With a slight exertion of his body, the thin metal coating shattered all over the ground. Seeing that Du Niu's will was gone, Li Cang frowned and waved: "The naughty child has rebelled against Tiangang. How dare you play with our Du Shi Niang?" What about running away from home? "

The half-baked Li Cang breathed out a big breath of anger, or rather, smoke, and our main focus is to have a head start, with reason and restraint.

The appearance of Du Niu's cub is obviously not a good phenomenon. Once she and her memetic pollution have their way and become a climate, it is estimated that the degree of destruction will be as much as that of the Zerg. .


Since he released Du Niu, there is still no news about him on the forum. In fact, Timi is not a good phenomenon.


The snake's reason has not returned. There is no clarity in its vertical pupils but only clarity. It looks like it is waiting for food and wants to send someone away at any time. The exploding plasma glow surrounds its body, the light spots are shining, and the sound is terrifying. The lightning crackled like a faint tornado, plowing the soil and rocks of the empty island into random splashes.

It opened its mouth and roared with a deep roar that could tear anyone's eardrums apart. It was like ancient thunder rolling across the sky. The structure of the mouth was extremely outrageous. The root of the fork of the big mouth completely showed two horizontal Y's. Fonts and mouths can be opened to 270°.

The violent and scorching metal jet swept across once again. The jet volume, temperature, and speed were more than a little higher than the last time. The metal was like a dirty thunderstorm cloud during a volcanic eruption. The plasma storm swept Li Cang's sky island and the island. All the living creatures and half-dead things in the world have turned into extremely bright light bulbs, big and small, sizzling.

Uncle Li next door raised his hand and greeted him with the Fire of Isoleye. The foehn wind plowed a straight path between the metal graceful objects, and this was the only time when the foehn wind and physical matter collided to create a real violent metal music. Ming.

The sound was so terrifying that it was like two irregular full-metal peaks constantly grinding and rolling against each other. The force exerted was never-ending. When the foehn wind passed by it, the snake's head felt like it was being slapped by its head. He leaned back as solidly as a big cock, and extremely bright plasma sparks sputtered from the intersection in a fan-like shape.

No calcium energy is leaked, and the vigorous vitality cannot be stripped away.

Li Cang's brows were tightened this time as usual, turning into a big black pimple: "Comrade Du Shi Niang, I, Timi, just made a fool of myself and guessed it. You, Timi, don't really do this to me." Damn it, you evolved like this because Timi wants to jump into subspace and fuck bugs? How can a serious human like you be allowed to play like this?"

The Snake's impolite metal elegance failed twice in a row, and its anger was obvious. It seemed that the endless tail of mitosis began to be dishonest, and the "land" where it was planted and which has almost completed its metalization was thrown into chaos. All the islands in the sky were trembling under its chaotic cloak hammering technique.

Then, it suffered what was probably the biggest dimensionality reduction blow in its career.

He just tried to kill his father, but no, the Tomb Slayer Beast that stole his old father's essence and blood was really angry. As a Tomb Suppressor beast that uses the island as the equivalent calculation unit, it is undoubtedly arrogant. It has been fighting the Tomb Suppressor Beast since it was born. I have never been insulted like this before. Even the arrogant and arrogant Black Vine, subspace Zerg, and those quasi-domain-level alienated bloodline creatures on the third line respect it. Don't you dare to contaminate the land it suppresses?

How dare you do this to a little thief who randomly jumped out today? The world has really changed. Cats and dogs dare to ride on my face and take pictures!

Hunger, thirst, greed, grabbing, appetite.

The size of Li Cangkong Island suddenly expanded nearly three times. Thick and sticky black-red juice that looked like blood surged out of the ground. Canyon-like abyss fissures burst out in criss-cross directions. Countless dragons with diameters of kilometers in diameter burst out. Tailless root vines soared into the sky from the tear in the earth. When they went up, they were killed with a girl in their arms. The roots of the tentacles waving wildly stuck to the BGM clicks, creating a loud noise.

The shock waves that exploded in spherical shapes even pushed away the material turbulence around the island in a rhythmic manner. The less solid geological fragments and land masses simply fell apart and disappeared in the terrifying earthquake and roaring drumbeats.

The body of the Snake and the floating landmass it is on are about the same size as Li Cangkong Island. However, after the tomb-suppressing beast tore off its disguise, the size of the empty island has expanded by more than three times. It can be seen that the tomb-suppressing beast has The size of the beast is so earth-shattering that it can even cause visual errors. It feels that the snake as a whole looks only one-tenth or even one-hundredth of the size of the Tomb-Suppressing Beast and Li Cangkong Island, as if it were stuck to a spider. They were as small as insects being hunted by some weird spider on the web.


Weld my land.

The endless shock waves ruthlessly tore apart the material flow, and the body of the snake gradually shrank into a ball amid the sparks and lightning splashed by the tomb beast's beating, as if it was being refined.

There are rolling powdery glow particles that are constantly escaping, shrinking, escaping, and contracting, beating like a heart.

Finally, there was a total explosion.

The burst of metallic splendor was no longer a radical jet, but a giant mushroom cloud that swelled like boiling steam. Endless, strangely colored, and even slightly dirty tiny lightning flashed between the glowing metal particles, weaving into a dense net, turning into a colorful ribbon like the aurora dancing in the sky.

The glow particles swept like a tide, and wherever they passed, the ground of the sky island suddenly gave rise to winding and twisted hyphae with a metallic texture, which expanded wantonly and even penetrated into the material disturbance outside the sky island, encroaching on all the nutrients that could be obtained, as if to assimilate the sky island and the entire world into the body of the concubine snake.

The fluttering metal particles stained Li Cang's skin, causing a burning, sharp and subtle pain like a needle. The metal dust, which was so small that it was almost impossible to distinguish with normal vision, burst along the wrinkles and pores of the skin, took root, and radiated countless metal cilia under the skin.

Li Cang's expression was dull. He was rubbing his arm with great interest. He rubbed a piece of metal wire that was constantly wriggling and less than one centimeter long, like a worm. With a slight pull, a piece of meat about the size of a marble in the shape of an inverted cone was torn off his arm with this thing.

The small piece of flesh and blood suddenly beat like a heart, and the volume expanded. Countless hair-thin roots that flashed with cold metallic light twisted and wriggled like worms, frantically devouring the flesh and blood for nutrients.


Ashes and smoke.

In a short moment, from extreme movement to extreme stillness, from existence to nothingness, only a vague cilia-like smoke was left in the air.

And this was the "stroke" flesh and blood that had separated from Li Cang, the meme mother. As for those metal particles that took root under his skin, it was conceivable who was devouring whom.

So far, in limited attempts, the number of alienated independent individuals who survived after devouring and transforming Li Cang's flesh and blood is still zero. The last one who did this is always worth remembering. His name is Esther, and now we generally solemnly refer to the memorials he left behind as [Evil Servant].

Daoyou really stayed.

Let's just say that: change the name and change the way of life, but I don't know if old comrade Esther can regain his ideals and find the freedom and divinity he longs for.

The ending of the metal particles, or seeds, scattered on the sky island was not much better. After all, they failed to form the reincarnation-like ecosystem in the chaotic zone. They were full of vitality as soon as they were born, but soon they were like sick seedlings. First, they stopped growing and drooped, and then withered and died. They were eaten up by the sky island with the same texture as flesh and blood, leaving no trace.

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