If we use more realistic language, Li Cang is not willing to believe that a giant beast of this level will naturally reach the end of its life in such a short time, but the feeling that the giant beast in front of him gave him from the outside to the inside can only be described in two words: dying.

Its life energy is magnificent, and it still has the ability to destroy the entire peak of the sky island and make the surrounding ants and rats full of greed and plunder disappear into ashes, but it still has no way to stop its life from coming to an end. Even the vicissitudes and wisdom in its eyes no longer reveal anger or sadness, but a kind of fatigue and indifference.


The bull head stood in front of the giant beast and gently nudged the giant beast with its wet nose, like a farewell to an old friend who had known each other for many years. The giant beast responded with a pant, but its eyes fell on Li Cang, whose mane waterfall was scattered as the bull head lowered his head.

At the moment when he was focused on, Li Cang's hair stood up all over his body.

The beast blinked playfully, and then, the majestic life energy suddenly turned into a blazing flame visible to the naked eye, and soared into the sky. The terrifying energy fluctuations instantly dispersed the clouds. The beast stood up, stood still in the void, looked up at the sky and roared with the last roar of life. The scales on its body withered rapidly in the flames and roars. The power of its blood and the energy of life all turned into burning nutrients at this moment. The sky island where it was located and the isolated peak tens of kilometers high issued a deafening sound in the flames.

Tear, collapse, annihilation.

The corpses and beasts closest to the giant beast turned into lifelike scorch marks on the ground almost at the moment when the flames rose to the sky. The black and white embers and dust swept the whole world. Li Cang could feel that the brilliant eyes in the flames were always looking at him, or at the bull head, but he had no time to care about him. His body was stiff like a sculpture standing there. The gorgeous flames and halos like the aurora gradually faded in his eyes. The gray wind was like a curtain, covering the whole vision.

The bones and flesh were rotten, and they peeled off layer by layer like gravel in the gray wind.

The three-color characters of the extermination soul bracelet were still rotating. The gray wind that shuttled through the flesh, blood, nerves, tendons, internal organs and bones seemed to bring something, and it seemed to take something away. Suddenly, Li Cang actually felt like he had entered the state of the big blood explosion that he was familiar with, half absolute rationality and half extreme madness, and the gradual separation of consciousness and reason from the body.

At this time, the fire of life ignited the part outside the radius.

The vitality of the corpses and beasts in the sky and underground grew wildly like weeds after rain. Their bodies were constantly torn, weathered, and healed under the last brilliant light of the giant beast's life. The smelly and sticky dirty fluid kept dripping from their bodies. The alienated branches in their bodies that had gradually died and withered with the promotion were revived and sprouted new branches.

In the alienated life community, a 4th stage corpse life that was less than 6 years old was immersed in the ecstasy of promotion.

The promotion process that should have been full of pain made it feel so comfortable as if it was bathed in spring breeze, so that its face, which was already not human enough, actually showed a very human expression similar to a smile, but then, its blood began to run wild, its body began to twist, and the explosion of blood disintegration was like a soap bubble in the wind under the illumination of the blazing fire, which dissipated lightly.

Not far from this corpse, a giant beast like an alligator turtle slowly shed its scales, shrank in size, and restrained its life fire. Finally, a golden, slender snake with a floating force field and a pair of almost transparent wings emerged from the lifeless corpse.

Countless zombies and strange beasts were promoted and transformed under the illumination of the life fire, and more zombies aged rapidly without pain, completing the entire natural decay process in a very short time, and quietly turned into a handful of dust and a skeleton.


When Li Cang woke up, he found himself placed flat on a huge skull.

The sutures of his skull had long been dislocated. His subconscious action of waking up caused his skull, which was several times larger than the stilt house and the mountain ridge cap, to collapse and break into several pieces instantly. Amid the loud bang, something seemed to be glowing in the empty eye sockets, illuminating the bones, flesh, ashes, dirt and dust that were ejected like two beams of crimson searchlights.

After a while, Li Cang finally climbed out of his eye sockets with the help of the big magic wand, holding a crimson gem with a gradually inward glow and a liquid flowing in the center.

The sky island collapsed, the mountain peaks collapsed, and even the jump channel above his head that was constantly throwing garbage had been bridged.

The entire visible range radiated from the skeleton of the giant beast where he was, and was filled with corpses with heads uniformly facing here. There was no gap left in the layers, and there was no sign of struggle. The huge and standard circle of corpses was like an abstract painting about the scorching sun and sunlight. The whole scene was strange and desolate, and shocking in the desolation, like worship and sacrifice.

