Obviously, the lantern head has completely different strength from the outside world in this so-called honeysuckle coordinate zone. He is still a two-skinned masked fish at a young age, and the hidden man who is hooking up with these lantern heads is... Those things in the depths of the water are not good things. When they gradually surfaced, all the subordinates felt a little bit in their hearts.

In terms of shape, they are indeed nothing special. They are just a combination of zombies and aquatic zombies. Never mind why there are terrestrial zombies and various flying birds popping out of the water. The units, just their uniform translucent paint and the flash nodes in the tendons, blood vessels and even bones that echo the same style as the lantern head are very annoying.

"God damn ecosystem." Lao Wang muttered Li Cang's crow mouth, "You can just do as you say. You can take the seat under my butt. Damn it, I will abdicate right here and give it to you." What an evil beast!"

It is often only at this time that you can see how confident an orbital slave is. While all the islands are busy raising physical shields, force field shields and various prayer protection systems, the tomb beast is already active. Millions of tentacles entered the sustainable fish-fishing posture. The sacred light of the lantern head fell on another empty island, which was called a big furnace. The snow collapsed, and it shone on Li Cang's ghost-like island. He was stunned. Nothing happened.

Even on Lao Wang Kong Island, the location covered by the nest crystals remains motionless.

"It's interesting."

Li Cang held a dusty and inconspicuous cancer-character bomb in his hand, threw it into the water as he spoke, and detonated the cancer-character bomb with his bare hands. Speaking of which, this can be regarded as an ability that made Lao Wang grit his teeth when he saw it. , which is a strange operation that cannot be easily copied.

It was just a "cancer" bullet, but it expanded rapidly with the momentum of swallowing up the sky and the earth. In an instant, it completely enveloped the two giant sky islands owned by Old King Li Cang. Its extended range would probably be hundreds of millions of dollars. The unit is kilometers, and besides the exponential expansion of the coverage area, the texture of the corrosive liquid formed by the explosion of this cancer bomb is also different from before. It is a fluffy and fragile cancerous substance like foam. After a few seconds, rings of pupil-shaped rings began to appear, and the cancerous material rapidly necrosized and collapsed from the center of the rings.

Li Cang noticed that the dim glow of the silent water directly blocked the raging shock wave of the cancer bomb explosion, but it failed to save the lantern head hanging high above the water like a chandelier. The pearl was instantly covered with dust and was corroded and assimilated by the cancer bomb. An indescribable dirty color, the light is so dim that it is almost undetectable.

The rapidly expanding cancerous material may have expanded so much that it lost its strong penetration ability. Except for the lantern head, it did not even cause much damage to the subordinate islands within the explosion radius. This was what Li Cang experienced. Among all the complex battle scenes, it is the most friendly to "teammates".

The cancerous substance, like foam and fluff, has reached the end of its life in the blink of an eye. It peels off layer by layer towards the water surface. Once it comes into contact, it releases billowing gray-blue smoke. The surface of the water where it comes into contact is massively turbid and dirty. The colors spread out in large swaths.

Then, the water bubbled up, and half of the millions of lantern heads floated to the surface, turning over on their bellies.

"What the hell?" Lao Wang was dumbfounded, "What the hell!"

The sky island is surrounded by craters and round luminous bodies and fish bellies that look like the surface of the moon. The breath of life weakens rapidly. In just a few breaths, the luminous bodies are completely extinguished. The fish scales where the light flows quickly wither away, revealing the white fleshy texture, and It starts from small blood vessels and breaks down into a milky but thicker sap that eventually merges into the water.

Li Cang didn't care about these lantern heads.

In fact, the creatures deep in the water don't care either. They are just stunned by this wide-area AOE.

Unlike the lantern head, except for a few types of alienated bloodline creatures, the luminous body is directly exposed outside the body and becomes a fatal weakness. Most of the rest are properly protected within the body and covered with layers of translucent texture, so there is no Being directly infected by the weakened version of the cancer bomb - of course, this also caused the corrosive ability of the light they emitted to the sky island to be completely different from that of the lantern head, which was better than nothing.

Waves of cheers erupted one after another on the subordinate islands, and some people fired red and white flares to pay tribute to Li Cang. All the subordinate islands quickly adjusted their positions to get closer to each other to organize a counterattack. Such a large-scale formation Not everyone is lucky enough to encounter the tide of alienated bloodline creatures.

