It is not an exaggeration to say that even from the standpoint and perspective of humans, this war is destined not to be dominated by humans. In comparison, the number of human spacecraft, transformation islands, and various war equipment and war props, the fate servant formations, are more like sand and grass seeds mixed in food. They may be a little bit rough on the teeth of alienated blood creatures and affect the taste, but it is harmless.

What Li Cang finds most interesting is that every time, all these alienated blood creatures that appear with the jump channel seem to regard humans as a "catalyst" rather than a simple "food". It seems that only in the process of war with the participation of human subordinates can their alienated blood be able to accelerate the evolution speed and achieve level climbing, which is a phenomenon that basically does not occur in their normal predation and natural selection process.

It has only been a short time since the three jump island chains were created on the big kidney of the American settlement area. Not to mention how many alienated blood creatures have their bloodlines collapsed or jumped to the next level, how many have survived and successfully escaped after the advancement?

It felt like there was an invisible hand in the dark fiddling with fate, pushing them to survive with the help of this scene, urging them to survive desperately, so that the upgraded characteristics can be continued and passed on to their kind all over the world.


Just when Li Cang wanted to say something, a spherical transformed island with a diameter of at least 20 kilometers belonging to America broke off several tentacles of the tomb beasts, and crashed down with a full island of strange claws slimes and alienated blood creatures.

I don't know what happened to this thing. Anyway, it rolled out dozens of kilometers in front of Li Cang and Li Lasi before barely stopping, and half of its body was directly embedded in the island chain of America's main island.

Even with the density and quality of the Wu Gouzi air defense line, it couldn't stop the almost endless alienated blood creatures from gathering in the air, just like a flock of vultures and crows found corpses and food, hovering and waiting over this transformed island.


Amidst the tragic roar, the main gun of the spherical transformation island exploded from the inside like a Death Star. The unique blue-white flames of the melta bomb directly blew away at least one-third of the main structure of the transformation island. Various lifeboats and maneuvering devices flew out of the still intact escape channel, and then were wantonly abused and played with by various alienated bloodline creatures that had been waiting for a long time in the sky.

The ideal situation of an air acceleration drift leaving these primitive creatures behind to eat exhaust gas does not exist. These alienated bloodline creatures may not be birds and beasts in the conventional sense. There are very few without wings and even the body structure conforms to the principles of aerodynamics, but this means a greater crisis-because this situation often means that these things will have their own floating force field.

"What is so popular up there?"


Li Cang waved his hand, and a large number of four dogs swarmed up, regardless of the nuclear explosion demolition of everything they could see.

Then, they were strangled by the strange claws and alienated bloodline creatures.

In the layers of buffs, the four dogs' combat performance is extremely amazing. Not only are the enemies uniformly weakened and their panel attributes suppressed, but they also have endless cancerous and distorted tissues that can be used for supply and recovery. These crazy guys, as pioneer species that can almost be compared to native succession, have become a real disaster. Even the strange claws with a base strength of 4kc and a height of only 3.5m, which are worlds apart in terms of level, strength and skill tree prosperity, can be broken by them, and even need to activate the skill of virtual entity to avoid and exempt greater damage.

Of course, as a high-end combat unit among Monroe's fifth-generation strong biological beasts, the strange claws can kill the four dogs as easily as eating and drinking water.

The four dogs fell in groups, but there were actually very few cases of death in the true sense. There were no vital parts and organs, the self-healing and repair ability of the rogue, the advantages of the innate environment, and the unreasonable number.

Fortunately, the wisdom level of the strange claws has not reached a certain threshold, otherwise they would definitely curse badly.


At this time, thousands of plasma cannons hit the spherical transformation island at the same time, directly hitting the patina effect. Tens of thousands of alienated blood creatures could never rise again. The cancerous and deformed tissues twisted and squirmed like living things, wrapping and swallowing them while you are sick.

"The erosion effect of cancerous deformation seems to have no effect on those little floating things?" Li Lasi muttered, "How did she do it? The red-haired person has a very poor aesthetic sense, but she is dedicated to serving these ugly things."

