Compared to the soft or muddy areas in other areas of the main battlefield of the Floating Land, which are so soft and muddy that you can't get out of them once you step in, the area where the Bone Sister and the Silver Ridge beast Gamde are located is spotless. The two forms of plague clouds and the mutated evil energy fire make the whole atmosphere full of holiness and purity that cleanses the body and mind. As soon as Gamde appears, the thick blue ice crystals bloom in all directions with it as the center. Wherever it passes, all the zombies and strange beasts are frozen in the cold wave. The temperature of the entire Floating Land environment plummets, at least -60℃, and the air is so dry that it seems to squeeze all the moisture out of the bodies of people and various alienated creatures without a trace.


If you change to a less formal and relatively fantasy rhetoric, Li Cang would like to call it a domain.

Or, pseudo-power.

The spinal Gu, plague cloud, ghost bride, night parade of a hundred ghosts, floating force field, which can indirectly shape the battlefield environment, can be regarded as the same or similar things. Corresponding to the alienated blood creatures, Li Cang once suspected that this thing might be the precondition of "divinity", the embodiment of life levels and rules. Authority and power are the adjectives first mentioned by Xiaobizi and applied to Da Leizi, corresponding to shadow authority and night crown authority respectively. So far, Li Cang has never seen anything that can exempt Da Leizi's night crown power from weakening lightning, not even medicine ghosts and corpse weaving -

Except our mother.

Under the "arbitrary", it is a luxury for Da Leizi to have a transmission with Lilith, because that thing belongs to the shadow authority.

Of course, the divinity part is just a vague association. In short, anyone with similar abilities should not be taken lightly, just like the bloodthirstiness and calcium absorption of the Night Crown of Da Leizi. This kind of thing is almost cost-free and unreasonable regular suppression. There are only exemptions and non-exemptions, and there is no resistance in a relative sense.

The Silver Ridge behemoth Gamde easily created a frozen land with a radius of more than 100 kilometers. The temperature drop range covers the entire huge floating land. Within the range directly frozen by it, no matter in the sky or underground, no matter whether it is the walking corpse, the alien beast, the Zerg fate servant or the human subordinate, there are only a few people who can breathe with static energy. The frozen air units are even more unreasonable and just stand still in the air, as if even the air has solidified.

Some of the walking beasts were clearly at the fourth stage, but they were like a blade of grass or a bug and had no resistance in the face of the cold wave. Li Cang could no longer sense their life breath, which was instantly annihilated. Among the sporadic alienated blood creatures that were still breathing, there were still some that were barely at the third stage.

Even the first stage plague servants belonging to the bone sister were alive and kicking, which was particularly abrupt and eye-catching.

Li Cang jumped off the dog Kun and gently stroked the ice surface with his hand: "Extract vitality?"

Li Leisi smiled: "It's the temperature. After the lovely one comes to the island, we don't need to turn on the air conditioner anymore!"

"Who is it!"

"Who is stealing the vitality and soul that belong to me!"

"Damn thief, damn thief, maggot in the cesspool, I will cut you into pieces, brand your soul, throw it into the fire of purgatory for 10,000 years, and then throw it into the bottomless river of Hades for quenching, I-"

"Oh, my dear master, beautiful mistress, Liliana greets you!"

Liliana's roar The roar stopped abruptly, Li Cang and Li Leisi looked at each other, and after a moment, Li Leisi's eyes were subtle and said: "It's hooked up now?"

Li Cang: "This thing?"

"Yes, Master." Liliana replied, "I didn't receive any vitality feedback from this area. They are frozen under the ice, but I can move the Well of the Abyss here. Nothing can escape the burning of the fire of purgatory!"

Li Cang waved his hand: "This is quite clean. It's hard to find a place to stay."

More than clean

All the living creatures with brains on the entire battlefield were stunned and shrank back.

Now even just staying here has become a kind of torment and suffering, torturing the soul, polluting the blood, draining the vitality, sucking the calcium, disturbing the five senses, cancer, etc., etc., not to mention the hidden negative buffs that have been brushed down layer by layer, and now they are under the hard physical buffs of ice and fire. The addition of the Silver Ridge giant beast Gamde has become the last barbell that breaks the camel's back. Anyone who can still breathe and think is on the verge of collapse. The alienated Zerg moves stiffly like a grandmother carrying a wheelchair. The subordinates are in doubt as if they saw a grandmother who has passed away for many years carrying a wheelchair to pick them up. Even the usually strong dry food king zombie tide began to become chaotic and hesitated.