This time, Brother Niu's departure did not produce a second lightning scorch mark. The only winding texture was the position where it stood before.

However, those textures can no longer be called scorch marks, but gullies. There is no material left in the edge of the molten groove. If you look closely, you can even find that this is not a plane at all, but a beautiful hemispherical three-dimensional structure, like the root system of a plant.

"Brother Niu, it's not fair to leave without saying goodbye?" Li Cang, who felt that he had been turned into parts, grinned, weighed the multi-faceted purple crystal in his hand, and muttered to himself: "It's polite, but not much. It's okay for old friends to meet without drinking tea, blowing water, and making soup, but you took me to a funeral with no food? That's it?"

Li Cang carefully examined his body and found that there was nothing abnormal except that his blood exploded once, so he put the crystal in his pocket and habitually used the big magic wand to knock on the skull of the giant beast - zero feedback.


But it didn't even feel like they came from a terrifying alienated life.

"I always feel that you are not presiding over your own funeral, but overcoming the tribulation. Are you trying to purify your own bloodline by giving up and burning so much life energy? I really don't know what would happen if you didn't die!" Li Cang continued to mutter to the giant's eye sockets, very childish, "Well, it's an honor to witness the end of a giant like you with my own eyes. Goodbye!"

He patted the skull of the giant and turned away.

He walked a few steps and came back.

"Sorry, I took this with me, too. You shouldn't mind, right?"

Li Cang used a big magic wand to rip off the five horns as thick as temple pillars, and carried the little head step by step.

He then came back.

But this time he didn't say anything. Everyone was familiar with each other, so these false and symbolic courtesies were unnecessary.

The rare and peaceful Bone Sister was thrown out of the big magic wand, and there was a solid bang when she landed. She looked at this world and the corpse of the giant beast in front of her for a long time, and the empty eye sockets with evil energy burning looked at Li Cang innocently.


Li Cang sighed first, and then asked again and again with reluctance: "No? Really? Otherwise, you can release a plague cloud to pull them up as plague servants? It's not a loss to take them back and grind them into powder to make starch sausage for you to eat!"

If it was just disinterest before, then the meaning echoing in Li Cang's mind now was obvious resistance. It was not limited by the rules of this ghost place. The priority of Bone Sister's companion skills was extremely high, especially the plague cloud, but what she wanted to express should be that the cost of pulling up these corpses was far greater than the return. In the end, because of her old father's face, she still reluctantly pulled up the skeleton of the giant beast.


Li Cang was instantly disappointed.

This is really worthless. The prerequisite for the plague cloud to pull up the plague servant is that the servant's predecessor's rank, strength, etc. are fundamentally different from the bone sister. The bone sister must have the ability to completely control it to achieve the skill effect, and finally use the plague servant as the raw material to launch the next stage of corpse explosion.

Of course, even so, Li Cang did not give up the corpse of the giant beast.

What if.

What if it is useless on this line.

At worst, it is quite pleasing to the eye to be left on the empty island as a decoration, isn't it?

Therefore, a huge, black and white plague cloud and evil energy fire flow, with a gunpowder barrel-like explosive temperament, just like walking in the cold and vast wilderness in the polar day with rumbling footsteps, the sun is low, and the bone sister and Li Cang above are lazily wiping the dominoes, with withered tendons and brains all over their faces.

"Don't rush me, Chang San! Your mother is in that direction, adjust it!"

"What? You dare to question me?"

"I have made a plan since last time. I can smell the vitality and calcium energy of that woman even if it turns into ashes!"

"Bench! What are you talking about? You are too narrow-minded, young comrade. Can Dad's business be wrong? It would be great if Brother Corpse could come out. Compared with this broken thing, I think I am better at playing Landlord. Well, dominoes are not my strong point!"



"Go back to me!"

The bone sister, who was running out of energy, had to start sharing the inventory of the big magic wand and Li Cang. The magician's face gradually became hideous, and he regretted biting his back teeth. It was really a waste of such a big body. It turned out that he was not much better than Miss Qiu. That idiot could survive two hours in this place.

After all, it was a giant beast with a body length of kilometers. Even if it was pulled up and became a plague servant, its legs were still many times faster than Li Cang.

During the mad rush, he caught up with many zombies that seemed to have left the giant beast's funeral. They all fled in a trembling manner. Li Cang felt that they could really recognize who the original owner of the skeleton was.

