At the dinner table, sisters Li Na and Li Mingna ate loudly without any image. They were so hungry. How many days they had been hungry was no longer enough to describe their condition. They looked more like stubborn lunatics who did not know how full they were and were eating with revenge. .

Lao Wang stared blankly at the skinny bodies of the two of them, smacked his lips and put down the half of the alien antelope in his hand that had not taken a few bites: "Damn it, I'm afraid these two things are not meant to be full to death, just give them to yourself To death?"

"I'm sorry, my chest has been starved for a few months, so I have to eat it quickly. I told you I'm beautiful and I won't let you down."

"Your ancestor is still fucking over. Do you believe that I will stab you to death right now?"

Li Na stared at Lao Wang's majestic figure, her eyes were careful and evenly applied: "I completely believe you have this strength!"

Any woman who poses in front of Lao Wang's terrifying body looks like a little white rabbit under a tiger's paws. There is not much difference between grinding her teeth and grinding her claws. It's just that ordinary rabbits may not be able to have such an explosive conversation.

He directly silenced the tigers.

"Little miss, are you still smiling?"

"Goose goose! Huh? Oh me. I completely believe you too."

The more they behave like this, the farther away Lao Wang will be, and the little lady feels like she has a mirror in her heart.

Lao Wang cursed and banged a stick bone on the table: "The island has been restored, the people who wanted to be killed have been killed, and the stomach is full. Now you can always tell us the information you think will keep you alive." Bar?"

"I can still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal." Li Na put the food in her mouth with a bowl of soup, "But please wait a moment, even outside the fantasy world, we have never eaten like this. A luxurious meal, do you still want to eat the half roasted antelope in your hand?"


Inexplicably, Lao Wang had the illusion that his identities were reversed. Who the hell is in whose hands? Can he explain it by saying that he is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes?

Li Laisi narrowed her eyes, stepped on the chair with her feet carelessly, and picked her teeth like a female mountain eagle: "I wonder why I like her!"

The mountain eagle was quickly slapped on the head with a chopstick, and the young lady bluffed: "Are you going to let it go again?"

"Why are you beating people? You are just like Rao Qifang."


"Take it, take it, take it now"

Comrade Zuo Shandiao was forced to force JIO into Li Cang's hands with an aggrieved look on his face. Li Cang subconsciously took it and held it: "Ahem, I've finished eating."

Suo Zhihui looked at her snow-white and crystal-clear feet and felt a little moved.

Tai Xiaoyi: "."

The little lady's gaze could kill someone.

Feeling the attention of everyone, Li Mingna slowly stopped eating and froze as if her hands and feet were nailed to the chair. Her lips did not move: "Sister, sister!"

Li Na was still eating, with her head hanging down and her movements mechanical. She continued to eat until she couldn't swallow.

The curve of Lao Wang's mouth gradually became ferocious, and he smiled broadly: "Eat, keep eating, do you need me to bake a few more for you? I'm pretty good at it!"

Li Na stared at the last piece of meat on the plate, her throat squirming with difficulty, but when she raised her head, she smiled broadly: "What will be the final result of those six thousand people?"

"Three years to five years, ten years to eight years, and died of exhaustion in the mines." Lao Wang roared, "It's not like the dog really wanted to surrender from the beginning, and I'm not a ginseng fruit. If you want to prolong your life, you have to have a limit!"

But that's all he said seriously.

"By the way, Teacher Cang, when you went back to Fusheng Island Chain, didn't you go down into the well and open your eyes?"

"At least a third of the people there were sent in by me. Why are you looking at them setting up a memorial tablet for me?"

"Excessive modesty is hypocrisy. Saying that only one-third of the people were not sent in by you is enough. Hey, I heard that that place eats people. How old is it? Who can really die in a well?"

Li Cang thought for a while: "Maybe the floating island chain has its own tips for food distribution, but as far as I know, few people there can survive to the day they starve to death."

"Tsk, that's right."

After being ignored for a long time, Li Na finally put down the food in her hand: "I don't want to be on the track anymore."

Lao Wang was overjoyed: "You can't go beyond the limits, right? You actually want me to help you derail you?"

"You promised to let me live." Li Na's eyes were calm, but her body was shaking. "Ming Na and I will die if we face more than half a year of derailed sanctions in our current state."


