Miss Lopez's eyes were bright: "Believe me, I can help you, not only by providing casting skills support and aesthetic advice, but also by appraisal and pricing. The Year of Eternal Life has its own auction in Whitesville, let me Take a closer look, oh, it’s really a four-stage alienated alloy full of surprises. Every natural pattern smelted on it is——”

Since he is a businessman, it is easy to talk about it. Li Cang breathed a sigh of relief, finally showed a polite smile, and reminded: "Five stages."

"What?" Miss Lopez was almost immersed in it and was drowned by that smile. She suddenly realized that something was wrong. Her big cat-like eyes, as golden as tourmaline, blinked fiercely, blinked again, and blinked again, "Sorry, I may have heard something. , what did you just say?”

"Stage five?"

"But, these two knife handle inlay materials are obviously one level higher than the alienated alloy!!"


"Wait! Wait! What is yes? What do you mean when you say yes?" Miss Lopez was confused by this outrageous conversation and began to suspect that there was something wrong with her translator. "Sorry, please don't He continued to smile at me, and I felt a little dizzy. If you were not an orbital slave, I would probably suspect that you were some fraud group who had found out about the whereabouts of the Year of Eternal Life caravan and were deliberately waiting here to set up a trap to seduce me! "


"Okay, okay, you really don't talk much!" Miss Lopez rubbed her eyebrows, "Although I don't mind spending the night with a handsome face like yours, even if you have no sense of humor, what I need to emphasize is that I It’s professional. Yongsheng Nian is really a luxury brand that occupies an absolute market share in a given space, especially its kitchen knives and Yongsheng series weapons.”

"In addition, the Year of Eternal Life is based on the principle of inclusiveness and is inclusive of all crafts, knives and weapons that meet our expectations, including craftsmen. Therefore, I am not here entirely for your handsomeness. Don't get me wrong, I am actually Seeing the fire on the forging platform, I love money so much!”

"Now, let's go back to the original question. What stages did you say these alienated alloys are in, and these primary alienated materials, please be sure to tell me what they are!"

Li Cang said: "The five-stage alienated alloy, although there are some differences in the handles, you can actually understand it as a heterogeneous six-stage material. It should not be very common outside the orbit line."

Subordinates who have not been exposed to quasi-domain and domain-level alienated bloodline creatures may have a hard time understanding the state they are in. That thing cannot be identified in the third line, and it is not easy to use the existing levels. It is represented simply, so it is not considered that Li Cang is fooling people.

"A special gift from the orbital line?" Lopez carefully held up a bone crystal that had been cut out of its rudimentary form, letting it shine as brightly as a gemstone and as softly as jade in the palm of his hand: "How perfect, how perfect. Wonderful material, I can feel the power it contains, its breath is like a storm. Sorry out of professional habit, do you have any idea of ​​selling them? ”

Li Cang, who used a big wand as a milling machine, couldn't help but laugh: "Do you know how long it took me to cut and carve these things here?"


Lopez originally wanted to emphasize the importance of professionalism, but then he was shocked. The four-stage alienated alloy was already the top material on the market. His team didn't seem to have the honor of cutting, melting, and casting the five-stage alienated alloy, let alone another one. There are several mysterious materials that are not in the same dimension that can be seen with the naked eye. The words come to her mouth and she just holds them back without daring to say a word. She is in this industry and knows the natural chasm and thoroughfares of materials science——

Without the five-stage original materials, how can we break through the defense of the five-stage alienated creatures?

If the defense against the alienated creatures at the fifth stage is broken, where can I get the raw materials for the fifth stage?


Science knows no borders, but technology has barriers!

Lopez was furious. He could rely on his face and body to make a living, but he had to rely on his strength. Speaking of which, where is the bottom line for these orbital line scroll kings? It is not like what is circulated on the forum. Each person is holding a creation-level five-stage alienated alloy weapon. Well, I’m really jealous of the smelting technology they have!

If Li Cang knew what she was thinking, he would definitely clarify this rumor without any water. Nonsense, how can it be possible for everyone to have a creation-level five-stage alienated alloy weapon? Our family uses activated weapons, but someone activated them. It is a pile of subspace blood vessels that disturbs crystallization and collapse. Someone has activated it.


"Sorry, I was reckless. I think I need to admit that I am a narrow-minded person and short-sighted." Miss Lopez said in awe: "And you are worthy of being a strong man from that ancient country with a long history of civilization, that great silk The Lord of the Curtain, the mysterious and noble Queen of the East, the eldest lady who always wears expensive and gorgeous silk gloves and veils, and doesn't even bother to bend down to pick up the benefits that are readily available. "

Li Cang: "?"

Is this little girl's brain short-circuited?

What on earth was she talking about in such a sudden move?

I just want to emphasize the importance of technical content and hard work!

Don’t you understand the principle behind asking for prices all over the place and then paying back the money?

Rotten wood cannot be carved!

Out of the most basic courtesy, Sangouzi still brought some drinks for the other party to choose from. Later, Lopez gave a lot of valuable suggestions on this set of kitchen knives. Of course, there was no scabbard, only A complete tanned scroll-style exotic leather knife bag.

Li Cang picked out a scrap of material that was at most 40 centimeters long and two fingers wide, and handed it to Lopez along with a few bone crystals: "Consultation fee."

Lopez's eyes, which were already like cat pupils, widened even wider: "Give it to me? Consultation fee? This is enough for overnight stay!"

"You wish!"


Lopez's eyes were dim, and his apple muscles were swollen.

At this time, a fleet roared through the target channel, and the regional radio played the other party's formulaic recording reminder: "Welcome to Whitesville, we are the rapid response fleet of Whitesville, there may be a warp storm coming behind, we are ordered to block the airspace along the way and conduct an investigation, please speed up the caravan or individuals to enter the airspace of Whitesville as soon as possible to avoid repeated accidents"

When mentioning the warp storm, some people are a little guilty, and then: No! You just left like that?

Behind the fleet followed a large group of hunting groups with scattered flags that were obviously not regular troops. The entire airspace suddenly became very lively. Soon, the torch beacons in each channel flashed frequently. Through the telescope, Li Cang saw many sky island ships heading towards Whitesville, communicating and greeting each other in light language in their respective channels. The whole scene was very joyful, and it was even more fresh for the magician.

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