We have no way of knowing how much money Da Leizi and Lao Wang, who cut corners and fished in muddy waters at the same time, secretly spent in the previous 16 hours to support how many underground game studios or wash their feet. In short, the two guys were really exhausted, one was crying for food, and the other was sleeping.

Lao Wang showed off his elbows and drank beer while pointing at the three-dimensional projection of the sky island. The solution of minimizing the layout of the honeycombs in the sky island to maximize the overall structural strength of the sky island was optimized from Xiao Bizi. It is not worth much and is a fool-proof operation. Master Wang only needs to be a supervisor and make good cooperation between Li Cang's dog and the bee colony. There is no disadvantage except that he has to keep an eye on them at all times. Moreover, for some people, any problem that can be solved with wetware can be completely classified as an advantage.

Li Cang was probably a little annoyed by the extremely high synchronization of the fantasy island chain's generosity and stinginess. The respected magician has been a war profiteer all his life, and now he is suddenly asked to engage in long-term geopolitics with living people. No matter how he thinks about it, it doesn't make sense.

"Can you stop sighing, my scalp is starting to numb because of you!"

"Go away."

Li Cang hooked his fingers unconsciously, and the big magic wand above his palm was like a big catfish, shyly jumping around, showing a sense of agility and vitality for no reason.

In fact, his eyes were always on Da Leizi, who was sleeping in an extremely hideous posture. He stared blankly at Miss Qiu lying under Li Leisi's old-age rocking chair, with her neck full of dreadlocks and three long tails, shooting mosquitoes like anti-aircraft guns, and then neatly placing the killed mosquitoes in a position where Li Leisi could see them at first sight when she woke up. When the ants came to move, the beast would move all its mosquito arrays to a new position, leaving only an ant in the wind to repeatedly check accounts with other brothers and sisters.

Qin Zhenzhen sat cross-legged on the other side of Miss Qiu, took out a walnut from the small basket and placed it in Li Leisi's palm, and scratched it with a feather-


Comrade Guangkouping happily picked walnut kernels to eat, with a particularly clear joy, stupidity and selflessness in his eyes, and eagerly said: "Ee, ee, ee, Huihui, do you want to drink coconut juice?"

"Be careful not to wake her up and think your smart little head is a coconut. Leilei is very irritable when she wakes up!"

"How can you say such irresponsible words at such a young age? You can't learn bad things from Teacher Cang, you know, women keep so many things in their hearts, they are worried, and it's not easy to lose weight. You have to take care of yourself, you have to stand up!"


Suo Zhihui speechlessly put a walnut into Li Leisi's palm.


"Very good, eat one, oh, eat one, do you feel a kind of heartfelt and sincere happiness now?"

"Happy, you make me happy from the bottom of my heart."

Li Cang treats you like a child even though your bust is much bigger than mine. It's not without reason.

Lao Wang drank quite happily by himself. He actually lit a cigarette while the young lady was away. He coughed twice, put the cigarette in the cigarette box and threw it at Li Cang: "Normally, dogs are not as anxious as you when they see bones. What are you holding back?"

"Bugs!" Li Cang lit a cigarette and fiddled with it in his hand. He took a puff and felt bored. He threw it on the ground: "Thinking of this, you are... It's really sad that Ktrashil is both for the righteousness of the human race and for the closed airspace. As expected, I had a hunch at the time that this kind of thing could not appear only sporadically in a certain airspace."

"You have to take a few bites of meat when a divine creature passes by to taste it, why do you suddenly care so much about these bugs?"

"What if the whole world is full of this kind of thing in the future?" Li Cang pulled a little hideous arc at the corner of his mouth: "Think about it, your foot washing city, your Baiyujing, your old aunt and young wife, your——in short, you will eat them all up!"

"Fuck, fuck, do you have to be so vicious! "

Very good.

The smile will not disappear out of thin air, but it has been transferred to Li Cang's face, but what Li Cang was thinking about just now is actually another completely unrelated issue.