If you win, you will eat, if you lose, you will not suffer.

When Li Cang threw a few more "cancer" pop-ups in an attempt to continue causing trouble, it seemed that due to the lack of catalysis by the lantern head's large illumination technique, he was not able to make any waves as expected.

"It's work!"

Lao Wang shouted, and the death knell switched forms. Its wings were like a door hanging from the sky, and evil fire was blazing.

The rusty evil energy chains clanked, criss-crossing between the entity and the void with Lao Wang as the center, like a metal cage.

The silent water creatures that were unfortunately hit seamlessly transitioned from extreme movement to extreme stillness, instantly twitching and freezing like marionettes. Involuntary muscle twitching was the only thing they were allowed to do in the pain that burned their souls. The movement he made even made his wails choke back into his throat.


Where the leaf hammer passed, the skull of a fourth-stage walking corpse with wings on its ribs suddenly fell apart. The evil fire burned on every inch of corpse, blood, and body fluids it shot out. Before it fell to the water, it had burned out, leaving only wisps of thick gunpowder that completely overlapped with the falling trajectory.

"Good boy!"

Old Wang's eyes were shining, and he looked up and looked at the death knell.


A green bullet accurately cut through the intersection of the vision of a man and a beast, and then pierced through the bodies of the three huge beasts in front of him, and then a bang was heard from afar, fully releasing its power.

Old Wang instantly became honest, his eyes and nose were watching his heart, and he was free and unrestrained. The leaf hammer dragged behind him burst out with a heavy explosion like a mountain being torn apart. The wind and clouds suddenly changed, and a kind of unfounded heavy momentum went straight into the sky, forming a shock wave and surging air waves around Old Wang like a bomb explosion.

"Thunder Half Moon Slash!"

Maybe making up a random name for the move and then shouting it out really helps maximize the power of the dragging sword technique. In short, after the magnificent sword light rose slowly, its length was amazingly almost as long as Lao Wang Kongdao. The sword light cut through the waves, and the zombies and monsters disappeared. Wherever it passed, even the surface of the water was pressed down to form a straight and deep trench.

Really·drawing a sword to cut the water.


This beeping and rounding pretense can't last for three seconds. Lao Wang, who was full of anger, broke the skill in a second and shouted: "It's over, it's over."


A half-baked person can only bury his friendly forces with honor.

After a burst of explosions that pierced gold and split rocks, at least three subordinate Kongdao were shattered by the sword light, and the force field shield left a huge trench on the main body of Kongdao, and was pushed out several kilometers away. It can be seen with the naked eye that the smoke and fire caves on the island are very lively.


Old Wang whistled, turned his hands behind his back expressionlessly and changed the direction he faced. As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind. As long as I am not embarrassed, then others will be embarrassed - the sky island was almost broken by a fucking person, isn't it embarrassing?

As a result, it doesn't matter if I turn around, I am immediately furious: "Fuck, Li Cang, why is there nothing on your island?"


"That's a question!"


When the zombie beasts from the deep waters rushed to the starboard side of Old Wang's sky island, Li Cang was not completely silent. Didn't you see that the tomb-guarding beast's five-horse spear was trying its best to fish, as if it was afraid of not being able to grab the slot, and the splashes were continuous, hundreds or thousands of meters high.

Why did Li Cang not touch the compensation of the war law several times? Wasn't it just to maintain the active occupancy rate of the sky island? This is because the tomb guardian beast is limited in length and bulky, otherwise these crooked melons and cracked dates who dared to smell the smell from a distance would have their eyes gouged out one by one and their strings squeezed out.

So, a strange scene appeared.

The turbulent and silent waters continuously slammed various alienated blood creatures to all subordinate sky islands, but Li Cang's sky island was calm. Even if the tomb guardian beast used all its strength, it still couldn't get more oil and water. It roared and released a round of spores directly, but it still couldn't do anything to this area of ​​water. The results were few, and most of the spores could only float on the water.

The doghouse was planted directly on Lao Wang's sky island. The huge eyes were overwhelming, refreshing the five dogs of Feathered Bone Spear again and again. Driven by Master Demon Mountain and the Twin Tyrants, the four dogs rushed forward one after another with a more frenzied attitude than the tide that rushed onto the sky island with the waves under the water. If Li Cang had not recently received the villain, he might not have been able to control this group of crazy people.

