The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1657: 10 billion subsidies for Monroe (3, love you guys)

Chapter 1657 Ten billion subsidies to Monero (+3, I love you)

"Yes, I know a little bit about boxing."

Li Cang, who was standing on Gou Kun's back, said this. He was currently only separated by a wall from the parliamentary building complex in Monroe New City, and his sword was pointing at the heart of Monroe. And this wall was transformed from the space carrier to the island to force the breeding of biological beasts. The wall of sighs isolated from the destiny servant system.

Except for the traitor who is chewing on the wall and the sea of ​​corpses blocking out the sky, there are no Americans here, and there is no element of a base.

It’s really not that the base is not up to par, but it’s that at this point in the battle, even America’s dumbfounded youth can see that they have no chance to sing. The main body of the three battle groups folded in one by one without even splashing. No matter how powerful the financial chain of the upper-level council of the Lika Confederation is, no matter how endless the support is, the leftovers in the No. 93 settlement began to retreat like dogs. When they retreat, the base will naturally stop them. For the base, at this stage, No benefit can be greater than the potential symbolic significance of the group destroying the No. 93 settlement that America risked her life to assist. Did they only attack the No. 93 settlement? It was the entire American Confederacy behind it. If you hold these guys in your hands, you can make the American Confederacy sell your head to redeem them!

Most of the 3/7 base was busy cleaning up the mess, and even the main battlefield on Monroe's side was a little careless.

Of course, the density of fire support has never been sparse.

Another way to think about it is that anyway, the laws of war, which are shameless things, are already on the top of the minds of the Monroe people. Even if the priority of taking over the Monroe base is behind the laws of war, it is better to do something to deal with the entire flower gardening family. A more beneficial career, one wins face, another wins li, and the other sells his pants. Everyone wins and has a bright future. If we take a step back, you, Li Cang, have gotten so much. There must be a place to invest resources. Even if money is in your hands, it will not give birth to babies. It is the eternal truth that money begets money. You see, such a big and warm 3/7 base that is as warm as home is full of waste and waiting for all kinds of industries to flourish. They are all naked and are placed in front of you for you to pick. They are the icing on the cake and the charcoal in the snow. Are you not moved?

And when the Monro Council faced such intimidating words that made the king so angry, the Council fully demonstrated the dignity and momentum of those who have long controlled a giant organizational structure. Except for the political system dominated by several major families, Monroe also has a DL, violent armed unit's own command system, and these people can think from a completely different standpoint.

"Monroe is not at the end of his rope yet. Li Cang, your arrogance has no meaning other than making us look down upon you!"

"Are you referring to it?" The ferocious Five Gouzi, who were pressing forward step by step to suppress Monroe's defensive formation, obediently made an obvious gap in the area pointed by Li Cang, revealing the transition storm node with surging glow, "This It is a two-way jump channel. Throwing and swallowing are relative. Jump storms always have deep malice towards the orbital island. I understand. So, Monroe is actually waiting for a wave of the swallowing frequency band to take away my sky island and start again. Ban the same source channel?”


"Where is Heathmore An'er? She almost drained the entire Monero but no sixth-generation forced-breeding biological beast appeared. The input and output are not proportional. It makes no sense to do this to her. I won't Believe it."

"Asking questions knowingly!"

The commander almost burst out of his lungs. Where is she? Don’t you have any clues? Despicable foreigner, who cheated Heathmore’s crown by betraying her appearance and tried to split Monroe’s cattle. We are inseparable from you. !

Li Cang said in a frivolous tone: "It is not wise to open the table with arms dealers just to fight a war!"

"You you."

At this moment, a situation appeared that made the commander who had not yet thought of his words feel stuck in his throat. A fleet that was so luxurious that it was visible to the naked eye was lying between Monroe and Li Cang. emmmm, the density of artillery fire and the sequence of skills in this area were also... As the situation became less visible to the naked eye, the whole battlefield seemed to be suddenly filled with countless furtive eyes of dogs. The feeling of being watched was so strong that everyone within a certain range felt it.

In the jellyfish part of Monroe New City and the ruins of Monroe Old City buried deep under the soil, endless light curtains seemed to be falling like an aurora rain, connected with each other, and the buzzing energy field enveloped the entire battlefield. The jellyfish Deep in the shape of the structure, more than thirty energy nodes light up in sequence, making the surrounding covered area transparent, exposing to everyone, hundreds of thousands of intact culture tanks that are more than a hundred meters long, and the whole body inserted in them. The behemoth full of pipes made everyone in the Monroe Council and the command system of this war twitch violently. They were speechless and lamented in their hearts that God is really blind. Anyone who uses this kind of technology and this kind of mind If you put it on any male of the Heathmore family, why would it be like this?

