The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1862 Some are happy, some are sad (two in one)

3/7 Base, located in Xumen, is one of the 22 main entry port inspection and quarantine service areas. The people at the base jokingly call it Little Beitianmen.

A fleet of merchant ships awaiting inspection was slowly sailing in through the green channel. Its huge scale shocked the well-informed merchants in the service area, and they started talking about it: "What level is this? Going through the green channel?"

"It's simple. If it doesn't move, the team behind it may not be able to get in for three to five days!"

"Stop talking nonsense. There is no precedent for this in the base. It either has connections, strength or money, otherwise why would it take advantage of it?"

"Hey, although the shape of the fleet is a bit weird, it's still my family, but what does this 'Tiger Hill' mean?"

"I don't think I've seen these two words anywhere before."

"Who doesn't know how to talk about it? Who among you in the group doesn't know that your little Dongbei didn't even pass the vocational high school before you went to sea and grilled skewers?"

"Damn you!"

"The Thirteen Taibao come and claim it quickly!"

“Jiangsu people are furious!”

"Hey, hey, Lao Lu, you just say what you say, why are you attacking people personally? Are you jealous that other people's stores are not as ruthless as you in robbing customers or that they are more popular than you?"

"Don't make trouble, what they said is true. A bunch of people came into the Xiaodongbei store just now. Aren't they the two characters on their arms? The seal characters are so damn good-looking, they look like dragons and phoenixes!"

"Xiao Dongbei?"

"I've been hiding for a long time. I guess I've already gone to get some information~"

"Damn this guy, he does this every time!"

The food stalls, whose signboards have been blackened and stained by pyrotechnics and can only be read as "〇大skewer quince cake", are quite clean inside. There are many customers, and pit stoves, hanging stoves, and In front of the oven, there was a long queue for packing.

In front of a table, Zhao Li held milk tea and opened her bows left and right, loudly complaining about the evil deeds of a certain unnamed Comrade Yu Miao: "How dare he name Miao? How about Sen? It's just a piece of wood. It can bear heavy loads." That person who dared to help Liang with his hands even when he fell down, you don’t know how lazy he is and how easy it is to bully Balabala."

Suo Zhihui and Qin Zhenzhen were confused after hearing this: "Sister Li, you didn't say that before. You said you like people who are gentle, honest, silent and sensible!"

"Bah, eight poles can't hit a fart!"

Qin Zhenzhen said with a smile: "Brother Yu has a really good temper. It's rare to have a boyfriend who hasn't suffered from Sister Li's iron fist of justice!"

"Humph, he dares?" Zhao Li still didn't hide it, and she raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, which made the singles around her feel uncomfortable and laughed, "You know, do you? He was nervous even holding my mother's hand. Those fools in the past couldn't hold it in for a few days, and they dared to hug my waist. They must have been strong if I didn't kill them on the spot! "

Suo Zhihui held the milk tea straw and played with it unconsciously: "I don't know when he will come back. He will probably go back to the island soon. Do you want to pack some quince cakes for him and go back?"

"Li Cang, Li Cang, Li Cang, no wonder men love their little wives. They never leave Li Cang. Comrade Suo Zhihui, you are in deep trouble and don't realize it, you!"

"How can I?" Suo Zhihui's face heated up, "Why haven't the quince cakes come yet?"

"It's wrapped and steamed now. It's very slow. Hui Hui, how did you discover this thing? I've never heard of it!"

"There is one in Yanchuan. Now this is the only one in the base that still sells it. They have their own island full of quince trees and a glass greenhouse~"

"So what kind of tree is a quince tree?"


"Who are you Li Cang?"

At some point, a woman stood next to the dining table. Her loose uniform was messy with weapons and equipment, and a scarlet armband with the word "Tiger Hill" embroidered on her shoulder was tied to her shoulder. However, none of these could hide the person who came. With a hot figure, she should be of mixed race. She has deep facial features and a rich complexion. Her face and eyebrows have a very high-end beauty, but her body and eyes are not even gentle at all. They are full of heat that has been experienced in blood and fire. and a sense of exploitation.

Qin Zhenzhen was irritated by her eyes and puffed out her breasts: "How are you?"

"Is that your lover?" Her eyes swept up and down between Suo Zhihui and Qin Zhenzhen, as if she was picking on a piece of goods, "You?"


She picked again with that look: "You?"