The offensiveness, reproductive capacity, and spread rate of the Zerg are undoubtedly powerful, and this thing is even less picky than Li Cang, born to choke. Of course, in fact, it is not only Li Cang who hates them. The Zerg, who take order as their first destiny and the will of the nest master as their own will, are even more affectionate to Li Cang, a twisted, cancer-like, disorderly, corrupting their group will, and polluting their pure flesh. It can be said that the two sides have always been in a state of disgust since they met.

Although it is said that the contempt chain has been closed, the two sides probably have never really distinguished who is higher. Even the nest master that was crushed by Li Canggan has been put into the mill and pressed into the bottom of the box. The will has not been completely erased, and it seems to still maintain a certain degree of spiritual grid channel. If you count it, it and the twin tyrants and four dogs under it should actually belong to a relatively independent structure under the mill, a set of alternative ecosystems.

Sometimes Li Cang couldn't help but wonder, if a nest master and all the Zerg under his command are regarded as super-individual life forms, then the nest master in the mill can also be regarded as having completed an "alienation" and a leap in life level. After all, it not only escaped the control of the large group with the help of Li Cang, but also maintained its own and its bloodline's indefinite survival to a considerable extent.

From this, it can be extended.

What about the servants of fate?

What about the second sons of the bloodline?

Why can't the rebellious sons be regarded as another form of life continuation of the zombies?

So is it the subordinates who are controlling them, or is everyone treating them as alienated bloodline incubators?

In short, every time I think about Li Cang, I feel chills running down my spine, which is very unpleasant.


This thing cannot be studied in detail.

If we continue to struggle, we will divert the question from biology to philosophy. Li Cang, a refined and elegant materialist warrior, is not very good at such perverted things.

Lao Wang screwed up his face and thought for a long time, and finally figured out where the point that had always made him feel that something was wrong was hidden: "Fuck, you are such a bitch, you don't even have to worry about what you can squeeze out of this shit." A few ounces of oil, right? You're damn afraid that the bugs here will riot like Yectrasil, and they'll explode and spiral into the sky, right? By then, the Thunder Tree you planted will be blind! Niang Xipi didn’t run away anymore. You thought the bugs had no meat and you still wanted to grab the slot. The bugs really thought you were dead and hard to chew! If only the master of the last nest could upload and share his will to the large group, I knew you were here, ha, a mature and stable person. The passage calculation ball, they are determined to blow up the passage and bury you in this damn place! "

"Already know" Li Cang continued to sigh, "People on the fantasy island chain said that since we entered the fantasy world, the insect channel has experienced an unprecedented outbreak, and the activity of the Zerg's mental grid has even interfered with The living conditions of ordinary beasts on the fantasy island chain.”

"Didn't you blow up the nest directly? Why? You shouldn't!"

"When you see it's shit, you have to dip your finger in it and suck it to make sure it's shit? That thing is so smart! What's it trying to do?"

"Unless. Unless unless

"There's something here that they can't let go of!"

"Illusion Tree!"

When Lao Wang was gearing up, he found that Dalei Zi had been woken up by him at some point, without directly giving him the soles of his shoes, and was looking at him with a particularly strange look.

Li Laisi rubbed her eyes: "The version has been updated? The version was updated while I was sleeping?"

"Some people's brains are finally no longer just an organ." Li Cang played on the old-age rocker. "Anyway, if the bug doesn't blow up the exit immediately, it proves that it will basically not do this in the future. Although I still don’t understand why they are so interested in an illusion. In short, this is good news for us. The Zerg are very valuable and the materials are very useful. We must hold this illusion channel in our hands. This is enough. But having said that, there are ten thousand forces entangled in this place. Simply planting a tree will definitely not work. Choosing who to engage in diplomacy here is also a troublesome matter. "

Lao Wang smacked his lips and smiled strangely: "The old ladies on the land of God Mu have a common language with these guys. Who can match them in terms of primitiveness and roughness? Moreover, they are very loyal to you, Teacher Cang. There are many suitable candidates." , isn’t it ten thousand times stronger than the base?”

"Tsk~" Li Laixi hissed, "Why don't Auntie Goldfish's jealousy explode? My mature, sensible and flavorful auntie, who can withstand it, Teacher Cang?"