"The sixth generation is here." Hismoor An'er's voice echoed gently in the regional radio frequency band, seemingly mixed with a playful smile, "Although I don't think they can fight against you, as a Hesmoor As a member of the family, as a member of the Monroe Council, I have the obligation to do the last thing for Monroe. Li Cang, I beg you, I beg you, for the sake of our friendship, end this war. You have already won, don’t let more innocent people die.”

"The adult world has no emotions, only interests."

"I can give it to you. They, I, and Monro can all serve you," Heathmore An'er said. "The entire Monro was developed based on the family system. The parliamentary court in front of you, As well as their families, branch families, and affiliated families, they account for almost 40% of the population of Monroe, excluding slaves. Do you want to take away millions of lives? "

"That's not true. After this time, the mineral veins in the floating island chain can be mined for many years. I don't have that many street lights for them to choose from."

"Li Cang." An'er choked, "I know you have no faith, but don't you Chinese people value karma? Millions of people have died directly or indirectly because of you. Yes, it's very embarrassing for me to say this. Selfish, but”

"It's just a different life form." Li Cang rigorously emphasized the flatness, decentralization and particle alignment of technology in the era of prayer. "As a staunch materialist warrior, please don't say this very strange thing in front of me. It is easy for people to misunderstand that if the Taoist heart is unstable, it will only delay our reasoning. In fact, the laws of war are irreversible, and allowing you to surrender is the only effort I can make. "



Surrender is a joke!

As for the Parliamentary Court, the losses in the war are only some combat units and civilians. Now, even if the vested interests of Monro are packaged and sold into slaves, they may not be able to collect compensation. All the capitalists will have to be hung from the street lights. It is better to be completely beaten. Monroe asked everyone to shoulder the blame together, and maybe there was still hope of escaping with some capital. How could they agree to surrender?

Heathmore An'er appeared on the deck of the ship: "Then I will completely divide the Monero main island chain contract and send everyone to the orbit, and then detonate the jump storm to release the sixth generation of strong-breeding biological beasts. Believe me, you got it There will definitely be no more than now, stop it, Li Cang."

"You are very stubborn and naive." Li Cang frowned, "This is a stable two-way jump storm. When it is thrown out, there are only two routes to choose from: here and there. My sky island will be taken with it. No matter which side I’m on, I can get everything done.”

"Compared to the former, the parliamentary court must be more inclined towards the latter. They will agree. Moreover, I can also use the only sixth-generation biochemical beast to protect them."

"You mean the sixth generation made from this?" A homologous link suddenly opened in front of Li Cang. Bone Girl and Dao Girl got out of it, and presented two transparent vessels with a sense of technology, one blue and one pink, like treasures. Passed it to Li Cang, "I have seen their shadow from the fifth generation. Before using these two trading materials, did you have a thorough understanding of what they are?"

Heathmore An'er was horrified: "Some are derived from the activated flesh and blood of objects that cannot disclose information. Silicon-based"

"Yes, activated flesh and blood, silicon-based." Li Cang weighed the transparent jar. The blue tissue in the jar responded to Li Cang's gestures like a tidal wave. "Pink will help you solve the problem of thunderstorm energy overload. This is the extract of Lao Wang’s destiny servant Death Knell, blue, which was tried on the fifth generation and fully applied to the neural pathways and carriers on the sixth generation. It comes from my destiny servant and creation, Kun.”

"That's why you."

Li Cang snapped his fingers, and the giant things in the warehouse and culture tanks twitched one after another, as if they were resisting something, and as if they might get up and crush everything at any time: "I think you should have discovered that the proportion of materials has reached a certain level. Threshold, they will devour energy-generating neural nodes on their own. What do you think these neural nodes can be used for besides helping your Sixth Generation analyze and transmit commands?”


Hismoor An'er's eyes were filled with resentment.

(Note: See Chapter 848 Respect)

At the same time, Tai Xiaoyi, who was far away on Laowangkong Island, curled her lips, laughed angrily, and gave SOP a helpless and speechless blow, clear and loud: "You, me, her, all... He is a miserable bastard who only deserves to be plotted against!"

This is not the first time. At least Tai Xiaoyi's natal skills and SOP-related abilities are directly attached to Lao Wang's evil fire. Li Cang himself has no way to explain clearly.

It's just that Tai Xiaoyi's own personality does not reject this feeling.

"Then you are very good at it"

"It's just some little tricks that don't make sense."

"What else can these nerve nodes do, help you spy on my technology?"

"A few nodes can't do anything. It's just that the Sixth Generation Eye you hold at the bottom may not be able to move in front of me."

At this point, Hismoor Aner felt relaxed as if he had finally let go of something.

"Make way, give in, everyone, I'm going to run away quickly. Pretend I didn't say what I said before. Well, I haven't been here either!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Heathmore An'er's ship sailed majestically past the Monroe fleet, passed through the encirclement of Wugouzi, and gradually sailed out of everyone's sight. Except for a few blind flying beasts, they were captured by the ships on the An'er. The cannon silently swept away the debris.