Obviously her movements were not very open and closed, but the woman's aura was like some kind of ferocious beast. She stung a straight path through the crowd. When she was about to walk out of the store, she threw a few coins at the cashier. direction, and looking back at the same time: "Oi, see you, #¥%..."

Qin Zhenzhen has already started to roll up her sleeves: "It's inexplicable!"

It's not that she doesn't know it, but because she knows it too well. You know, even if Li Cang is left aside, this is a person who dares to shave Wu Nansen's baldness even though he has a long beard. No matter what, , Comrade Guang Mou Ping still has a certain degree of imperial status in the three-thirds of an acre of his own home.

"Huqiu. Luqiu" Suo Zhihui casually pushed Di Ji Ping Fei back into the chair and said with a smile, "The fleet outside should be hers, well, they are people from the caravan or sailing fleet under Aunt Jin. , It’s not surprising to admire Li Cang.”

"What did she mean by the last words she said? I didn't understand!"

"Sanskrit, I'll check it later. Maybe you can smell the blood on my body?"

"What a mess!"


Compared to America, Li Cang's attitude towards the base was nothing short of doting. Zhao Yang was so embarrassed that he dug his toes on the ground at one point: "Boss, why don't we just punish that old boy Li Lincheng?"

For the first time in the meeting, Bei Zhikang did not curse or even make a sound.

It wasn't until some untimely young man jumped out and took the scolding for him that the matter was finally revealed. Then Zhao Yang turned around and made Bei Zhikang's colorful expression under the mist of the clouds into an emoticon package and sent it to Duan. Li - Niece, your uncle can only help you here. If you cause trouble in the future, don't forget to give your uncle's name!

There are also family meetings.

Aunt Jin was so excited that she was trembling all over. She needed Rao Qifang's palms to press her shoulders to stabilize her mood to avoid losing her composure: "Li Cang. Princess Cangcang, little Cangcang."

Jin Yujing didn't dare to think about how those people who studied journalism dared to make such a big deal about it. An America base was dedicated to heaven, and two powerful countries were waiting for me. Isn't this a small blessing?

"How on earth did you do that?"

"When the raw materials are sufficient, the fixed target itself is the best to hit, not to mention the ability of Changhe Sunset to block all jump channels. Moreover, there is no need for me to do it this time. The downgrade of the agreement was their own choice. Otherwise, why should I unilaterally tear up the parking contract between them and Xiaobi Zaizi?"

"Strong walls and clear fields?"

"One cannon blasted away tens of millions of my bastards, and not even a scumbag was left. Katugang deserved his death!"

Rao Qifang was very unhappy: "Er smash, it's so fun. It's such a dangerous thing, why don't you take mom with you to raid the formation for you?"

"Mom, you can't take that type of jump channel. You don't want to selectively forget, do you?"

"Oh haha. Haha"

Li Cang glanced at Jin Yujing who couldn't control himself: "Since aunt is so happy, can you reimburse me for my round-trip air ticket?"

Jin Yujing blinked, blinked again, looked at her nose and nose, and fell into a deep state of trance. She was just too happy and not stupid. The little bastard didn't hold anything back when she heard it. It's you who didn't make any money. As an investor, I deserve it. It’s none of my business, Aunt Jin. All my money must be used to support frontline construction, and I can’t lose even a single fortune.

For Li Cang, although the process was a bit tortuous and he didn't actually make a lot of money, it was not far from his expectations after all, and it was considered a good start and a good end.

[Cang: Brother, what on earth is that barrier you said we didn’t get through in the end?]

[Long River Sunset: I feel that your guess is ninety-nine times likely that it is a creation similar to a turnover channel built by America based on recall. At this scale, it is probably still the main body. Those dogs are losing a lot of money this time. 】

[Cang: What a pity, it was just a little bit close]

[Changhe Sunset: No, it has been successful. It was just cut off by them unilaterally. Judging from the space fluctuations I felt, the impact of the self-destruction on the other side will definitely not be weaker than the one that destroyed the Dongjun Island chain. Warp storm breaks out]

[Cang: Okay, then, the bonuses, rewards and banners from the base are already on the way. If you have the official contract-level documents signed and approved by Little Coin Zai, you should be able to accept them. Happy cooperation! 】

[Sunset over the Yangtze River: OK, OK, thank you for your kindness, let’s make a fortune together! 】


WasНingtоn, D.C.

America Confederation No. 1 mainly inhabits the island chain and is the liaison anchor for the upper-level parliament.

