I've tried so hard, why haven't I succeeded? I love you so much, why don't you love me yet? Whether this earth-shattering behavior can succeed in defeating the little coin boy is yet to be seen. I can't stand Teacher Cang's incomprehensible expressions. Well, a handsome boy who loves to smile will never have bad luck, right——

Talk to your grandma!

As soon as Evolution was launched, Xiaobi Zaizi reported errors one after another, the subtitles crackled and refreshed like a sea, and the thirty-second countdown of a blood vessel disintegrating made Li Cang's head spin.

As the saying goes, if there is too much water, add more noodles. If there is too much noodles, add water. But Li Cang's main idea is to add fuel to the fire. He just poured more than eight tons of specialized energy matrix into the body of a three-meter-tall dragon and wolf. So much energy matrix. , it took a while just to react.


True gold is refined by fire. The more frustrated you are, the stronger you become. Burn it hard for me!

He held the silent funeral bracelet and thought hard for a long time. After a set of vigorous and vigorous operations, he only slowed down the disintegration speed of his blood vessels for less than two minutes. Kuci, who was hopeless, pumped the blood vessels all at once. Punch on his own aorta: "Introduce entries 2, 3, 5, and 6, the material is iron-blooded, and continue to evolve."

TNND, where’s the promised source of luck?

[The entry is too complex and highly uncontrollable. The material ‘Female Iron Blood’ still contains unknown ingredients that have not been fully identified, which may affect the positive results of the prayer evolution. Do you want to continue? 】

"More money!"

[This prayer is not valid]

"Cancel. Cancel remote attack default entry 6"

[The theory of this prayer is established, the disintegration process of Ignis bloodline is suspended, and the evolution is in progress]

Li Cang cursed: "Blend blood!"

[Remnants of the woman’s iron-blooded will are detected and cannot be erased]

"Interference with the will of the receptor remains, isolate the core, and open an independent link channel using the dog kun material."

[The theory of prayer is established, please select the main body and direction of the spiritual grid]

"Receptor self-selection."

[The prayer is established. The cancerous aberration has entered the core infection layer. The fusion is in progress. The evolution process will be uncontrollable. The corresponding risks arising from subsequent evolution will be borne by the slave Li Cang. Yes/no to continue? 】

"Cancel the definition of participating in the war and introduce default entries related to the power of the three phases."

[Please provide the original sample of the three-phase power and the original spine and nerve fragments or substitutes of version 1.0]

Li Cang was so angry that his teeth were itching: "You Timi, you still know that that thing is gone. Enable the default entries 17~99, give me life, slap me with the power of the three phases, they all fucking slap me, Get my big magic wand quickly, Brother DaZi, and arrange pre-operative anesthesia for me!”

[The definition of participating in the war cannot be canceled]

"Delete it!"

Under the astonishing rate of burning money, the dragon and wolf's body returned to normal at an even more alarming speed and gradually tended to crystallize into metal. A faint cold light flickered, just like a layer of smooth human-shaped eggshells slowly covering the iron-blooded body of the woman. The iron-blooded flesh and blood texture gradually dissolves, just like the metamorphosis of an insect, leaving almost only the metallic red-orange skeleton and nerve pathways. In the process of deformed and cancerous infection, complex energy circuits emerge based on nerve bundles. .

[The branches of evolutionary theory deduction are as follows——]

[Servant of Destiny: To be named 1]

Races: humanoids, lifeforms, semi-creations, abnormal alienations, aberrations and cancers, fantasy embodied bloodlines, bloodlines and destiny servant polymers that deviate from the basic definition of life but still have constant biological activity

Height: 470cm

Weight: 5000kg

Life: -1

Physical strength:X



Status: Stage 5 of Six Alienation, Mutation Alienation, Bone Alienation, Shape Alienation, Bloodline Alienation