Nothing happened.

The Monro Council still chose to detonate the jump node in a final desperate struggle. As for the initial contract to divide the Monro Island chain, there was naturally no such operation, because the Heathmore family would not agree at this time.


[Monroe Control Group's selected main force, 'Claw', has lost 78% of its combat-capable units, 'Dragon Teeth' has lost 51% of its combat-capable units, and 'Slime' has lost 51% of its combat-capable units. It is determined that Monroe controls The group 'Parliament Chamber' voluntarily gives up all war powers and becomes the loser of this war]

[According to the anti-seizure revenge law, the victorious party has the right to obtain a certain degree of war compensation from the defeated party, including but not limited to valuable intended materials, destiny coins, etc. If unable to pay, the area of ​​the empty island will be used as compensation, and war compensation is calculated The method is the theoretical value of the main troops lost by the victor in this battle, and the percentage is determined by the icosahedral war dice (1~20)%]

[The compensation coefficient for this war is 256%, and the execution priority is valuable intended materials \u003e Destiny Coins \u003e Sky Islands]

[The theoretical value of the subordinate and victorious main force ‘Li Cang’ lost in battle is being calculated, please wait]

[The statistics of the theoretical value of the main arms of the subordinate and victorious party ‘Li Cang’ damaged in battle have ended. The calculation formula is (theoretical cost + daily life requirements) * number of battle losses = the theoretical value of the main arms]

[No. 5: (983+0)*3670589+32766120+4500=3640959607]

[Dogleg No. 4: (0+9)*44654787=401893083]

[Dogleg No. 2: (6.5+0.5)*115952479=811667353]

[Mill speed ten times: 1136859*9=10231731]

[War compensation coefficient 256%]

[The defeated Monro-controlled group needs to pay war compensation to the subordinate and victorious party ‘Li Cang’ (3640959607+401893083+811667353+10231731)*256%=12453764541.4 destiny coins]

[The losing party, Monro Control Group, chooses to pay off immediately:

61,301 units of empty islands have been included in war compensation, totaling 3405,646,854 destiny coins;

Various materials and energy substrates, alienated blood fragments, and alienated bone fragments totaling approximately 82103767.5t have been included in the war compensation, totaling 8087221098 destiny coins;

960896589.4 destiny coins have been included in war compensation]

[All the above war compensation totaling 12453764541.4 destiny coins have been transferred to the victor’s subordinate ‘Li Cang’ prayer interface or the main island. For details, please expand the secondary interface or go to the main island to view]

[The settlement of war compensation is completed, and the teasing of the laws of war is over]

The settlement catalog was so tragic that it seemed like drops of blood and tears were flowing on it. Even excluding the detailed composition in brackets, there was still a long list. Lao Wang and Li Leisi looked at the panel in silence for a long time. It could be said that it was commonplace or numb, in short. Just look at him and say nothing.

Li Cang breathed a sigh of relief, and then his eyebrows twisted into a very unhappy shape, almost standing up: "How much oil and water were scraped from those guys?"

Lao Wang counted on his fingers and said in a rather humble tone: "It's almost exactly one thunder."

This situation is similar to a balance between the mouth and the stomach. One says that he is showing off, and the other says that he has not eaten, and then his brain suddenly pops up and slaps them for their big mouths. They are stupid people who cannot live up to expectations. That timi is a quick-acting heart-saving pill. What about you, you idiots, who made such a fuss about your mother?

Monroe's compensation is in line with the usual style of capitalists. When the earth was still a ball, more than 60,000 square kilometers of land was really a lot of money. It was almost a fraction of a superpower. But now it is not calculated that way. As long as it has complete Due to the nature of an empty island, even a one centimeter thick slice of soil must be calculated by area. That is to say, there are not many plots of land like Monroe where it is easy to cut off the flesh. Otherwise, I would definitely want to use the land area to compensate for it, so in reality What Li Cang got was a piece of crap with almost six layers of orbits with different heights inside and outside. How much the area of ​​the island can be increased after annexation depends entirely on the conscience of those capitalists Schrödinger. The remaining compensation will be huge. Part of it was repaid with materials that were bloated and difficult to digest and cash out. The last and last option was the genuine hard currency Destiny Coin.

It's a pity that the parliament does not understand Li Cang's style. Playing such clever tricks at this time has no effect except irritating someone. Someone who is diligent in picking up and running the house not only has to scrape the items before checking out, but also needs to scrape them again after checking out. Use all the bananas and all the peels.