"Li Cang?"

"There are only two of them. After cleaning up the other people on the empty island, there won't be much left. Even if you can't use the turtle louse to walk through the jump channel, you won't need a base-level large settlement to initiate a recall. With hundreds of people, The seeds should be enough. If you pay some money, such a small team can be easily found at the base." Li Cang said: "This part is included in the transaction."

"My requests may have exhausted your patience, but my information can prove that I am very useful to you now and in the future." Li Na took a deep breath and slowly exhaled after a few seconds: "I and I My teammates have encountered 169 orbiting slave islands and 351 ordinary slave islands in this illusion. The longest they were trapped in the illusion was one year and nine months. The shortest one appeared three and a half months ago. Some of them are very powerful. They have experienced almost all the fantasy plant species that have appeared in this fantasy world as far as I know, but they are still trapped here."

"I speculate that even if you kill this illusion and no more illusion plants appear, it is impossible to get out of here. This place is a complete scam, a scam created to squeeze resources. Moreover, this huge energy field is not completely Belonging to a certain person or a certain force, the style of painting here is too rough. If those guys completely control this illusion, they can easily kill all the unlucky people in it at once by just arranging and combining the illusion plants. "

"Basically in line with my judgment." Li Cang nodded, "But it may be that the rules here have not evolved completely."

"No, evolution has stopped here."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, as far as I know, the rules, plants, and zombies here have not changed from beginning to end. This cannot be a naturally formed area with unique rules. Someone must be controlling this place. It is their clever confinement and Greed has stopped the evolution of this illusion. According to this judgment, creating a new alienated bloodline here may be the only possibility to shake the foundation of the illusion and collapse its logic. "

Lao Wang didn't understand, but Lao Wang was greatly shocked: "You mean, the whole servant of fate came out?"

Li Na's voice was faint: "It's a fantasy bloodline."

Lao Wang, who felt that his IQ was being discriminated against, cursed: "Damn it, aren't they all the same?"

Li Na made the final conclusion: "Only the servants of destiny based on the illusion can evolve here. I have no way of knowing and have never seen similar bloodline embryos, and there is no raw material, so I can only refer to an immature one." It is speculated that we will give you a possibility to go out, so if you can’t do it as well, please. Please don’t embarrass us.”

Lao Wang Siya: "Have I signed a contract with you?"

"Based on fantasy?" Li LaiSi frowned and looked at Li Cang, "In other words, this thing requires using a non-existent fantasy bloodline to create new servants of destiny? But these fantasy plants and zombies cannot be used as materials at all. We can't catch them, they just disappear when they die! I can still bring things like Isolaye and Nightmare out, isn't this a complete lack of martial ethics!"


"Hey Li Cang, what do you think it would be like if I had a 'dream' now?"

Li Laixi's idea is quite simple and crude: At the very least, those gadgets in the sea of ​​suffering can penetrate the dividing line between the three layers of reality. Do you think they can directly revoke the business license of a mere illusion?

(Note: See Chapter 892 Sea of ​​Suffering (Part 1) and subsequent chapters here)

"How dare those things in the dream world come to you, a couple of bitches?" Lao Wang sneered, "I have never seen a dog bite him and bite him back. I don't think it's a shame!"

Li Cang was so disgusted that he didn't want to speak, but he basically agreed with Lao Wang's statement.

Lao Wang used the evil fire to torture Isoleye for several hours and barely managed to clear the sea of ​​suffering fantasy. The victory was quite ugly. Unlike Li Laisi, this bitch directly gave Ipoztel the projection of Gan Xiecai. Come out, as long as Ipoztel has some B numbers, it's not as if he doesn't have any B numbers. Da Leizi later [Dream Walk] several times, and no one jumped out to look for trouble. From this point of view, , even if Li Cang wanted to forcefully stir up shit, he still lacked a stick.

"But that's not necessarily the case!"

After all, online box opening is a low-cost behavior, and judging from the description of the Dream Walking skill, it is obvious that the old rulers such as Iboztel covet Comrade Daleiko to a certain extent, and the illusion of this kind of Places where the dividing line between fantasy and reality are too blurry and weak are naturally suitable for making nests.

