The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1716 The Dead Servants Sky Island

"Wait. Li Cang, is there a subordinate island in front of Li Cang?"


Li Cang, who was buried by more than a hundred zombies, accurately captured the key words and instantly poked his head out from the sharp teeth and claws of a pile of zombies.

This is a very twisted line. They have been in and out of various sub-space illusions and jumped back and forth between the other two lines countless times, but this line was still allowed to enter for the second time. If the first two lines still have various channels through various jump points and jump storms, then perhaps there is only one way to enter this line, that is, the complete annihilation of a jump node.

This place is like a black hole swallowing up the debris belonging to various world lines. The harsh rules and natural environment have led to more abundant resource reserves here than other world lines. It has even formed a unique ecological chain around the pouring points of the jump storm and the accumulation of mining areas. Who knows what earth-shaking treasures are buried under some land.

For example, the subordinate island in front that was unfortunately torn apart and stranded and died.

Half of the bowl-shaped island stuck into the ground, forming a narrow mountain that was as sharp as a knife and tens of kilometers high. The broken rocks mixed with magma solidified into a strange cave-like painting style just below the edge of the island. The sharp cone-shaped protruding stone forests can even reach hundreds of meters in height. The jagged sharp stone forests and the upturned cliffs of the island are like a gluttonous mouth, which actually created a strong sense of oppression that swallowed everything.

Not only Li Cang, but also Lao Wang's eyes lit up: "Good place, easy to defend and difficult to attack, we have a place to camp at night!"

Li Cang glanced at his watch. Being on this line is like being in a high-gravity environment. Although the subordinates are less physically exploited than the servants of fate, they are not completely free. In such an environment, in such a high-intensity line, the consumption of holding on for most of the day can be imagined.

"Okay, let's go to the island!"

Old Wang pointed to the cliff in front: "Go to the island? Isn't it more comfortable than on the island? Just defend one side. With this thickness, air units can't get down at all, right?"

Li Cang glanced at him: "Are you stupid or foolish? The Sanctuary is not easier to defend than this one. Even without the attribute protection of the subordinate Sky Island, it is still 10,000 times stronger than this wild meadow!"

Old Wang didn't feel that he was disliked at all: "Okay, let's fool these stupid birds. Maybe when we take a nap, they will have gone away!"

Qin Zhenzhen: "Go!"

A group of people grunted and bypassed the big opening of the Sky Island and climbed up from another direction.

At this time, they had no choice. Who knows when they will meet the next resting point suitable for setting up camp, so even if they have only traveled for less than 7 hours and are far from their physical limit, they must use the traditional skills of workers to enter the state of slacking off.

One side climbed the mountain, while the other side had air control units, dozens or even hundreds of flying zombies with skills and various tricks, bullying the only helpless Wu Gouzi. If it weren't for the insect core whip, which also had the cancerous distortion attribute to greatly increase the close combat strength, the Wu Gouzi would have been bloodied in the sky.

"Fuck, what the hell is this? How can they still throw away long-range skills?"

"Are you comparing who is more favored with a group of native-born cannons?"

"Ha, some people even dislike their own mothers, Origin Hostility, Origin Hostility, you have done all kinds of evil things!"


The big magic wand burst out two arc-shaped shock waves in a row, and suddenly expanded to ten times its size in the rapid acceleration. A winged zombie was caught off guard and directly penetrated into the chest cavity by the sickle-shaped top structure. The big magic wand, half of which locked the spine and half was exposed, pulled down fiercely, and sent the zombie to Li Cang.


The burning wind swallowed up the huge head in an instant. Amid the howling and struggling of the zombie, a rib was broken by Li Cang and inserted into the chest cavity. Then, a dog was stuffed into the gap of the bone. The zombie struggled violently, but in less than three seconds, the dog had already come out of the wound again, wiping its mouth and burping.

Li Cang frowned and punched back.

The dog's buttocks flew backwards, but its limbs were bent forward. Another slap, two teeth flew out directly, and crystal clear shining crystals and teeth sprayed out of the mouth.

The big magic wand quickly shrank back, and the sharp and terrifying sickle hook approached the neck of the dog, and it was about to disembowel it and turn it into fertilizer. Li Cang waved his hand, and the big magic wand reluctantly returned to the cricket pupa - the current situation is that one less is used, even the dog has rarely obtained certain human rights and can save a dog's life.

"Damn, there are more and more flying things, Teacher Cang!"

"Speed ​​up, Da Leizi, can you hold on?"

"No problem, I even want to collect homework!"


After three hours of climbing, scattered ruins of man-made buildings can be seen in sight. The skeletons of several servants of fate are crawling on the surface of the original sky island, which is now sloping. The half-rotten flesh and blood eroded the surrounding land into a mottled muddy and weird color.

"So extravagant?" Li Cang looked at the servants of fate who were obviously killed in confusion, "Even the corpses were not eaten? Are the alienated life in this world so picky?"

"When I first came in, I thought this place was desolate and barren, but look at it now!"

The resources here are abundant, and the food reserves are even more generous, but it is really difficult to detect from the perspective of a regular subordinate. What subordinate fate servant sky island, there will be a warp storm brewing at any moment to pour them down, but the attraction is far less than the funeral of each fellow powerful. Everyone is very busy and doesn't have so much time to reminisce or make new friends.

Behind the corpses is a layer of soil that has been completely plowed, with countless fragmented alienated lives lying in it, some of which are only bones, and some retain some flesh and blood. The cold weather can't freeze the rotten smell, but instead gives them a worse texture, which makes people want to vomit.

Further back, a trench several kilometers long was covered with a layer of black crystals. The high temperature burned the soil layer of dozens of meters on both sides of the trench into a dry, granular red color, with a texture like broken red bricks. The source of the attack was a huge artillery platform, and the surrounding corpses were piled up hundreds of meters high. It was obvious that it had experienced a long offensive and defensive battle.

"There, there, that pile of stones and stairs is definitely the Sanctuary. Bet 50 that there are living people underneath!"

"No, you lose, pay."

"Fuck you?"


Why not bet on this? My Sky Island is dead, and the Sanctuary is just a shape. What can stop my bloodthirstiness and calcium sucking double anchor?

Lao Wang gritted his teeth in hatred: "Keep the account!"

Li Cang pointed his finger and called the four dogs: "Go, clear them out, Master Moshan will cover the rear, Lao Wang will keep an eye on the top!"

"Okay, hold it well~"

Slacking off until the end of the get off work, Lao Wang's enthusiasm is visibly skyrocketing.

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