Of course, after a closer look, this money should not be recognized by anyone at all. After all, the mud-smashing bubbles in the mountains of corpses are the zombie beasts brought by the warp storm in the base of Monroe America. It was the result of the joint efforts of many parties in the tide, but now America is gone, and the tide of zombie beasts has been wiped out by Li Cang's base. We can't expect the kind and kind-hearted base to compensate for them, right?

Li Cang focused his gaze on the geological vortex where the Monroe Island chain was located for a long time, and said with a smile: "You, go and tell old Heath Moore that I want the families with two-thirds of the seats in the parliament and the vassal families to bear the debt. Monroe Isn’t the Council very good at voting? Let’s let them do it this time.”

“It’s good”

Monroe is still there, but Monroe is gone.

When old Heathmore heard this crude message from the smiling fat man in front of him, he almost fainted on the spot——


No matter how ruthless Old Heathmore is, he is only prepared to give up the families that voted in favor after the defeat, but some plague gods want two-thirds of the vote, and those who did not vote in favor and did not work hard will also be implicated.

The question is.

Who will pay this head tax?

How much money is appropriate?

Should we calculate the total account of the above-mentioned bastard families and divide it by the average?

On the table in front of Heathmore Aner were four transparent jars with different colored contents, and she was playing with her slender fingers and staring at the four jars in a daze: "Father!"


"He's good, he's actually helping us."

"What do you mean?"

"After this battle, there will be no more powerful families in Monroe except Heathmore. You just need to ensure that part of the compensation is not shared by ordinary people, and he will agree to it. You are a wise and successful leader. You not only saved your family, but also saved Monroe."

Old Heathmore burst into tears and said faintly: "I saved my family and Monroe, but I couldn't save my precious daughter."

"Go, go, go, go, it's not sold to him, what nonsense are you talking about."


Didn't sell it?

Damn it, isn't that just giving it away? !


I thought it would be a long battle, but it only took about ten days for Monroe to be occupied. It was still the familiar people and the familiar smell. The civilians in Monroe were calm. After all, for ordinary people, going from slavery to communism in one step was a kind of progress. The land they ceded was not their land, and the compensation was not their money. They could also happily watch the big families who were arrogant and domineering above their heads being hung up on the street lamps. So it was natural to welcome the king's army.

That's right, it was to welcome the king's army.

If you don't believe me, ask who in this land doesn't know that the one who pressed the whole Monroe to the ground was the favorite of our Lord Heathmore Aner. The fat water should not flow to outsiders, and it is not cheap for those who have nothing.

It may be that foreigners have different brain circuits and worship of personal heroism. Some even went to the streets to put wreaths on the world's magic mountain master and twin tyrants with gongs and drums. Old Wang, who was concentrating on thinking of ways to bully men and women, was stunned and had a short circuit.

Li Cang simply didn't show up. The magician was a kind-hearted man who cherished moths and lamps and was afraid of hurting ants. He couldn't bear to see such a happy funeral, so he went outside to dig the Fusheng Island Chain, which moved most of the prisoners who were sent in by him to tears. It would be better to bury them here. It would be better to die in the cold than to die of exhaustion, starvation and torture. Then they watched Li Cang send a large number of workers to him, all of whom were blond, blue-eyed, and tender. The prison bosses who had never seen such a good thing in their lifetime couldn't help but sincerely praise him: Brother, you smell good.

Well, it's actually pretty good to be alive.

The management posts of Fusheng Island Chain were even more confused, and they couldn't figure out the pulse of this gentleman at all.

What's going on? You came here with such fanfare. Are you afraid of violating the Geneva Convention? You can do something else with your time. The entire base was razed to the ground, but you didn't even dig a few shovels. However, opinions are naturally reserved, for fear that the man in front of them might not be right and take them away. They used to just hearsay, but now after such a battle, they suddenly found that those legends were indeed inconsistent with the facts. TNND, the legends were so far-fetched, what do you mean by being so conservative?

Li Cang stuffed the Fusheng Island Chain like dumplings, wrote and calculated in a small notebook, tore off a page, made two copies of it and handed it to the other party: "Let Zhao Yang take this to reconcile with me later, I'm keeping track of it, don't think about it like last time, um, or the time before, anyway, don't try to fool me, a bunch of old men with no good intentions, picking on honest people!"

He left with a curse, just left.

The reason why the person concerned is so idle is that he has received the signal from the young lady who has been dragged to the other side with the Sky Island. The little coin guy is also aware of the people's feelings. Perhaps he has blamed Li Cang for the tragedy caused by the jump storm. He left the blank space as a holiday. The future over there is bright. There is not even a grass standing upright in the base area here, which is even more bright.

The extra chapter may be late, but it will never be absent. One update for every 10,000 rewards is fair. It is indeed a little late, but it is true that I am almost busy during this period. Once again, I sincerely thank all the friends who rewarded and supported me during the Chinese New Year. I love you. Here is the 6,000 chapter.

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