At least the alienated blood creatures on the floating land and the surrounding airspace have gradually carried all these things layer by layer, and have more or less a symbolic adaptation process. The most unfortunate ones are the "newborns" poured down by the warp storm node. They were first treated well by the warp storm and tidal belt, and then suffered this disaster as soon as they appeared. This is simply using a water pump to pump out their already pitiful blood bars. There is no need for the major armies in the mirage area to concentrate their fire. Being buried in the hills, their chance of survival is already shockingly low.

Li Lace boredly used the ferocious dragon blade to carve a simple stickman on the ice crystal ground. It looked a bit like Li Cang's bone shape: "Another giant beast species, this body shape makes me very embarrassed. The ferocious dragon blade is so short, it will take me three days to chop it with its neck horizontally!"

Li Cang shrugged.

There is no generation gap between him and things like body type, but it's a pity that now he already has a dime on his account, and not a drop of the full attribute blessing of the Soul Plate [Chao Fan Becomes Saint] is left, but it's [Qian Kun's Throw] The skill power gain reached an astonishing 7300%.

Li Cang said: "Who would have thought that Bone Girl could take on such a giant beast alone? I have a young girl in my family~"

On the ice, clouds of plague rolled, and the fire of evil energy blazed.

There were more than 10,000 little skeleton demons and a large number of plague servants scattered around Bone Girl and Silver Ridge Giant Beast Gamud. The plague servants were divided into two circles, inside and outside. The ones in the inner circle were swinging towards the giant regardless. The beast rushed forward, and then waited for Bone Girl to detonate like Timi, while those on the periphery went deep into the battlefield in all directions, attracting more plague servants as the corpse explosions gradually sounded.

The bone girl has grown to a height of more than 100 meters through the corpse-eating skills, and has shown an alternative posture that has never appeared before. Her main body still maintains the shape of a skeleton, but with the fairy aura fluttering and reaching the ground. Outside the skirt, she wore a grotesque and rugged hundred-year-old coat with countless faces as a cloak, highlighting the deviant nature of a Taoist demon.

Calculated purely based on the height of Bone Girl and the shoulder height of Silver Ridge Behemoth Gamud, the two are almost the same, but in front of Silver Ridge Behemoth's body length of more than 400 meters, Bone Girl is still slightly petite. , the painting style of Beauty and the Beast looks pitiful.

The delicate and boneless figure looks charming, and the wide-open and wide-open fighting posture is actually really moving, but it's just like the earth is shaking.

Yes, she was in a head-to-head confrontation with Gamud.

The scythe holding the chain was deeply embedded in the front shoulder blade of the Silver Ridge behemoth. Fel fire and plague clouds flowed under the behemoth's ice crystal armor. The chain hammer flew in the air and struck at various angles. Bone Girl was holding it in her hand. The cos big wand was swung like the scythe in the hand of Timi's god of death. With every collision, the ice crystal armor on the giant beast was mixed with the flames of fel fire and flew out for several kilometers, with arc-shaped shock waves wave after wave.

Compared to Bone Girl's Immortal Wind Dao Bone, the Silver Ridge behemoth Gamud appears to be particularly bulky.

Its close combat methods are inseparable from the limitations of its body structure, and are mainly based on proboscis, tusks, shoulder tops, and stepping. Although the skill list has a skill-level physical evaluation, and the timing of each action is very clever, it will still be able to do it after all. More than half a beat slower than Bone Girl.

But in fact, it is not in a weak position.

Its long fur and thick skin are surprisingly tough, and its ice crystal armor recovers almost as fast as the Bone Girl is detached from the body every time it is bombarded, so that it looks like it has not been injured at all.

Suddenly, the Silver Ridge behemoth raised its proboscis and its entire forelimbs high and stepped heavily onto the ground. The thick and hard ice crystal ground cracked with the center of its feet, and layers of thorny glaciers grew rapidly like rolling hurricane waves. Spreading in all directions, each circle formed was thicker and taller than the previous layer, and it moved forward ferociously at an angle of about 60°.