The alienated blood creatures in the water seemed fragile and translucent like glass, but in fact they were quite strong. The four dogs were torn apart in the first round of charge in the ground war that they were best at, and blood flowed everywhere.


Before Li Cang said anything, the Twin Tyrants, the warlords, quit first.

In terms of relatives, the four dogs were their direct subordinates, and Li Cang had to stand aside. Seeing that their lackeys were so embarrassed, the supervisory team gathered all their strength and fired a round of plasma cannons, which blasted the middle section of the four dogs to pieces - yes, that's right, the sea of ​​dogs.

The vacant area blasted by the plasma cannon was soon filled up by the sea of ​​dogs. The four dogs usually had big dogs and soil as food, and at most they could eat a bite of two dogs. This Timi directly showed off his brothers and sisters to his mouth. Isn't it like celebrating the New Year?

In an instant, a sudden bulge suddenly appeared in the middle section of the sea of ​​dogs. The four dogs, who were given enough food, expanded by two full numbers at a speed visible to the naked eye. Under the rough skin, bone armor and stratum corneum, you can even see traces of blood vessels growing and spreading new capillary structures. The hideous and bloody torn wounds that appeared due to the rapid expansion of the body were quickly filled and covered with substances like cancerous tissue.

The same scale, the same number, the same line-filling and face-riding, but a few minutes later, they produced completely different results.

The wave after wave of the alienated creatures in the Silent Waters were pressed to the ground by the sea of ​​dogs again, and the saying goes that the higher the virtue, the higher the evil. The Mountain in the back was still riding and slashing under the backstab fire of the Twin Tyrants, killing the four dogs and the creatures in the Silent Waters all over the ground.

The large-scale Akadi Qianli released by the five dogs worked together and suddenly fell like an invisible heavy hammer. The waves of flesh and blood that were pressed against each other on the ground staggered neatly. The water mist washed out went straight to the sky like a mushroom cloud, and the insect cores grew. The whip crackled, cutting through the wave peaks like a hot knife cutting through butter, and was accompanied by a continuous flow of feathers and bone spears.

In just a few minutes, the prototype of a ring-island embankment appeared on the edge of Lao Wang's empty island. Corpses piled up like mountains, and densely packed cancerous tissues interspersed among the corpses like the tentacles of living creatures, stabilizing the defense line, absorbing nutrients, and injecting nutrients into the body. A series of cancerous pools full of grabbing and devouring gradually formed on the dike.

Qin Zhenzhen pouted her mouth blankly, her eyes were dull, and she vomited after looking at it.

Li Cang glanced at Suo Zhihui and said, "Take her back to the Diaojiaolou, and you go find the young lady."


Neither Suo Zhihui nor Qin Zhenzhen were from the island, and they knew what to do in this situation, but what just happened was too sudden and too shocking, making people dizzy and forgetful.

Even Li Laixi frowned at this style of painting.

"That's too much. Are you going to lose money to fight again?" The ghost claw flashed, and a flying alien beast landed on the ground. It was firmly pressed into the ground by Li Laisi's long legs and struggled in vain. "Well, this speed of corruption is too outrageous. According to this If this continues, the only raw materials you can recycle are those that have been corroded by cancer!”

Li Cang's face was ugly, but he couldn't say it was ugly: "You have to defend the empty island. After a wave of resistance, we will look again. Since there are indigenous people here, they must have ways to utilize resources, but we haven't found it yet."

"Then will they come out?"

Li Cang shook his head: "If you are not stupid, I guess the islands we saw when we came in were the only time we faced each other. With this kind of ecological attack to serve outsiders, they only need to find ways to take advantage of them and maximize their self-interest. , there is no need to show up again!”

"That seems to be the truth."

"It's too slow. Lao Wang speeds up, crashes over, connects all the empty islands, and tells them that we guard the outermost perimeter!"


Lao Wang expressed that he was greatly shocked and did not understand but respected.

Anyway, after forcing Lai Lai for a while, he decisively turned on the manual driving mode of Kongdao, and then yelled at the radio, his tone and posture were domineering like a tyrant.

Thanks to Beicheng Jiang Gui for the 1,500 starting coin reward, and thanks to Xuan Benmo and other book friends for the reward, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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