"Rubbing." When Lao Wang saw Li Cang in the state now, he had the illusion that his scalp was tight and he was having PTSD. Show some martial ethics and at least give your teammates some words?"

Li Cang knocked on the table: "Daleizi's proposal is worth trying. It's low cost and quick to produce results. Besides, haven't you been talking about the last time Illusion of the Sea of ​​Bitterness didn't catch a skill seed for you and the little lady? Now the opportunity has come, do you want to give it a try?" Turn a bicycle into a motorcycle?”

"I'm so afraid that the motorcycle will turn into a camel," Lao Wang muttered, "Who knows if this bitch's words are reliable or not? How about I try to use some tricks on her?"

A fel fire.

The green flames made Li Na's skinny and disfigured faces even paler. Even if they didn't have the courage to play with them, the sisters could fully feel the painful screams and deep malice reverberating in the flames.

The depressive feeling caused by this thing seems to penetrate directly into the soul regardless of the physical barrier. Especially for a person like Li Na who has a keen mind and possesses related skills. In her eyes, the blazing evil fire is like a demon with teeth and claws.

"Being harmonious brings wealth." Li Cang glanced at Li Na apologetically, "The information you provided is very valuable, Letitia, take them to rest."

"Yes, Master."

Lao Wang started baring his teeth again: "Really want to do it?"

"This is too dangerous!" The last time the Illusion of the Sea of ​​Bitterness brought a lot of growth to Tai Xiaoyi, the shadow was also deep, "Leilei?"

Li Laisi shrugged nonchalantly and said with a little bit of indescribable interest: "How dangerous is a group of rookies? And last time I vaguely saw a very cute furry one there, it's a pity that I was killed without showing up." It’s been driven out, and this time, no matter what, I’ll take it all away!”


Okay, this bitch is on top too.

Lao Xiao-Miss Wang rarely agrees with her, but her persuasion is fruitless, so Master Wang uses his trump card to bring back the lost: "Okay, then who will dream this 'dream'?"

Li Cang: (_)

Damn it, too much joy leads to sorrow, how come this seems to have gotten me into trouble?

Li Cang hesitated for a long time and said embarrassedly: "Why don't we just forget it"

Li Lace: ─━_─━

Give it a try, young man, don't worry too much!

The well-known entertainer Lao Wang was satisfied: "Great, hey, what's that, Da Leizi, can you open the dream sharing when the time comes?"

No hope for ordinary dreams.

Among the few people on the Sky Island, Lao Wang himself and Tai Xiaoyi had no reaction to the monument of extinction.

Undoubtedly, Li Cang is extremely reluctant to get involved in the other lines of non-reality unless necessary. He always has a vague feeling that the more he observes, intervenes, and interferes, the greater the disturbance of those lines to reality. Of course, Li Cang is unwilling to say it out loud about the entanglement between this thing and his own thinking and memory. I am the elegant and elegant magician Cang. The track line is loud and loud. My will is as hard as the magician tower, and my heart is as cold as the fish that has been killed in RT-Mart for ten years. How can the interference of the double slits mislead me?

The reason is that our magician has a social phobia. It doesn’t matter whether it is a dream or a world line. It’s mainly because he is not used to being watched. Of course, it’s not something shameful.


At this moment, Lao Wang suddenly showed his sharp fangs, trampling over some people's hearts like a wild boar: "Have you forgotten that we have another candidate!"

When his heart trembled, even Li Cang was a little confused: "?"

Li Leisi's eyes were shining with excitement, and the fly rubbed his hands with ill intentions: "Little tea bag, do you want to learn from me, I mean experience!"

After Suo Zhihui's innate ability is realized, it can reach a certain consistent frequency with the core of the mill across materials. This powerful talent does not need to be used to stick to the monument of extinction. God will not agree. On this point, Lao Wang and Li Leisi directly reached a consensus without Li Cang.

"Absolutely not!" Li Cang sat up in shock from his dying illness, and then he might feel that his reaction was too intense. He coughed and analyzed rationally, "It doesn't matter what else, the main thing is that she has no ability to protect herself in the dream. The dream is based on her. If the Old Ones really appear in her dream, the most optimistic result is that the dream will collapse directly!"

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