The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1821 Cen Leyu: Bastards, you know nothing about my connections!

The spherical barrier opened and closed like an eye, and after blinking three times, Li Cang disappeared.

The entire banquet hall was silent.

Let's just say, the famous person on the track, the father of the base, and the son of Rao Qifang, disappeared on the land of Monroe Autonomous Region under the nose of the base. Who is responsible for Timi?

With his blood running cold, Wesker looked at Seathmore Aner blankly: "Your Majesty Aner, this, this, this."

"Transmission, this is a contract transmission!" Seathmore Aner muttered to himself, "Hello, father, it's me. Please inform Bei Zhikang of the 3/7 base immediately that Li Cang was kidnapped by the contract during the banquet. Oh, kidnapped, but this kidnapping should have been agreed by him, of course not by me. There is a wish camera function in the banquet hall, which will not cause unnecessary diplomatic misunderstandings. Those around him should also be notified!"

Putting down the communicator, Seathmore Aner calmed his mind, glanced at the guards around him who were also at a loss, and snapped his fingers: "You are all on vacation, go to the No. 137 test site for a paid vacation."

The ground of the banquet hall was surging like a tide, and at the same time as the strong colonial armed system on the guards, a dazzling brilliance appeared. Countless high-speed energy tracks flashed quickly in the jellyfish-like tube network of Monroe New City and arrived at the designated location.

Li Cang was abducted out of thin air, which was no small matter in the base. It was necessary to keep it secret, especially when he came back this time, there were frequent problems and it was different from before.


Li Cang felt as if he was flying through a transparent and winding air tube, surrounded by darkness, and the only reference objects were the starry sky in all directions, which was infinitely close to him and infinitely far away.

He did not feel dizzy, weightless, nauseous, or vomiting, nor was he expelled on the spot, so he was sure that this was not a jump, but a transmission.

To be precise, this should be similar to the transmission mechanism called "subspace transmission" that the base used to bring back Zhao Xiaoshuang, Gu Mengxi and a group of people. Of course, now it seems that the name of this type of transmission needs to be changed, and "subspace transmission" is obviously more appropriate and reasonable.

"What a pity that the delicious food was wasted, Timi didn't eat a single bite!"

The hungry magician sighed. Subspace transmission is different from instant jump line jump. Who knows how long this thing will take to transmit? If there are enough jump lines and the duration is long enough, it is not a very low probability event to starve to death a few crispy but hard-to-kill subordinates in it.

Unknown coordinates airspace.

The entire airspace seems to be isolated from the main body of the world line. The starry sky is like a background board, unchanging. Millions and tens of millions of subordinates, fate servants, and alienated blood creatures are participating in this awkward and stiff starry sky. Gun smoke and frenzied energy storms are vast in a radius of hundreds and thousands of kilometers. Countless in-orbit and off-orbit sky islands are fiercely colliding and fighting. The smell of lava and blood fills the entire airspace, and the smell is disgusting.

Suddenly, a brilliant glow bloomed like a supernova explosion under the huge moon in this unnatural starry sky. A thin figure appeared in the transmission channel, and the starry sky began to refresh the divine subtitles——

[Summoner: ** (Cang) enters the battlefield]

[Battle record]

[Summoner: Cen Leyu (drank and lost a shoe)]

[Intimacy: lv.5]

[Faction: Red]

Li Cang could also see this subtitle. Although he felt very ashamed, before the hideous dragon robe gradually covered him, he finally showed an uncommon and sincere smile of joy on his face: "It turned out to be her!"

Compared to the surprise of Cang and Cen Leyu, the majority of people in the battlefield below were completely shocked: "Du, Duo Shao?!"

"My Ni Damn, no, no, the fucking gods have descended to the mortal world!"

"Hiss, I would rather believe that bilibili's concrete entity has invaded the real world than believe that the thing in the brackets is a fucking digital unit!"