Bone Girl waved her scythe in a sweeping sweep, easily shattering the sharp icicles that were hundreds of meters high in front of her. However, she found that the Silver Ridge giant Gamud had already broken through layers of glaciers and charged in front of her with an overwhelming attitude. Its fangs were covered with thick thorns. So close.

Amidst the earth-shattering collision, Bone Girl flew backwards for at least ten kilometers, blasting several huge craters out of the icy land.


The chain suddenly stretched straight, and the sickle embedded in the shoulder blade of the giant beast was directly pulled out of the giant beast's body, almost completely amputating the right forelimb of the giant beast. Gamud let out a painful cry, knelt down heavily on the ground, and was even pulled by the chain. After gliding forward for a long distance, the thick thorn glacier was swept out of a smooth path by its huge body.

"Hiss!" Li Cang bared his teeth at the sight, and a stream of blood shot out of his ear hole and quickly froze into ice. "Fortunately, this charge skill is not useful for little cubs like us!"

"What do you mean, why don't you hurry up and take care of your good girl Goose?"

Li Cang weighed the big magic wand and continued to grit his teeth: "Why don't you just hurt her? I, Timi, am in pain too, okay?"

"Eh? Why do I feel like you enjoy the pain of being alive again? At least I can die without saying a word and be resurrected as a beautiful girl in seconds. As for you, you have been dying all the time. It won’t work!”


At this time, the western area of ​​​​the floating land was southward.

Buck, with short blond hair, was languishing in a simple trench less than 3 meters deep. The low temperature brought by the Silver Ridge giant Garmud made him feel like an iceberg was flowing in his veins. When he was shivering, his frozen handsome face showed He actually showed a rare vividness, and he said with melancholy and regret: "It would be great if I brought my bottle of ginseng wine. At least it can keep everyone warm."

"Shut up, you cheapskate!"

"Brothers, our survival this time depends entirely on Buck's bottle of ginseng wine. Really, Buck, I suggest you never take it out for the rest of your life. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Are we still leaving?"

"What the hell! Are you going to get in Gamud's face!"

A group of unfair mercenaries were crying without tears.

Good guy, why the hell are you running away more and more, your life is hanging by a thread, the more you are in danger, you have touched almost all the traitors of that master, and you have been hiding on the spot for a while and finally made up your mind to escape from the hiding place. They came out and changed directions and continued to flee to a large friendly armored position. As a result, the huge Silver Ridge beast just emerged from under their noses, and the entire armored position was instantly wiped out.


This is a terminal illness!

Buck took out a frozen meat can and shivered: "Zou, use the energy matrix flamethrower. I want to eat something hot before I die!"

"I always think it's stupid to equip the energy matrix combustion gun with coolant. It should be hot or it will be hot!" The middle-aged man named Zou looked at the huge monsters with heads and feet wider than the trenches crossing the trenches, and the black-skinned zombies who were looking around the edge of the trenches and chose to ignore them for some reason. His eyes were calm and calm, "Now Well, the coolant is frozen, the whole pipeline is blocked, I can't even make a fire!"

"Zou, that man is your kind! I think he must be protecting you! Otherwise, why don't those monsters attack us?" Another man with a frosted face and a big beard who looks like a white baboon said confidently: "Damn Buck, can't you throw away the damn canned fish? That stuff is really smelly. It's a hundred years old! Your last name is Hansen. You are not from Iceland. Why do you want to learn to eat that damn pickled shark?"

Buck said: "Zou told me not to starve to death, and this is called tracing one's ancestry. When I go to heaven and the King of Hell asks the judge to write the record, maybe one of the ancestors will come out to bless me, a polite descendant?"

"Fuck, what the hell have you learned!"

"Hahaha" Zou laughed and coughed, and his saliva turned into ice crystals before it completely left his mouth. "Same tribe? I hope so. For a small fry like us to appear on this battlefield, even if we live one more second, it's a gain. After all, those big guys haven't faced We have seen everything that happened before, and we have been in close contact with it. We have been through so much, and even if we die, we will have more bragging rights than other unlucky people, right? "

"I have a hunch that we will survive!" Buck said with a sacred face: "We will light a bonfire in a brand new continent without the blood-sucking insects of the seven major families, hug the most beautiful women, brag, eat grilled shark canned meat, and enjoy my bottle of ginseng wine that has been passed down from my ancestors for many years!"

"It's 12 o'clock, awesome, another day alive!"

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