It was as if a super-giant structure composed of four inclined hexagons was floating over the entire island chain, creating ripples in the void. Two of its four vertices had completely collapsed, and the falling matter was entangled with terrifying energy surges. The island chain below has dug out huge holes with diameters of kilometers, ten kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers. Only one of the two remaining vertices is still trying its best to outline the path of light, and various ship modification islands and even floating islands are passing through it. , after rapid acceleration or deceleration, it turns into a stream of light that appears or disappears instantly.

At this time, it was extremely difficult for the entire giant structure to even maintain its form in the air. From time to time, empty islands or ships rushed out of the light path and were instantly annihilated. However, they still persisted in their posts for some reason. Their dedication to their duties as a craftsman was tearful.

In a secret and magnificent space, the incredibly huge ancient Mayan pyramid with a radiant omniscient eye etched on the top is suspended in the void and slowly rotates directly above the parliament chamber.

There are plenty of seats for members of the 27 seats, but eight are empty.

The huge conference table receives the light and shadow cast by the all-seeing eye, transforming it into 54 upper-level council seats with vague faces that may not even be humanoid, but even this seat has 3 vacancies.

The entire venue was surprisingly dull.

"Colombia, tell us your opinions. This is of great significance to the final resolution of the upper council."

After a few seconds of eye exchanges in Colombia, which has only 19 seats left, someone spoke first: "Dear Lords of Parliament, the death of Catugang has caused unprecedented losses to Colombia. This was an act initiated privately by them. I think neither Colombia nor Even the Upper House didn’t know about it, and now I suspect that Colombia’s coordinates have been exposed and it’s at risk of overturning at any time.”

"Ignorant? No one supports the Katugang Council to do this?"


"Goldfish Logistics is expanding its waterways at a speed beyond imagination. Now the three major armies are half-completed. In time, let alone Colombia, it won't be surprising that even the Upper House will be exposed to the whole world, right?"

"Damn it, where did she get all the resources and money?"

"Stop, I think what we really need to discuss is whether or not to implement equal retaliation against the 3/7 base?"

"Equal? ​​Yes, but we need to wait!"

"That person will enter the blind spot sooner or later, and then-"

"From the Katugan incident, it seems that he has the ability to anchor the transmission trajectory and deploy troops to the center of the blossom, revenge, interesting, there is an old Chinese saying: When will the revenge end?"

"If Columbia is facing the Katugan incident, how will you respond?"

"If we don't respond, then this incident will be a devastating blow to the entire American Confederacy, and the majesty we established in the Sky Island era will be destroyed. We will be nailed to the pillar of shame and spurned by everyone. If The Confederacy of America can't even protect its own people from a mere one person, what can we do to fight the Flower Planting Family?"

"Three days, just three days, to destroy a settlement of tens of millions of people."


"No, not destroyed, he just forced one-third of the population into orbit."

"Is there a difference?"

"Of course there is, Katugan's main force is still there, but there is no way to continue fighting. From what I know, he didn't take too much advantage. The Max-17 starship attack is theoretically enough to annihilate the top six existences. His losses must be huge!"

"Does it make you feel honored to suppress one person with the power of a country?"

"If it's someone like Magic.Lee, it's Yes, I will. Katugan is America's hero. Now, we are the victims. We are qualified to use those stage supplement formulas. What we lost can be exchanged for benefits, right? "

"It's just an incomplete formula!"

"After all their products are promoted, it will not be a problem to get the physical stage back."

"You go to argue with the 3/7 base?"

"It's just a war of words. Can they send someone to deliver a lawyer's letter?"


"But that's Katugan, one of our main settlements. Besides, the channel has been destroyed to such an extent that it has completely affected the communication and intercommunication between the entire Confederation. Can our losses be recovered by a dose of medicine?"

"War is necessary , we have lost two settlements and a powerful battle group fleet, America needs to restore its dignity! "

"Dignity is not worth even half a coin. The current Confederation has smoothly passed the stage of urgently needing to expand its population!"

The Senate was silent throughout the whole process, and exchanged comments in another channel. Finally, he spoke: "The Senate has been informed of your opinions. The Senate needs to consider a more macro level and fully respect the opinions of each main settlement, settlement, and sub-settlement council. Before the final resolution is formed, there will be special funds for the losses suffered by Columbia. Please repair the channel as soon as possible and ensure close contact with every existing settlement. The Starship-Starlink-Star Torch plan cannot be lost. God bless America!"

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