When she finished this sentence slowly, a dozens-meter-long Western dragon-shaped beast realized it belatedly and smashed the gravel in front of the two people with a bang, and the huge dead weight caused all its internal organs to spray out from the cross-shaped cuts on both sides of the spine on the back, and the head was also split into two neat pieces.

Li Cang held Lilith's voluptuous thighs with his hands, and lifted a piece of her skirt with one hand to barely reveal half of her head from between her long legs: "Relatively speaking, I'm more curious about how you did it."

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing? Bastards! Aren't you hiding it from others now?!"

"She is also you! Take care of yourself!"

"If I could control myself, I would have crushed you, a tuberculosis ghost, to ashes in kindergarten more than ten years ago. How could I let you stay as a nuisance until now?"

It was convincing and well-reasoned, and Li Cang even had the illusion that he couldn't find an angle to refute it.

Of course, in fact, he was still a little envious of us and Li Laixi's antelope horn-hanging, traceless temperament. After all, he didn't understand how she took action.

"Aren't you guys who play ancient martial arts so occult now?"

"You, a dignified and elegant magician, are so curious about what our vulgar warriors are doing. We don't care if you bend over backwards!"


Li Cang is so arrogant, I really want to throw some Isolaye Burns on the spot and go out to strengthen this bitch. If she doesn't use the roof for three days, watching me turn around and sue her mother will make you think back to your childhood memories. .

Si Gouzi had already pried open the entire transformation island like a watermelon. Li Cang walked over with Lilith on his back, took a brief look, and suddenly felt a little dazed.

"What's wrong?"

"Professional advice is that you should not go there. How about you wait for me outside?"

"I've never seen anything so weird and disgusting that I'm so sick of you, you bastard. It's only now that I remember that I feel sorry for my eyes. They were stained by you a long time ago. What have you been doing?"

"ε=(ο`*))), listen to others' advice and eat enough, do you understand?"


After sweeping away a few broken walls, what appeared in front of the two of them were several long corridors with a vague sense of technology but with a blur of flesh and blood. The broken glass curtain walls and various equipment flashing with electric sparks meant that this spherical transformation island It is not a war prop in the conventional sense, but has certain scientific research attributes.

Corpses were scattered all over the ground, and a large part of them had already embarked on the process of alienation and were transforming into corpses. The corpses were twitching quite rhythmically. However, these corpses showing alienated traits were destined to fail to transform into corpses. The priority of cancerous deformation and infection was It is much higher than the corpse evolution in the natural state.

Li Leisi was a little confused when she saw this: "Will a transformation island of this size be invaded by a mere zombie? How did the Americans do it? Take a photo of it. This can be used as a joke on the forum. Designed to last!”

"What if these corpse bloodlines are preserved in this, um, in this research unit?"


"But there is indeed a market for jokes, Dalei Zi, you understand me!"


After passing through several corridors and chipping away at several walls and doors that were actually made of three-stage mixed four-stage alienated alloys, the two were able to enter the core area of ​​the transformation island. The scene they looked at made Li Lei's scalp tingle.


All are embryos.

Or a prototype or a human embryo that can already see the human form.

A one-foot-square crystal-like transparent petri dish with sparkling water uses millions of petri dishes as bricks to form walls and corridors, symbolically dividing the core of the open space into relatively independent miniaturized spaces like a maze. .

The energy system still maintains the vitality and normal operation of these petri dishes and embryos. There is a larger culture tank in almost every small room. Some of them contain a naked female body, and some of them contain a tank of flesh and blood. Some are simply empty.

"This is." The difference between "embryo" and "embryo" was enough to cause Li Leisi severe psychological and physical discomfort. She tried hard to suppress the empathy and uneasiness caused by gender, "What are they studying? Are there any special uses for alienated embryos created from living slaves?"