"Take a rest for two days and deal with the empty island. Especially Lao Wang, be mentally prepared. What we have to do is to rush out under the eyes of the bugs. You can't do it even if you don't want to peel off the skin."


Lao Wang thought to himself, why is it that I am always the one who gets hurt?


As expected, Li Cang was not fooled by the fantasy island chain. His sincerity was so full that it was almost showing. Even Lao Wang could feel this.

He stared at the row of women with flamboyant lines and cool clothes in front of him, but they didn't know where to look with their quail-like eyes. Their expressions were so complicated that it was difficult to describe: "Damn, did they do it on purpose or something? What the hell is this?" Human race, are Nordic people so tall? If you want to hit a boo, you have to jump up first? "

Lao Wang, who is two meters tall and has a body that is so arrogant that he can compete with the Wild Boar King, actually feels ashamed in front of these women. He is obviously much taller than them, but he has no reason to be shy for more than a moment. This makes Lao Wang The king could not bear it.

The dog said it!

Use this to test cadres?

hetui, no new tricks at all!

Lao Wang weighed a stack of contracts: "Since we are comrades in arms, harmony will bring wealth. I don't care about this. I will take it and others will take it away."

Master Wang is a down-to-earth person, and his face feels a bit unbearable when he talks.

Diplomacy is really not a job for human beings. One second they are having a heated exchange of words, and the next second they are letting each other off in business. Is that ridiculous?

"Oh, my dear friend, I come here with sincerity. I hope you will not be disrespectful. Did I use my grammar wrong again?" The strong man Kohonen, who is almost as tall as Lao Wang, said with a smile on his face. With a stiff smile, the fly rubbed his hands in embarrassment and said in detail: "Sorry, I am almost the only one here who understands a little Chinese. The others can't even speak English well. This land is not fertile enough to feed everyone. We have not forced any of them. They are the leaders of all forces in the fantasy island chain and the apples of the eyes of major families. If you don’t like them staying on your island, you can use your jump channel to remove them. Send them to the base of flower growers, right? They have the ability to live a good life on their own, and this is also a good way for us to communicate and understand each other. After you send people over, this behavior will be more positive! "

"No, this is all part of the contract. How else do you want to force me?"

After speaking for a long time, Kohonen's stiff face finally became more natural: "Dear Wang, please don't misunderstand. This is just the most basic means of protection. It is an insurance. We have not restricted their personal freedom. I’m just trying my best to do what I have to do for the safety of all the residents of the illusion. I think it’s better to keep some things within the scope that only you and I can understand as much as possible. What do you think?”

Lao Wang felt stupid: "My fucking surname is Zhong!"

The group of Nordic girls were very knowledgeable. Seeing that they seemed to have a lot of opinions about their height, some of them immediately took off their shoes and stepped on the ground barefoot. To a certain extent, it can be said that they have done their best to be this hostage. This is probably A kind of dedication that Lao Wang could never understand. After all, he had always felt that picking up hair from his head and giving it to the base was considered a huge reward, well, except for washing his feet.

"How tall are you?"

"One hundred and ninety-two centimeters."

Lao Wang couldn't help but asked the girl who took off her shoes first. He choked and looked at the high heels of at least 12 centimeters in her hand and remained silent for a long time: "How old are you?"

"Sixteen years old"

".She's so fucking afraid. Do you call this voluntary?"

This is the first time that Master Wang, who is two meters tall, has scolded her on the topic of size. Usually this guy is extremely arrogant on the island and has a full sense of superiority.

"They are just shy and nervous. Some Finns are like this. You will understand later." Kohonen promoted it as if reading the manuscript: "At the age of 14, Viivi was already one of the most famous runway models in the entire fantasy island chain. , her eyes are as bright as emeralds, she has beautiful appearance and a superior family background, she speaks elegantly and is familiar with many classics. She is full of admiration for your strength. She voluntarily participates in this marriage and volunteers to visit and study at the Huaxia base. Communicate to promote the friendly relationship between you and us towards a better tomorrow!”