"It's coming. It's really coming. It's finally coming. You don't know anything about my connections!" Cen Leyu, who is wearing a sexy and bold leather armor and has legs longer than some people's lives, looked up blankly. The tracks of two tears rolling over the dusty face are clearly visible, and the voice is deafening: "Come out, this aunt's Tongtiandai, 1V67 billion no-injury clearance record can be checked, the earth-shattering birth, the great terminator with magician zombies, the distributor of the little coin, the track line of the street cleaning tiger, the sky island cleaning leader Li Cang! ! ! "


It's a bit second-year, but it really doesn't feel out of place.

After all, if you can shake this number from the air, both the enemy and me will have to call you a living father, and you can't be prepared to call even louder.


I believe everyone will understand you, and will never be sarcastic or sarcastic.

Cen Leyu was so excited that she almost flew up, her two thrilling long legs tightly pressed together, and she spoke incoherently: "Teacher Cang! Teacher Cang, I'm here! Sorry, sorry! I really can't do anything! Didn't I delay your business? I didn't expect you to come. I summoned you three times, I, I, I."

Li Cang, who was falling straight from the sky, did not make any buffering movements. The shock wave splashed after landing swept in all directions, and the rock floor under his feet collapsed like a spider web: "It's just a holiday, what's wrong with you?"

Of course the lady who lost her shoe after drinking knew what kind of temper Li Cang was. She was one of the first teammates to lead Mr. Magician. After her, almost no one had the honor to work closely with him. She said without any hesitation: "The battle between red and blue in subspace! Win and lose and eat! The opponent is super fierce! We will be driven out and killed soon!"

There were voices all around: "Yes, yes, Teacher Cang, you are my idol, I am on the track because of you!"

"You're alive, now you're running for your life!"

"What are you talking about, you're a downcast kid? If you're a bit bolder, if you're a bit more arrogant, we'll fucking win!"

"Long live Cen Leyu! Long live Teacher Cang!"


But Li Cang always felt that something was wrong. He had an indescribable sense of horror and crisis, as if there was some malicious and ulterior being looking at him with pity.

Looking around the battlefield, he didn't notice anything unusual due to the smoke and the glow of the energy storm skills. Then, his eyes fell on the unnatural starry sky that covered the entire airspace with an abstract spherical barrier.

"This summoning or contract transmission is definitely not your ability, right?"

"It's the Tribunal." Cen Leyu gritted his teeth, "It's the Tribunal that trapped us here and let us kill each other like wild beasts for fun and profit!"

Li Cang nodded.

It smelled really familiar, and it matched his impression of the peeing characteristics of subspace survivors.

In essence, these people or organizations can be said to be imprisoned inside, and in various subspaces or single environments that are isolated and isolated in various senses, their ecological chains are often missing and incomplete. , either actively or passively, most of them will eventually sink deeper and deeper on the road to parasites and bloodletting tanks. This is the case with the fantasy island chain, the Honeysuckle coordinate zone, and the Yggdrasil, and the abyss. The Sea Eye Cage, the Stafford Colosseum, and even Monroe can be like this, too many to mention.

He led the magician to rub his hands: "So, the people fighting inside are just some unlucky people, and the activation consumables sitting on the referee's bench outside are the culprits?"

"You, you, you can actually see those people?"


However, the raging battlefield suddenly fell into a dead silence, because the subtitles did not stop and continued to be refreshed——

[Non-summoner intimacy point: Qiao** (Qiao Shasha)

[Non-summoner intimacy point: Fu** (Rose), lv.2]

[Non-summoner intimacy point: Liu* (black little Liu), lv.13, Blue]

[Non-summoner intimacy points to:]

The colorful broadcasts full of MOBA game style completely silenced the entire battlefield. The sparse artillery fire and skills dissipated, and the optimistic and noisy red side froze in place.

[Sincerely to Huihui.jpg]

This, this, this.

What kind of bloody and explosive gossip scene is this?

The level of intimacy at LV68 is not that of parents, but at least the level of brothers, sisters, wives, children, and lovers, right? But Tongtiandai was summoned by the little Karami of lv5 to stand on the opposite side? Is this world still crazy enough to be something we don’t even recognize?

In silence, on a certain broken floating land, a fat guy with a disheveled face and dark skin stood there, with his hands on his hips and he didn't know what an opponent was: "No one can beat me!" Say it!”

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