Li Cang frowned and looked around, picked up a petri dish, looked at it, put it down, picked up another petri dish, looked at it, put it down again, and finally walked to the culture tank and said uncertainly: "Not really. picture"

"Just wait for me to think about it"

"Well, something doesn't seem right about this thing. The order is wrong. It feels like it's the other way around. They seem to be using these infected alienated embryos to give the mother some ability?"

Li Laisi: "Huh?"

The core area of ​​the entire research unit seems to have gone through a round of hasty but meticulous collective cleaning. There is no paper or electronic equipment left to provide reference materials. All Li Cang can do is based on his perception of the alienated bloodline. and the status of these biological materials on site to diverge thinking.

Li Cang's brows were twisted into a black knot. He looked at the 2.5-meter-tall body in the culture tank that showed certain alienated traits but had long since died. He was silent for a while, and his tone revealed a hint of absurdity: "Well, you Ever heard of the Black Body Project?”

Li Laisi's eyes were clear and stupid: "What?"

"Probably it can be regarded as a conspiracy theory legend. It is said that during the Cold War era, both poles actively or passively used the changes in women's hormone levels in early pregnancy to make the 'subject' of physical enhancement a legal but inhumane battle of wits at the Olympics. But, um, the dividend threshold can reach more than 30%.”


"It is also said that the Black Body Project is an in-depth continuation of this subject. As for what research has been conducted and whether it has any results, that is not something we can know. When I saw it, I suddenly remembered that there is such a thing." Li Cang Pointing to the remains in the culture tank and the walls composed of embryos with different cycles, "Whether it existed before or not, it exists now, and it has the legacy of a lighthouse!"

Li Laixi was not too interested in these unsubstantiated gossips about science and technology and humanities. She just thought about it and thought about it: "Suddenly I remembered, tell me, can you, me, Rao Qifang and others be used to extract it?" Adrenalin or something to exchange money for?”


Sure enough, two kinds of people can't sleep in the same bed, and this girl is very thoughtful.

"Stop talking nonsense, something is coming in again." Li Cang muttered suspiciously, "It's really unexpected that a creature with alienated bloodline would be interested in something like this."

Li Laisi slapped away a zombie that sprang out of nowhere. It was still wearing a hospital gown. After smashing through several floors, it actually got up again as if nothing had happened.

"Li Cang, it has level four!"


With Li Cang's usual urination, he may not necessarily be sympathetic, but these things on the scene are really contrary to his ideas about alienated bloodlines. The Academy of Sciences is definitely interested, but I guess it will be the kind of base that wants to cancel their accounts. interest.

Li Cang smacked his lips and said: "Pack it up and sacrifice it directly later. It should be worth some money."

"Oh, it's rare. Has your conscience discovered this?"

"It's just that we don't agree with each other~"

"Sometimes I really can't understand why you, a black-hearted and cold-blooded animal like you, insist on burning oregano?"


Hey, this outrageous bitch can really drive on any bad road.

It's easy to get in but hard to get out. All the materials on the entire transformation island have been released. The outside is full of alienated bloodline creatures that have fallen into madness. It took a lot of effort for Li Cang to blast out a passage with Isolaye's Burning. Under such circumstances, it would be impossible to keep this transformation island intact, unless the banned homologous channel can be brought back online immediately.

"Go back and give all the photos and videos to Lao Wang, and let this guy come up with some good words to disgust the American Confederacy. This thing cannot be thought up by a single settlement. Regardless of whether it is dirty water or not, keep moving forward. Just pour it and it will end!”

At most, Li Cang likes to complain and make small reports, which is nothing compared to Big Lao Wang. He is really very good at and even proficient in talking shit. Maybe this is an innate talent for seeking death. .

Don't tell me, it's really useful.

This start was actually a little better than Li Cang expected. After all, in his impression, America's style has always been to climb the technology tree, and she was engaged in transforming island ships with melt weapons. It was worthless to him. Now that I saw it, who didn’t have a side job behind the scenes? What the co-author didn’t show off was that he hid all the good stuff on the transformation island and didn’t put it on the main island chain at all. .

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