"What's wrong with each one!" Lao Wang said that his cement-sealed heart was indestructible, but he was still happy to have some fun for himself, ah no, for Li Cang. He blinked: "But, that's okay, I'll let the other side do it later. We also sent an exchange group here to express our feelings!”

Kohonen showed a smile that all men understand, and everyone was happy and happy.

At this time, Li Cang simply refused the banquet invitation to visit the opponent's island chain: "After the renovation of the empty island is completed, we will start to take over part of the defense line around the Zerg jump channel. I will send you a list of safety matters later. On hand."

"Okay, powerful orbital slaves, your strength has conquered us, and you are also the first team in history to cooperate deeply with the fantasy island chain. There are many people on the island chain who really want to meet with you. I think so This can reassure them, we have prepared a grand banquet and welcome ceremony.”


After Kohonen left, Lao Wang immediately began to complain: "Mother, Xipi, it's really tiring to talk to this guy. His language organization skills are so messed up to begin with, and Timi talks half and hides half. I have to waste so much brains." Cell, guess what he wants to say, is it true that if you release this kind of thing to engage in diplomacy, you won't be beaten to death? "

"How many of those engaged in diplomacy can speak seriously?" Li Cang pinched his eyebrows, "If the one-way passage hadn't been inoperable, I really wanted to grab a few strong men from the base right now. What he said, you go , you are full of foul words, you are born to be a good diplomat!"

"I'm not going!" Lao Wang looked around and found that it was quite difficult to be taller among the dwarfs on this island, so his eyes locked on the innocent, weak and confused Qin Zhenzhen, "It's just her, this girl He’s from the base, and his official status is just right!”

Qin Zhenzhen: "Yeah?"


"Then what the hell, you can't let those two snakes go, right?"


"What the hell?!"

In such a sloppy and perfunctory state, Letitia and Liliana were caught by the young lady and made extremely gorgeous dresses. They wore old jewelry and dressed up like Barbie dolls, and they were forced to have sex with each other. Kun.

One red dress and one black long skirt, the jewel-splendid makeup is elegant and powerful, the dog Kun on his feet, the twin tyrants holding an umbrella, the three dogs supporting the skirt, the magic mountain master leads the way——

With this aura and attitude, who dares to think that these two snake ladies are not the real owners?

Letitia herself belongs to the powerful class of Jinghai Kingdom, and there is nothing spectacular about it. As for Liliana, the only thing that the Purgatory Demon cares about is: Is the lunch opposite a buffet or a banquet? Provide fresh and unsullied souls?

After sending away the two things, Li Cang breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't have to be led around like a camel in a scenic spot to take photos and laugh. Lao Wang breathed a sigh of relief. He finally didn't have to be squeezed out by the little lady's weird and evil spirit. Li Laixi breathed a sigh of relief. , I can finally play games for a few days without stopping.

In short, everyone was very satisfied, even Viivi was very satisfied. The little girl Viivi could not help but excitedly whispered to her companions: "He is very good-looking, very delicate-looking, and he has the same personality as us."

"Yes, yes, I, I, and I didn't even dare to look at their faces. Xiaowei, you are really amazing. My legs were shaking just now, but you can still answer the question. I have never been in front of so many people." I just stood there with my face straight, feeling so ashamed and embarrassed, like a product waiting to be selected!”

"Of course, I often go on catwalks!"

"Are we really going to that base?"

"The family wants us to go, right?"

"Viivi, can we really get peace?"

"They are too powerful. We are opponents that we are not sure to defeat even if we use all the power of the Fantasy Island Chain. What's more, they are willing to help us resist the Zerg, which is worth it."

"Ah, ah, what should we do? He, he, he and them are coming!"

About ten minutes later, Viivi and her friends were taken to the bottom of the Zerg nest, and they looked at each other with Josh, Li Na, Li Mingna and other captive seniors.

Josh is a very enthusiastic person: "Hello, my name is Joe, you can call me Old Joe--"

"Ah, you, you, hello, good, ha--"

Josh was confused. What's going on? I, Old Joe, am an evergreen tree in African construction sites, attracting bees and butterflies. Does he look so vicious? ?

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