The piles of soil dug out are as high as the mountains. Smart people will think that the gain is not worth the loss. The not-so-smart guys just want to improve the food for some prodigal woman - after all, one meal of wolf meat and the next meal of rat meat will make you vomit after eating. Most people don’t understand the cruelty of continuing to eat after vomiting because they are eager to recover.


The whole island shook violently, and Li Cang was caught off guard and almost stumbled over.

Looking from a distance, all the islands within sight are swaying and colliding like ice on a river, floating from still to moving, seeming to be rushing in the same direction.

at the same time.

In the mid-air above this row of rows of empty islands, ranging from tens to hundreds of meters, a group of bright starlight first lit up, and then the light of the stars suddenly expanded, turning into radiant "déjà vu" vortexes. And then——

Broken boulders, building debris, screaming humans, unknown alien beasts, and overwhelming walking corpses poured down from it like garbage.

The rabbit in the cave was obviously frightened by the huge movement. He jumped out of the cave in a panic and ran straight into the arms of Brother Corpse.


Brother Big Corpse carried the rabbit and growled at Li Cang. It was unclear whether he was expressing confusion or happiness.


At such a height, those zombies would definitely not be able to fall to death. Li Cang ran wildly while avoiding the messy things falling from the sky: "It's a big thunder, you have to hold on tight."

From a distance, he saw a spectacular waterfall standing in the sky above his island. The ground was already in a mess. Humans, alien beasts and zombies who had not fallen directly to death or were unconscious fell directly into the waterfall. There was an inexplicable melee.


Big Corpse Brother suddenly jumped up, holding the rabbit with his left hand, and punched a stone as big as a double bed in the air with his right hand.

Nearly half of the bony scales on his hands fell off, and blood gushed out and healed quickly.

Li Cang, who had been saved his life, knew nothing about this. He swung his big wand and made a shrill sound, hitting the left shoulder of a heavily armored walking corpse in front of him that was covered in black blood and his back grew like a crocodile turtle's shell.

The shoulder armor of the heavily armored zombie was directly torn to pieces, and the arms were twisted into strange angles, but the huge body only staggered slightly, stretching its neck and howling towards Li Cang's face.

Li Cang waved his arm and hit again, but the next stick hit a strange beast with black fur like an orangutan.

This thing suddenly pounced from the side. It was smashed and screamed miserably, but Li Cang ignored it and pushed the snapping turtle corpse to the ground and gnawed the juice everywhere.

I don’t know how many days I haven’t had anything to eat, so the children are hungry.

That's fine, it's rude to disturb others while they're eating.

There were at least hundreds of alienated beasts in front of him that could not be identified as what kind of animals they were, as well as a larger number of walking corpses fighting. The jump point in the sky was still uninterruptedly unloading like dumplings, and every now and then a huge stone or a building would appear. The remains of the body fell down, turning the battlefield below into a scarlet mud.

"Da Lei Zi? Da Lei Zi!"

[Li Leisi: I'm here! Inside the cement tanker truck fifteen degrees to the left! 】

After Li Cang walked around, he saw Miss Qiu's huge body blocking the mouth of the cement tanker lying on the ground, her big paws pressing down on a disgusting walking corpse without any skin, gnawing at it.

"How are you?"

Li Leisi curled up and leaned against the jar, "Miss Qiu took me out."

She was in a very bad condition, and the bright red blood on the corner of her mouth looked scary. It was probably caused by the bumps when she escaped.

"I can't seem to move. There's a little pain in my stomach."

"Damn it, there won't be any problems with the wounds inside, right?"



Li Cang knocked down the scythe hand that was still stubbornly trying to use him as food, even though half of its body was gone, and rolled the thing between Miss Qiu and Big Corpse Brother with his kick.

"You worthless thing, chew on this!"

The eyes of the two guys suddenly lit up like something. One used his mouth and the other used his hands to tear the poor sickle hand into two pieces and kill them in two or two bites.

No matter how waste it is, it is still at the third level, and its nutritional value is obviously very good. The stamina bar on Miss Qiu's panel is full.


Miss Qiu is alive again.

Its huge body turned over a dozen walking corpses and alien beasts in front of it. It pinned one under its paws, opened its big mouth and bit off the head until it was crunchy. It abandoned the corpse and quickly rushed to the next target.

Big Corpse Brother is not to be outdone. His biggest weakness, agility, has been greatly strengthened when he first entered the third stage. Due to his height, his claws rush towards the opponent's Tianling Cap to greet him, just like a human-shaped bottle opener.

Its pair of bone armor and bone spurs are like big feet wearing heavy combat boots of size 70 or 80, which are simply a siege ram. The heavily armored walking zombie, which is not much smaller than it, kicks it, from the chest to the internal organs and ribs. From the spine to the carapace, a stream of brain spurts out directly from the back, like the Shaqima Falls.

Li Cang couldn't help but gesture.

Good guy, if this big foot kicks him, it will be a covering blow from chin to prostate!

There was no end to the things pouring out from that pure-blooded Splatoon-like jump point. Most of the living creatures were crushed and crushed underneath without making a sound, but there were already quite a few who escaped by chance.

When the jump point gradually disappeared, a cone-shaped mountain peak with a height of more than 100 meters covering several kilometers had been piled up on the empty island, and the sky was filled with haze.

A rough count showed that there were at least thousands of walking corpses and alien beasts still alive, fighting each other, with a few scattered humans among them.

Although the human body is obviously not as strong as the walking dead beasts, this is not the main reason why there are fewer human survivors - the first reaction of most people is to pray for safety, and praying for loneliness will inevitably cause panic. By the time he reacted, he had already missed the opportunity. He would either fall to death directly, be crushed under the garbage mountain, or be killed by the zombies in minutes.

"There's someone over there, kill him!"

"Everyone get together, hurry, hurry, hurry!"

"Help me. Help me."

Human beings instinctively start to combine similar items, but the walking dead and alien beasts don't care about this.

Most of the walking zombies will not attack each other, but those alien beasts will rush up to anything they see. Whether they are humans, walking zombies or alien beasts, they will all be treated as food.

"What the hell!" Li Cang roared when he saw a blind survivor actually shot Brother Zhi, "That's my fucking servant of fate, please be smart!"

Well, most survivors are very discerning.

After all, the big corpse brother still has a shabby fish scale armor hanging on his body. As for Miss Qiu, it is too special. It has a different look and feel from those alien beasts, even without its special helmet. It is not difficult to guess that it is a servant of fate.

The people who were scolded didn't have time to say sorry. It was already such a mess, and everyone was yelling.

"This can't go on like this!"

"Damn it, a few people work together and drag some obstacles over to block them!"

"That's right, they have already killed the red eyes and don't care about us."

"Little brother, let your servant of fate help you."

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