it is short and powerful, as long as it can cover those ships, it proves that the size and length are completely sufficient.

No matter how powerful the ship is, it is not as strong as the most rubbish modified island. After all, the area of ​​the island and the attributes of the island that the ship can retain are basically non-existent, and the range of wishes it can pray for is pitifully narrow. Mao Dajin only has a few passports. It's just a field-enhanced weapon power buff.

Li Cang looked at the falling ships in the sky. Some of them could still retain their basic shapes, and some were simply fragmented fireballs.

"It's over, get ready to finish."

"What is the ending?"

"It means those guys may rush up and fight with you for a mortal fight." Li Cang took out a notebook and bit the pen barrel to write and draw. After calculating for a long time, he tore up the notebook and crushed the pen to pieces, "Fuck , these things are worthless at all! Miss, did you see the metal dome exposed under the rotten ground about 1 kilometer ahead of me? Blow a hole out, Goukun, get ready!"

After the explosion, Gou Kun tore up the crumbling metal dome with his claws and took Li Cang inside.

As Li Cang expected, the entire floating island had almost been hollowed out. Under various rough and tattered metal beam supports was a multi-layered urban structure with a smoldering cavern.

The maximum diameter of the entire Iron City in the heart of the island does not exceed 2.5 kilometers, with five floors up and down. Almost one-third of it was destroyed by landslides and rockfalls caused by the violent bombardment of energy matrix cannons. There were flames and lava everywhere, and countless people wearing Dirty and unkempt people put out fires, robbed, raped, and killed people inside.


Li Cang's face was full of despair. No wonder he had been swearing more and more frequently recently.

You don't need to think about this city full of metal blast furnaces to know that Wude needs this kind of thing because its support center is completely based on ships. Production, construction and service and after-sales - this is the last gold sales cave that should not exist in the world, no, This timi is simply a septic tank!

What is the concept of a steel forest with a diameter of 2.5 kilometers and five floors?

It is absolutely impossible for these guys to invest 50/50 in ships compared to Servants of Destiny, or even 70/30 is already a naive idea.

This group of bastards who are beautiful on the outside but filthy on the inside!

If this thing were replaced by a sorting center for alienated bloodline products of the same size, no, only half the size, Teacher Cang would have to utter a few words about their kindness even in his dreams.


The galloping Demon Mountain is in the final round of harvest-style swarm charge. As a large animal that can dazzle three 18-year-old young women in one mouth, the efficiency of eating by the masters of the Demon Mountain is unambiguous. In the opponent's servants of fate, After the second round of resurrection, they all chose to replace each other's birth point or graveyard with their own stomachs.

Being able to eat is a blessing.

Subordinates who don’t regard their destiny as their lifeblood are not worthy of having you. Just stay with my dad in your belly. My dad is famous for being a giant cat who knows how to hurt people when it’s cold or hot!

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