As soon as the front foot stepped into the underground shelter, the door opened and closed, the air pressure in the entire underground shelter instantly dropped, and everyone's brains followed the sudden thin air. It took two seconds to slow down, and then, there was an overwhelming impact, explosion, and huge earthquake. On.

"Hiss" Lao Wang hissed and breathed in, "Did you feel it just now? How fast was the wind?"

"I didn't count the wind speed or anything like that, but the designated air island was badly damaged," Li Cang sighed. "Last time we ran bumper cars on the second ring road, at least the area loss could keep up with the annexation. I'm afraid it will be a pure loss this time. It’s such a shame, even if there are rules to protect it, it can’t withstand such indiscriminate bombardment, every corner will be broken even if it should be broken, alas.”

At any rate, there are still more than a dozen or twenty idle islands with high and low orbits around the empty island, which are not included in the annexation quota. They are more or less symbolic to prevent disasters. This is all Li Cang can do to prepare for this storm area. .


There is no such thing as a relatively horizontal track in the storm area. It is attacked from all directions, up, down, left, right, and behind, and these side shields are of extremely limited use.


After a huge impact, there was a crackling sound on the ground at the same time. The small and small impact sounds could not be covered up at all - the island was cracked somewhere?

The four of them looked at each other, their hearts aching straight to their bones.

"I really can't hold on, there's still one minute of forced storage time, it's okay."

The empty island is both a tool and a home, and more importantly, it is the bottom line for everyone's survival.

How should I put it? This is like the difference between saving 550,000 and spending 500,000 to buy a watch before the disaster, and saving 550,000 and taking a loan of 2 million to buy a house with a monthly salary of only 5,500. The former will definitely be labeled as a prodigal. Calls such as crooked, stupid, and crazy, the latter

Yes, that's right, the latter is called a house slave.

Unless Ning also suffers from a rare disease like Mr. Cang, someone will give you a salary to repay the loan.

Li Cang first prayed and took a high-altitude map, and then asked Xiaobi Zaizi to make a surveillance system of his own choice.

Thousands of sets of cameras, circuits, displays and various electronic components can be found on the island. The little coin guy just works to install them. The green light flashes and the cost is only 60 coins.

The 16 screens displayed scenes from all over the two empty islands, and the terrain map was projected in front of several people through the mini interface.

"I'm so stupid."

As usual, Lao Wang started with the international language.

The scene displayed on the 16 screens was as lively as the lighthouse that was delivering supplies equivalent to 100 million U.S. dollars to the Chinese rebels every day. House-sized debris plowed a huge trench on the surface of the empty island and was lightly covered. The wind was carried away by its own orbit, and waves of splashing earth, rocks, and mud were everywhere. There were a lot of larger debris, but the camera only accommodated their true appearance, often only showing a corner, and then the screen shook wildly or even went black.

As for the high-altitude terrain map, it looks at least relatively less irritable. The viewing angle is very high, and two obvious black and thick lines can be seen separating the sea islands and a blank.

"We are probably here. It seems that the width of the storm area may be about 200 to 350 kilometers."

"Oh no, wouldn't that mean you have to be bombed for at least 20 hours?"

"Calm down, it's not the first time."

"That was the last time I heard you say that."


"ε=(ο`*)))," Master Wang also began to feel distressed, "How many coins do you have to lose to make up for it? Is it enough to fill in all the money earned by the group in front?"

"Well, based on my advanced experience of selling short islands personally, there is a high probability that it will not be enough," Li Laixi expressed her opinion as an experienced person, "Song Islands are very expensive. Every inch of land is precious!"

Li Cang was speechless. How come you, a prodigal woman, sound so proud?

In the storm area, the density and intensity of the impact were not at the same level as the previous experience. If they were not deliberately controlled, each impact would bounce several of them several meters high like bumper balls. Even the tonnage exceeding The wonderful Miss Qiu and her brother and sister are all doomed.

Only Li Lei and Li Lisi were not included.

These two guys have been practicing hard for twenty years to master the techniques of exerting force and discharging force, and now they have the blessing of strengthening their physiques;

The other body was empty and tangible. She spent all her time crossing the river by touching the coffin boards of Newton and dozens of other big bosses. She was extremely restricted by various physical rules and could basically ignore the wind, rain, loud noises and earthquake.

In less than ten minutes, the three of them, Li Cang, Wang Taixiao and Yi, couldn't hold on any longer. Their faces turned green at first and then turned white, making them very ugly.

Motion sickness, seasickness, weightlessness, all the internal organs seemed to be displaced by the shock, including the food eaten, the air in the lungs, and the blood in the blood vessels.

In short, everything was not where they should be, the scenery in front of me began to blur violently, and my eyes were bloodshot and tearful.


This kind of vibration that exceeded the physical limit put a huge load on Li Cang's spine - no matter how fierce or explosive the fighting power was, it was still a disease. The big magic wand was still being healed but was not completely repaired, so he was the first to vomit.

Li Cang tried to pray for a cure, but this thing was like planting a bad root of disease in his body. After repair, it would happen again soon, and it would happen faster and faster.

"Mom, damn," Lao Wang almost vomited out the gall, feeling that his heart was beating like an alarm clock in the morning, "I never dreamed that I could be tortured like this by an earthquake. I and the zombie tide fought desperately I’ve never suffered anything like this!”

Li Laixi's face wasn't very pretty either, but it was much better than the three of them.

"Try to feel the direction of the vibration waves, and follow them to control the body. First the longitudinal wave and then the transverse wave. They arrive almost at the same time, but there is still a slight difference in sequence -"

Tai Xiaoyi and Lao Wang could only stare at each other.

Real or fake?

At this rate, can she still predict earthquakes?

Isn’t the gap between normal people and martial arts masters with family backgrounds beyond the physiological limit? Hey!

Is what she said true?

Is she still a real human being?

"Okay," Li Leisi was helpless, "This may be a bit complicated and overwhelming, but if you can get used to it a little bit, it won't be so uncomfortable."

Li Cang said:

"My mother said that the women of their lineage, when they first started practicing martial arts when they were young, the standing position was not a regular plum blossom pole, but a soft pole that was as thick and flexible as pole vaulting. It was only 3 meters in hand and would continue until adulthood. To increase the height, Li Laixi’s limit is 7 meters, and my mother is said to have reached 13 meters.”

"I've only seen my mother walk over this thing once, which is seven or eight meters high. She stepped on it from straight to an arch shape, and the vibrations were exaggerated compared to Grandma Li's dancing."

"You have to know that after 3 meters of this thing, every inch of height is a world of exaggerated difficulty, not to mention that as you age, your weight also increases."

"Think about it, can people with this kind of background be the same as normal people like us!"

"So Dalei Zi can really tell the distance between transverse and longitudinal waves transmitted from such a close earthquake?" Lao Wang's face was filled with speechlessness, "The effects of our body strengthening and other people's body strengthening are completely different. , Isn’t this gap bigger than that between humans and dogs?”

"Then you have never seen Rao Qifang now," Li Lei said. "No more. I can't fight anymore. Lilith and I together can't hold my mother's hand with one hand."

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