Abilities: Mental Grid, Three Phase Power, Blockade Field, Resting Field, Spell Disruption Field, Iron-Blooded Form, Boiling Blood Spear, Samurai Heart, Cold Weapon Affinity, Hot Weapon Resistance

Growth method: eating, supplemented by alienated blood and bone fragments produced by mills

[Servant of Destiny: To Be Named 2]

Races: humanoids, lifeforms, abnormal alienation, aberrations and cancers, traceability fantasy manifested bloodline, servants of destiny

Maximum body length: X


Life: -1

Physical strength:X

Strength: 24kc

Agility: 28c

Status: The fourth stage of seven alienation, mutation alienation, skeletal alienation, beastly alienation, bloodline alienation

Abilities: Multi-metal crystallized exoskeleton, breath of dragon and wolf, iron blood, blockade force field, [to be named], [to be named]

Growth method: eating, supplemented by alienated blood and bone fragments produced by mills

【Servant of Destiny:】

[47 of the 49 possibilities of this prayer deduction are highly unstable and cannot exist normally. Please select and name within 17 seconds to end this prayer to maintain the stable state of the receptors]



"Fuck you @#¥%" Li Cang, who was almost exhausted by the gift of life, was not in the mood to praise the little coin boy's praises. He almost roared with all his strength, "666, choose to be named 6, Name: Villain!"

[The new category of Servants of Destiny is confirmed and belongs to the level 0 category. When any survivor touches the level 0 category, he will be forced to use this name to read]

[Tip: The category is unique, normal evolution is not possible, and there is no recipe entry]

【Confirmation of Will】

[Servants of Destiny: Villain]

Race: humanoid, life-like, mixed silicon-based, mixed source, semi-creature, abnormal alienation, distorted canceration, traceable fantasy embodiment of blood, blood that deviates from the basic life definition but still has constant biological activity, and fate servant polymer.

Body length: X

Weight: X

Life: -1

Stamina: X

Strength: X

Agility: X

Status: Eight Alienation Stage 1

Ability: Mental Grid, Iron Blood Fate, Threshold Personality

Growth Method: X

[Mental Grid: Mental Link Independent Command Unit, Neural Grid Nodes Constructed by ‘Evil Servant’, and All Fate Servants Sharedly Undertake Response Nodes]

[Iron Blood Fate: Pain Diversion, Iron Blood Will Residual Carrier Points to Equipment ‘Father Vest’, Please Check]

[Threshold Personality: Threshold Critical Force Field Reification and Endowed with Three-Phase Force Pseudo-Personality]

[Tip: Silicon-based fate servant polymer that has been roughly rewritten and distorted blood, the basic life definition has been deviated, and the corresponding risks arising from the subsequent evolution direction are all borne by the subordinate Li Cang (Cang) Because the fate servant polymer touches the underlying logic and integrates the complexity and uncertainty of materials and heterogeneous blood, its shaping process is irreversible, unreplicable and unique.

[End of this prayer]

Before Li Cang had time to throw the question mark on the little coin boy's face, a huge pain that touched the depths of his soul suddenly descended, and another round of reshuffling and balancing of the main body, the big magic wand and all the fate servant polymers with similar properties began directly. The extracted three-phase power turned into a cocoon that almost completely wrapped up the entire sky island. In his blurred consciousness, he only saw a thick, substantial black, white and red light that flashed like a worm and fell on his back, followed by another explosion that pierced gold and cracked rocks, as if a mountain was being blasted and mined on his back.

"I said."

I didn't spend any money that I should have spent, and I didn't suffer any pain that I shouldn't have suffered. Li Cang felt like a poor insect that kept chrysalising on the ground, and then was dragged deeper into the abyss of pain by the ankles while being pierced through the heart by the intricate three-phase power. The pain kept increasing, but his consciousness was extremely clear from beginning to end, as clear as Timi wearing a hot water cooling suit.

In short.

Wang, I, Timi, will never forgive you!


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