At this moment, the wrongdoer comes, no, Master Wang, a famous master on the track, the moral high ground of the Kongdao gang, and a man who is keen on intensively accumulating merit and luck, appears on the scene.

As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows to the soul. Bei Zhikang and Zhao Yang’s eyes reflect like a mirror: Come on, the thickness and length are just right, let’s go~

With a confused look on his face, Master Wang was put on heavy protective gear and sent into the storm area by an impregnable military-grade modified island frigate that could operate stably in extreme environments.

Inside the storm zone.

Hismore An'er silently stared at the dozens of dead bones on the heavily damaged and transformed island filled with smoke: "Father."

Old Heathmore was furious: "The situation was urgent at the time. We couldn't judge their camp and intentions at all. They broke in on their own! No, they were deliberately lured here by the scumbags in Area B! Damn it, those bastards were not only He stole our thunder stone technology, stole our friendly force identification device, and misled our soldiers, and now he wants to put the blame on Monroe as well!”

An'er was no longer able to dwell on the outrageous way in which this series of simple and crude mistakes occurred at the same time at such an imminent and critical moment: "Assemble the energy crystal and activate the thunderstorm generator. There is no time to wait for the best time. Immediately Detonate the jump node!"


In response to this, the innocent and helpless old father who was technically ignorant could only utter a short and stupid monosyllable.

Everyone in the Monroe Council looked at each other, and the old father stamped his teeth and bit his feet: "A bunch of idiots! Didn't you understand what An'er said?"

After all, it was a low-level mistake made by his subordinates. Faced with such an angry old father who had lost face in front of his daughter and lost his dignity under the noses of the base, the members of the Monroe Council chose to hold their noses and let them be beaten. If you let me scold you, you're just taking the blame, you're just making money, you're not shabby!

With the Monroe Island Chain as the center, isolated islands with dazzling blue light gradually lit up in the storm area. Under the violent but controllable ionized energy, even the thunderstorms became as gentle as gentle wind and drizzle in front of them, and the thunderstorm energy was absorbed into the blue light. Among them, and eventually forming a huge halo with a radius of a hundred kilometers around the Monroe Island chain.

The energy aftermath of the halo not only calmed and stabilized Monroe's thunderstorm area in a relative sense, but even the transition storms that were intertwined with the thunderstorm area showed a tendency to be restrained. Countless dazzling characters rose from the energy ring. , as if it were suppressing and sculpting the jump storm in some way.

"Whatf? Are all the people patrolling outside fucking dead? Why did someone come in again?!"

"Do you want to die? Who cares which side he belongs to at this time! Don't let him get close to the generator! Fire! Fire! Blades and Dragon Teeth! Move out!"


Lao Wang couldn't even see clearly what was flying in front of him, so he drove back on the original road at a terrifying high speed with smoke coming from his buttocks, a hundred times faster than his forward speed. Only when he almost rushed out of the storm area did he realize that There is no transformation island under his feet that can operate stably under extreme circumstances. A giant missile with a silver-white painted warhead and a round warhead is soaring against his belly. It is visually estimated that the length of this missile is at least more than 15 meters, and the tail is at least 15 meters long. The terminal Mach loop is clearly visible.

"Why didn't it explode?"

"How could it not explode?"

"Are my Hunyuan muscles really a regular-level product of hair extensions?"

There is no running joke in life, but Lao Wang has a lot to think about at this embarrassing moment, such as the fragrant words he mocked Li Cang a few days ago and whether this behavior led to today's inexplicable Flag-level results.


Even in the age of air islands, traveling on a ballistic missile was quite explosive news. The soldiers who were preparing to kill this extremely expensive and powerful low-speed aerial bomb that appeared and disappeared on the radar suddenly got Rao Qifang. The direct order was only two words: don't move.

When Lao Wang got off the warhead, the hair on the back of his head was blown away, and his whole body was smoking, exuding an alluring aroma of cooked hot animal fat.

Under the gaze of a group of soldiers with gaping eyes, Rao Qifang cut off almost one-tenth of the missile's tail section with a knife...

There was a burst of thick smoke, but the missile did not explode.

This explosive scene even made the well-informed Zhao Yang numb: "Rao Rao, instructor??"

"Oh, it's awesome, my son taught me how to do it!" Rao Qifang said proudly, "I saw that this is how Li Cang twisted off the butt of Changfeng, stuffed it into the homologous passage, and packed it away!"


What a god!

Is it true that one dares to teach and the other dares to learn?

The Yuanbang incident in which Changfeng leaked secrets and almost led to a catastrophe was a painful lesson that the base never wanted to mention, and now was really not the right place to discuss such trivial matters as someone taking advantage of the chaos to steal bombs. Zhao Yang was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat. I reluctantly made a haha, but it was natural that the conversation did not continue.

(Note: See Chapter 1042 Whose fireworks belts have Mach rings?)

Bei Zhikang looked at Lao Wang with wide eyes: "What's going on inside now?"

"I don't know. As soon as I walked in and followed Liang'er to the ground, I was blown up by a cannon. If it hadn't been for this big guy, my ashes would have been blown directly to the surface!"

"Then what did you see?"

"With lightning and thunder, five horses and spears, what do you think I can see clearly?"

Bei Zhikang was helpless: "If you can't answer the questions, you should at least write down the explanation. You can't go all the way in vain. At least bring us some useful information, right?"

"That's not what I want to go myself!" Lao Wang pondered for a long time, and his tone gradually became clear: "Well, some of them can shoot quite accurately!"


Normally, shelling one's own people in the base's airspace is a legitimate reason to start a war!

But everyone wants to make money, but no one wants to fight a war personally.

Firstly, the base has doubts and is hesitant. Secondly, the storm area is now closed to strangers. It is really not a good time for A to go up and take advantage of it. A group of base heads have started scratching their heads and talked to the outside of the storm area. Have a meeting on the spot and smoke.

"Teacher Cang is right, the essence of human society is indeed a big grassroots team!" Lao Wang was extremely disgusted with the behavior of these guys who were not as strong in martial arts as Miss Qiu and not as decisive in thinking as the little miss. He did not realize at all that he could If you bring out any useful information, the situation may be completely different, and you will speak with a sense of superiority, "If this was an empty island, I would start to promise the battlefield right now, bitch, Nothing!"

Ms. Rao, who was smoked out: "Huh?"

Lao Wang was agitated and quickly rescued himself: "I said Li Cang planned a decisive victory thousands of miles away, and it turned out to be true. This little broken ball can't even turn without him!"

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