A thin black line first appeared at the bottom of the ice dome, and then turned into a thick black curtain.

"Land," Li Cang put down the telescope, "an incomplete coastline, ready to be driven manually."


Lao Wang neatly unloaded and put on equipment, and then applied a set of major recovery techniques on himself and Li Cang to maintain the best condition.

After driving along the ice dome for a while, the empty island came under the "coastline".

The sunlight was gradually blocked, leaving only a thin line on the horizon. The surroundings were as dark as night. The island was clearly above the sky, but it gave the illusion of being in an underground cave.

With all the lights on, you can vaguely see the frozen land in the dome above.

"It's so fishy," Lao Wang sniffed, "This is obviously the silt on the seabed. Oh, and there's also the Stone Mountain. I mean, which geography class is better at deducting a 1? What is the structure of this thing?"

No one paid any attention to him.

This layer of stratigraphic structure with a thickness ranging from tens to hundreds of meters appears to be very, extremely, extremely complete, and its area is huge. After entering its range from the sky island, there is almost no sunlight falling from above.

The dome is slanted and continues to get lower in the direction of the sky island.

Just an hour or two later, the dome, which had been completely replaced by a structure of sand and rock, was almost pressing down on the tops of the trees on the island.

Further ahead, the dome will gradually press down below the island's normal orbit line. From here, it even looks like it is bordering the ground where lava flows. I don't know if it is a visual misalignment.

But obviously, this is not a good sign.

Lao Wang's face was filled with pain and his eyes widened.

"Holy shit, shit, Teacher Cang, we seem to be stuck down there!"

Seeing several of the tallest trees on the island being wiped off their necks, he finally panicked.

Although the horizontal movement of the sky island is slow and relatively free, the rules strictly limit the scale in the up and down direction, which is only a few tens of meters.

Compared to the current situation, it is basically useless.

"How much more can be dropped?"

"There are at most 30 meters left! If we can't hold out for a few kilometers, we will still be stuck below. Before that, the trees, houses, and everything else on the island will be crushed into rubbish."

Stuck and can't get up?

What's the difference between this and a living person being suffocated to death?

Teacher Cang tried his best and never imagined that such a situation would happen——

impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Seeing the dome getting lower and lower, Li Leisi suddenly said,

"Over there, do you see it? There is light in the direction blocked by the ridge!"

Lao Wang reacted quickly: "Everyone, please stand still. The next 'ultra-low altitude' flight may cause some friction."

Kongdao made a sharp 100-degree turn, lowered its limit by 30 meters before hitting the inverted mountain range with sharp edges like a horned dragon, and crossed its main peak.

As soon as he came over, Lao Wang was immediately dumbfounded. There was indeed light, but he couldn't see the blue sky above his head.

Behind the mountains is a wide, deep canyon crack that stretches almost across the entire sky, with no end or end visible at all. Countless black vines grow densely between the torn domes.

These black vines are like thin threads, criss-crossing and stitching together all parts of the canyon cracks as far as the eye can see, like a broken thread with a huge and ugly scar on the mouth.

"Gudong," Lao Wang swallowed furiously, "Now there are two questions. First, is this crack a penetrating injury? Is it long enough? If it is not long enough, even if it is penetrating up and down, our island will still be stuck. There is no way to advance or retreat inside. Secondly, do you want to go in?”

"Do we have a choice?"

"It seems. No"

"Then what are you waiting for?"

"Wang is not weak to others in his life. I don't have that ability to fight with my father, but I have never conquered anyone in the fight of face!" Lao Wang screamed strangely, "Come on, brother, cute!!"

In terms of "gambling", Lao Wang may have never won money, but he can always win something weirder——

Such as face.

Getting lucky is the least reliable option, but it is better than being rubbed repeatedly by empty islands and domes in the middle, like grinding soy milk.

Li Cang rubbed his face,

"Get ready to focus on dealing with those black vines!"

The black vines are criss-crossed. It is said that they are like thin sutures, but compared to the canyon cracks that run through the dome, their length is actually immeasurable. Looking at the width of the canyon, it can be hundreds of meters long. The thickness and diameter It ranges from several meters to more than ten meters.

Moreover, they are not ordinary plants, but "plant version of the alien zombies" that are jumping around and eager for the sky island.

As soon as they entered the canyon area, the black vines all over the sky came to life instantly, waving their teeth and claws in the air.

"Pray: Two times. Three times. Three times!!"

Lao Wang didn't care about anything else, driving various extreme drifts on the sky island, accelerating to avoid Black Vine's attacks.

"Damn it, if you get caught by them, it's really over! Teacher Cang, you fucking idiot, think of a way!"

The empty island is like rootless duckweed, floating in the air, and it seems that it may capsize at any time.

At the same time, endless bean-shaped black vine seeds weighing tens of kilograms erupted from the exploding seed pods and crackled into the soil and rocks of the empty island.

The stilt building that was the biggest target was as fragile as a child's building blocks in front of this kind of thing. In the blink of an eye, it was smashed with dozens of big holes, and it was riddled with holes.

"Prayer: Strip the Black Vine Seeds"

Black vines that are often several hundred meters long and ten or twenty meters thick are simply not a problem that can be solved by manpower, even if there are too many bastards like Ms. Qiu, they will be useless.

After two peelings, Li Lace got anxious first and shouted angrily: "Keep speeding up! Go straight! We don't even have the chance to struggle when we are tied up by black vines!"

"Hold on steady," Lao Wang shouted: "Pray for a tenfold speed-up!"

The price is the same as the price of praying for a faster speed of annexation of the sky island. The double speed of the sky island starts at 15 coins per hour. On this basis, the payment of coins will be tripled for every 1 times increase.

10 times acceleration, 98415 coins/h, that is, 27.3375 coins/s.

However, after paying such an exaggerated huge price, the speed of the sky island is only 110km/h, which is not as good as most low-end cars in theory.

But the wonderful thing is that there is no such thing as a starting acceleration time for this thing. From stopping to hundreds of miles, it takes 0 seconds to get the money.

Lao Wang started his performance with a bang, driving two sky islands as sports cars!

1-9, 2-8, 0-10, 10 gears switched seamlessly and randomly in seconds, dodging the black vines that seemed to be not very flexible due to the severe cold.

A drainage ditch turned and the blade overtook, and all the things on the island that were not fixed became rolling gourds.

After 10 seconds, the cows, sheep, chickens and ducks on the island began to vomit;

After 30 seconds, people couldn't stand it anymore

One minute later, the sun shone directly in the sky.

Lao Wang shouted excitedly: "Am I pretty? I finally rushed out, guys, you-eh??"

Tai Xiaoyi hugged Li Leisi's legs, Li Leisi hugged Li Cang's waist, and Li Cang was lifted by Li Lisi, with his legs off the ground and lying in the air.

The pools of vomit under the feet of the three people were obviously vomit.

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