Without stopping for too long, he just took away a few decent rations and continued on his way.

It was nothing else, the prayer chat interface had become a mess.

Li Cang felt that if he dared to slow down by two steps, his hair would be pulled out by the angry comrade Da Leizi. At the same time, he also found out who was the culprit of this alcoholism incident.

Even though Da Leizi was injured like a bird, he still insisted on high-intensity laning and scolded Li Cang. But Qin Zhenzhen, who was talking so much that it seemed like she had a brain on her mouth, no, it seemed like she had a person on her mouth, didn't say a word. Is this hard to guess?

The road.

It's not far.

Niu carried Li Cang on his back and ran for several days without sleep. He did all kinds of things, such as warping and so on, but he didn't go in the wrong direction. It must be said that the blessing of Lord Peregrine Falcon is really everywhere. Three days, three whole days, the seriously overloaded giant beast skeleton finally ended its miserable life as a vehicle and rested.


Under the swaying warm orange light, three illusory fox tails curled up and relaxed, Suo Zhihui stretched herself out and spat out a small mouthful of blood. The surrounding area was filled with traces of fighting, and several fragmented corpses were scattered messily.

Suddenly, the fur on Suo Zhihui's tail exploded visibly to the naked eye, and the civet cat that appeared and disappeared in the warm tones of candlelight suddenly disappeared, so that Suo Zhihui, who had lost his blessing, fell to the ground with a plop, and fell to the ground again. She was vomiting blood, but her eyes were full of surprise: "Li Cang! Are you here? Where are you?"

At the end of her sight was a black mountain protruding from the ground. A few minutes later, a huge figure jumped onto the geological fragment where she was, her footsteps rumbling.


A figure landed with the most reluctant meniscus.

Li Cang smiled so hard that he felt a little distressed, a little sorry, a little ashamed, and didn't even know what to say: "Well, thank you for your hard work, Hui——"

Suo Zhihui rolled her eyes and said charmingly: "Help me up first!"


Hug very tight.

Da Leizi had a bright red bone fragment of unknown origin stuck in his belly. The wound was densely covered with traces of blue and black blood vessels, like an alienated infection, more like there were squirming veins in it. Bred in flesh and blood.

Qin Zhenzhen, with her legs splayed out, looked like a Snow King with her arms akimbo.

There was a fire burning in the crude temporary camp, half of it was underground on the cliff, and the other half was a shed made of bones and furs of alien animals. A mess of temporary tools, clothes and bedding were piled everywhere, and there were two solar panels set up like antennas. On the shelf outside, Dalei Zi's cell phone was connected to the other end.

Li Laisi's cell phone slammed into Li Cang's face: "What a bastard!"

"Tsk, haven't you eaten?"

"Ah, ah, I'll kill you, a big living animal!"

"Don't be angry with her. Now she has to be helped even to sit up. She relies on her mobile phone to relieve pain."

Li Cang walked over and rubbed the girl's hair into a chicken coop while she was in a weak stage. He touched the irregular alienated bone fragments that stood up high on his belly with his hand. He touched it with satisfaction after hearing a sharp popping sound. Nose: "Hey, the position is exactly the same as last time. How did you do it?"

Li Laixi herself felt ashamed to see others, but she still emphasized arrogantly: "It's not because of your little bitch. If I hadn't blocked it for her, she wouldn't know where her head is now. Why, you're just visiting patients. Did you come empty-handed?”

Li Cang was familiar with the road and checked for a while: "Nothing, nothing on this line, the infection is quite serious, you can't handle the hard separation."

"Nonsense, don't I know better than you?"

"Hey, I'm still in good spirits. It proves that I can still be strong. What about you, how are you?"

Qin Zhenzhen was like a mouse meeting a cat. The dog was trying to hide its face, like a pitiful and aggrieved puffer fish. She even looked like she was trying hard to raise her butt: "No, it's okay. People know they are wrong." , you, you, please don’t scold me, or you can hit me!”

Suo Zhihui: "Pfft~"

Okay, that's not what you said before, you even looked a little arrogant.

Li Cang straightened her up, looked at the tightly bandaged legs, and then frowned with a gloomy expression. Qin Zhenzhen was stunned, her big eyes blinked, filled with tears: "Am I going to lose limbs? Mine?" Can’t you save your legs?”

"It's not crooked at all. I've thought about how hard I would use to interrupt and reconnect!"

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