The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1608 King's sense of oppression

The first sense of oppression

Master Li, who has a high blood bar and a skin as thin as paper, is not embarrassed to blame all these dismal facts on the Americans, so he can only angrily scold the bad guy named Wang in his heart. It's not like you're useless at all. What the hell if you really can become a million-man warrior with one horse?

Forget it, just ride your ass!

My king will attack in his female form, right?

Thinking of this, Li Cang suddenly felt that the young lady might never forgive that bastard in this life. The overall shape of the death knell was not a big problem, and it even had a slightly weird and cold beauty, but if Lao Wang rode on it.


So timi exploded!

Li Cang put his hands on his chest and gave a slight greeting to Master Wang, who was fighting in the fire in the aircraft fleet. My son has a safe journey. I am very happy for my father!

Facts have proved that even the lucky Master Wang cannot withstand the remote worship of a guy who is not even welcome in the entire plane. The degree of loss of Yangshou can be clearly seen with the naked eye. Lao Wang suddenly became excited and his hands trembled. Ten years of cerebral thrombosis can no longer restrain the skill of dragging the sword. The magnificent sword intention that was originally released was just replaced by an energy matrix cannon and an alienated blood contamination bomb due to the wrong operation of a captain who was also unlucky. With a combination of punches, the sword intent instantly expanded by three marks, swallowing up Lao Wang himself and thousands of dumbfounded heavy cavalry in front of him, and then detonated on the spot.

The shape of the sword's catharsis and the explosion of the energy matrix weapon together formed a weird wide-mouthed gourd shape, tearing up the ground and burning tens of thousands of tons of rocks into lava. Every semi-soft but not hard molten rock was filled with The sword intention is wrapped in the blazing evil fire, and it carries out an all-round saturation attack on the land and airspace with a radius of dozens of kilometers with a violent wind and rain.

There is a saying, when the sword intention is condensed, the dragging sword technique is the standard ship-cutting sword mode. Even the Was class, the largest model of ship that has appeared in America so far, cannot withstand this sword and has to be sent back to the factory for overhaul for a year or two. It is possible to not leave the dock and airport, but the losses caused by this scattered, unfocused and targetless offensive are obviously more desperate.

After all, the speed of dragging the knife's intention is not fast, nor can it be said to be nimble and agile. At least it can be avoided.

But now, all drone formations, servants of destiny, subordinates, ships and even transformation islands that appear around Lao Wang must support shield force fields and conduct comprehensive defense through various expensive methods. You don’t need statistics to know this. , this is already pumping America's fate coin reserve.

Before the brilliant sword light of the Drag Sword Technique has completely dissipated, the violent concentrated fire of the ground troops and air forces has once again completely covered Lao Wang's surroundings. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the hand raising and back swing of the Drag Sword Technique are relatively long. Yes, as long as my retaliatory strikes are fast enough and concentrated enough, your next action will inevitably be interfered with or even interrupted. As for whether it is possible to take advantage of the gap between skill releases to hit weak points and hit critically, only God knows. .

"Get up~"

Thousands of rusty, clumsy and heavy chains that seem to hit the soul directly pass through any entity with an endless sense of oppression, locking in living lives that are several times the number of themselves.

Lao Wang has learned a lesson from Li Cang. Believe it or not, I just think that one word is more powerful, and others just enjoy pretending to be cool. If you show yourself as a saint in front of a real person, it will hurt you. Master Li, he has a lot of control. Not to mention fullness, there are still a lot of extravagant tasks.


The complete death knell in female form finally appeared in the eyes of Americans.

The fire of evil energy was as deep and dense as a waterfall, and the black feathers were like embers. The glow and shadow brewed simultaneously, slowly opening to both sides in a burning manner like a curtain.

【Death Knell】

Four arms, legs, and wings on its back.

The body is as exquisite as if it was chipped, the canine teeth are jagged, the mouth is ferocious, and the long hair is as rough as a worm, and a diamond-shaped ring-shaped drop-shaped metal pendant that looks like a knife, gun, sword, halberd, axe, hook, and fork is constantly twisting and squirming, and it is thousands of meters away. The wings of the counting unit drooped to the ground at the same time, changing from time to time into the phantoms of humans and beasts with fangs and claws.

The six limbs do not have any bones or joint structures. They float in the wind. The ends evolve into long, bifurcated cones in the shape of a double helix. The ends are scarlet like blood, burning with evil fire. The embers and black smoke flow toward the direction like sticky blood. ground.

Countless feathers and wings piled up and multiplied to form huge wings with a complicated structure. There seemed to be two strange eyes growing on the top of the wings. One was the evil dark green of evil fire, and the other was the demonic crimson purple of blood scarlet. They were draped from the top and lower edges of the wings. The sharp hooks emerging from the feathers are curved in an unusually ferocious arc, like the hooks on the tail of a poisonous scorpion.

At this moment, it seems that all the words imposed on any villain can be used to describe the fragmented monster in front of him. Its style and temperament seem to have never been supposed to appear in this world, even to the edge of its body. And the energy surges undulating around the body don't seem to be spreading to the surroundings, but are being introverted to the center, as if to press the death knell back to the world line where it should belong.

Thousands of words turn into one sentence, Maja Fake.

The sense of oppression that a several-kilometer-tall alienated blood creature can impart cannot be compensated by any number of Was-class space carriers and dozens of kilometers of armed transformation islands, not to mention its shape is so outrageous and bizarre. The master is so fierce and violent.

"Hey, hey~"

Lao Wang's laughter echoed in the smoke and flames. It was a kind of ferocious evil that could be imagined without seeing the real thing.

Right in front of the death knell, the group of medieval heavy cavalry mounts, which were more than five meters tall and looked like servants of fate like spike-shaped dragons, retreated hesitantly. The entire formation had an obvious retreat, and then the war props in the back - of course, faster and more agile than them were the large and small ships in the air that were transformed into islands.

This situation is generally called a strategic turn in the eyes of those who know the business, and it is a manifestation of caution, order and good military discipline. Those who don't know usually call it a shit.


The shattered rubble and a sharp, rounded figure shot out from the smoke and flames at the same time. Old Wang, who had obtained the ultimate blessing of the death knell, seemed to be assisted by God. He was wrapped in layers of evil energy fire and soared into the air like a firework, dragging a spectacular trail of smoke and flames, and rushed into the group of spike dragon heavy cavalry closest to him. The flames exploded, and people and horses fell to the ground. Old Wang jumped up again and almost vertically hit a Was-class aerospace mothership in the air. The layered shield force field, 433 mm thick composite external armor and solid hull shell only delayed his action for less than half a minute before he was penetrated. After a few seconds of silence, the Was-class aerospace mothership was completely torn apart from the inside out by the sword energy and explosion, and the whole was split into three sections.

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