Li Cang would rather hear her say that I am super rich.

Super running.

Under other circumstances, it might be considered a skill, but now, Li Cang didn't think she could survive the maggot-like cancerous deformation that was omnipresent in her tarsal bones.

The cloud of plague swept in all directions like an explosion, and the homologous link channels in the air and on the ground began to pour out numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4, occasionally mixed with the Twin Tyrants and Turtle-backed Dragon Lice.

[The mechanism does not match, and the teasing of the laws of war cannot be established when the target unit ‘Tribunal’ is selected]

Li Cang sighed and sent a message to a group chat he had never dared to open: "Ahem, little auntie, try to isolate Tili."

The entire group seemed peaceful, with only one 59s-long voice message and its little red dot lying there alone.

"What do you mean by losing your wife and losing your troops?" Li Cang pinched his eyebrows and squeezed out a few words from his back molars: "It's done!"

Crystal Breath, Plasma Cannon, and Plasma Cannon glowed with each other and directly ignited the entire starry sky. The mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood smudged like thick dye in clear water, and the splashed flesh, flesh, slurry, and bones were like exploding mushroom clouds.

Of course, the detonation materials were not the subordinates or servants of fate of the red and blue sides, but the weaklings. The established No. 1, No. 2, No. 4 perished under the fire of the twin tyrants of the warlords, and were transformed into something more vicious and hideous. Something ten times more terrifying.

The last few, no, the last few batches, the last few batches of guys who want to trap Li Cang in isolation have driven Hexi for at least a year and a half. With the current material basis of the subordinates, from the root This possibility is unlikely to exist in the world. Even places like Yggdrasil and the Fantasy Island Chain don't want to take Li Cang's idea, let alone this kind of subspace that looks shoddy at first glance.

Oh, if it weren't for the price of the reverse space explosives that Lao Wang rubbed, which was beyond the acceptable range of the magician, this place would have been wiped out in a matter of minutes.

Under the outpouring of firepower at almost no cost, the expanding cancerous distortion cloud filled the sky and quickly filled the entire battlefield. At this time, the first round of five dogs also stepped on the empty islands of the four dogs and subordinates. And the corpses of the floating land masses completed the first round of reproductive waves.

The whistling feathered bone spear fell to the ground, and the five Gouzi soared into the sky, carrying the twin tyrants from a high position and bombarding the Doglegs cluster like water. The layers of Chichi Qianli force field wrapped around the cancerous cloud continued to expand rapidly, as if even the space All were corrugated with corrugated cracks.

Finally, somewhere in the endless and unreachable maba starry sky, the frozen realm stopped expanding, the cancerous clouds stopped moving forward, and a tangible and intangible barrier was crushed under the debuff that seemed to represent chaos, weirdness, and complexity. Forced to reveal traces.

Outside the spherical starry sky barrier, there is the Colosseum ladder structure that is packed with seats. In three directions, three guillotine-shaped crowns are like sharp mountains blocking the line of sight. And on the outer edge of the ladder structure, there is a beautiful mountain with bright sunshine and gentle clouds. Good water, good fortune.

Li Cang: "Tsk~"

Or maybe these ghosts lack imagination and have no moral bottom line at all. Why do you always make their food look so ugly? You are afraid that others will not know what bad things they have done, and they must leave their names in black and white in history.

Li Cang actually doesn't quite understand how much enjoyment there is in watching this kind of unilaterally restrained and abusive fight, but along the way, such scenes appear again and again, just like America tried to Culture is exported as often as ideology.


Disgraceful to gentlemen.

"You haven't before, right? When did you become a stripper?" Li Cang jumped on Qiu Gounkun and picked up Cen Leyu: "Hey, wait, how come it's so fast?"

Gou Kun was simply flying.


It was like Timi was flying at warp speed, and the surrounding scenery was elongated into mosaic smears as if in a jump channel. Everything became illusory and unreal. Li Cang even felt a familiar feeling of dizziness and weightlessness. feel.

"They said they can run super well." Cen Leyu complained in a low voice, "My island is just a toilet, and then it continued to be unlucky. In short, I just don't want it anymore. It doesn't worry me much."

"Hold on!"


Li Cang took half a step back. The thin body hidden under the ferocious dragon robe almost instantly swelled to the point where the robe was completely filled, even showing the outline of muscles and veins. The big wand in his hand suddenly became huge.

As if thunder exploded, the power of the three phases of scarlet, jet black, and white instantly condensed into a terrifying human form behind Li Cang, maintaining the same throwing posture as him.

The next moment, a rainbow pierces the sun.

The power of the three phases was flowing, exaggerating, and erupting, like a spiral blade clinging to the end of a large wand, forming a vortex cone several kilometers long in the air. Li Cang's whole body was erupting like the burning of Isolaye. With the violent flames, Gou Kun's huge body was forced to step on the lower part of the track under the terrifying force of the throw, and then barely stopped falling.

The explosion of Moba's starry sky barrier basically overlapped with the explosion of the big wand being thrown. The sky islands and floating land masses within a radius of dozens of kilometers were even swept away and shattered by the double shock wave, creating a scene of earth-shattering.

Due to the intentional protection of Li Cang and Gou Kun, Cen Leyu just vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, collapsed on the ground and made a breathy voice: "Cang, Teacher Cang, how much strength do you have?"

"There should still be an explosion of more than a hundred kc." He exhaled a large mouthful of hot blood mist, and the blood deep in the pores of his skin turned into energy and slowly dissipated. Li Cang responded somewhat casually, staring at the rapidly healing body. Barrier Island, grabbed Cen Leyu's arm, "Sit tight, you are accelerating well, otherwise you may not be able to catch up!"

Cen Leyu could no longer see any pictures in her eyes. Not only could she not see anything, she actually couldn't hear what Li Cang had just said. She was bleeding and dumbfounded. Then, the tremor and the loud noise seemed to come from her. The resounding sound in every inch of her bones caused her brain to short-circuit.

Maybe it was a few seconds, maybe it was a few minutes. When Cen Leyu regained her senses, what appeared in front of her was a huge sphere. A big hole had been dug out in the direction of the sphere facing her, and the material flow inside was... The continuous eruption, reflecting the setting sun, was silent, as if a solar flare erupted in the endless deep space, and the flow of time seemed to slow down.

Behind her, one of the three stepped floating islands was lying in pieces across the entire airspace. With her eyesight, she could see the horrified expressions of the humans on the fragments.


Sky islands, floating ships, transformation islands, walking corpses, strange beasts and human weapons, all the actions were presented in Cen Leyu's eyes in a chaotic manner amidst the buzzing in Cen Leyu's ears, so much so that her brain could not process such chaotic pictures in time, and it stalled again. Machine, empty.

"That's it.?" Cen Le said in a daze, his eyes were not only empty, but his whole person was tending to become blurry, "Is it that simple...?"

"What if?"

Simple and crude, but effective, this is also the consistent style of the Sky Island gang.

Until substances, energy levels or heterogeneous force field structures can be found that can overcome the priority of cancerous distortion and erosion, all so-called restraints are in vain. It is Li Cang who is raising interest rates and using financial leverage to hammer these people's dizzy heads. Strong excuse, bah, reason.

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