The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 393 Relative Luxury and Relative Simplicity

"Let's go back and ask the people from the prayer research and judgment team to help take a look," Li Lei said with a frown, "I'm afraid this person is really mentally disturbed. We don't have time to spend time with him."

Lao Wang: "Excuse me?"

With all due respect, if I, Wang, remember correctly, it seems that the two experts on the research team were almost eaten alive by me last time?

Well, judging from their faces, it seems that they probably don't hold grudges very much... maybe.

The Black Mist Island chain is too huge. Even if the base had a plan in advance, almost all of the underground shelters with a slightly shallower impact front (slightly: referring to a vertical depth of less than 30m) were destroyed, and a few kilometers outside the impact area were still in ruins. I have experienced the tragedy of a magnitude 6 or 7 earthquake.

An endless stream of walking corpses swarmed out of the black oil, accompanied by a stench like a torrent of biological and chemical weapons. Soon, the search and rescue teams and special service personnel organized by the military and police had no room for rescue. In order not to suffer greater losses, they had to withdraw to the area outside the empty island where they had accumulated heavy troops to protect themselves, and announced the news through the radio.

Again, manpower is sometimes scarce.

Under such a large-scale corpse tide, they have persisted long enough. The search and rescue teams and special service personnel have inflicted torture on a large number of ordinary people whose shelters have been destroyed and who have been exposed to broad daylight and walking corpses for various reasons. A helping hand.

". We will withdraw from the inner perimeter of the base and retreat to the outer defense line. Please do not leave the shelter as a last resort, pay attention to announcements from broadcasts, radios, and various channels at all times, and minimize the consumption of food and drinking water. The Black Mist Island chain is huge and The walking corpses carried by Kurokiri Island are all from the top level to the bottom level of the second level of alienation. The number is roughly estimated to be at least more than 250,000. This will be a difficult and long war. Please believe in the base and the party. Together with the country, we are united and united to overcome the difficulties!”

After the broadcast, the base was like a dead city. There was no one on the surface, but there were endless zombies of Black Mist Island, howling like they were beaten to death. The loudspeakers, speakers, and loudspeakers placed everywhere were displayed by Mang Xiang. Wait for the device.

"Wait a minute? What is the radio saying? Did I hear it correctly?"

"Say!" Li Cang was agitated, "Wang, please don't tell me that you lost the emergency kit that the special agents gave you just now!"

"No, how is that possible? Just wait until I look for it."

"Your uncle! Run and look for it."

"Hey, planes can't fly, right? Why did the broadcast use the word 'bombing' in a literal sense? Did I hear it correctly?"

"Shut up!"

The broadcast mentioned that all areas except various agricultural and pastoral areas, vegetable and grain growing areas will be covered with firepower and intensive attacks will be carried out to clear out the first batch of zombies and avoid forming a large-scale corpse tide to impact the outer defense line. It is required to be exposed due to various reasons. Survivors outside the shelter lit smoke bombs to warn of signs, not to say they were unforeseen.

Li Cang wanted to scold his mother at that time!

Although the Rabbit family has always suffered from a severe and terminal phobia of insufficient firepower, isn't this a bit outrageous? You are just a third disaster-resistant base that will exceed 3,000 square kilometers in just 4 months. , how many weapons did you have to hoard to have the confidence to make such an extravagant decision?

Two corners away, a dense plastic greenhouse area appeared in front of Li Cang and the others. There were not many walking corpses around, and of course there was no building sturdier than the greenhouse.

Lao Wang finally found an extremely crude can of unpackaged smoke bomb in the emergency bag. It was more of a smoke-generating agent in a tin can than a smoke bomb. The only bright spot was probably that it was not so rough that it needed to be ignited by an open flame. situation.


A huge amount of orange-yellow smoke rose into the sky with a slightly pungent smell. The amount of smoke was so large that it directly covered a radius of more than ten meters around it, and the smoke column was tens of meters high.

Lao Wang pulled out a radish from the half-open greenhouse, put it on his clothes, rubbed it, and took a bite.

"Bah, bah, bran, you should throw out the guy who grows the greenhouse!"

Li Laixi made sacrifices all the way, and the little eight thousand coins came in. She has reached the limit of what she can bear today. The infinite resurrection of the sub-human body can restore physical strength, mental and physical damage, but Xiao Coin Zaizi is obviously not smart enough to let her sacrifice. bug.

Li Cang's heartache was so painful that he could only let a huge amount of raw materials with extremely guaranteed quality turn into cooked ducks and fly away.

About 5 minutes later, a loud chorus of sounds like old-fashioned flueless diesel engines began. Li Cang was dumbfounded as he watched a group of 5 Camel aircraft lined up at low altitude and passing overhead at low speed, which was the legendary fighter jet that led the British Empire. The Sopwith F.1 biplane fighter flew at such a low altitude that they could even see the pilot reach out and pull out a big treasure from the cockpit of this old man who probably needed to relubricate three times from the museum stand to the warehouse. , thrown out of the cabin——


Manually dropping bombs, this is already Chi Guoguo’s behavior in World War I!

It is a World War I-level cosplay single-seat fighter. Although there are not a few redundant precision parts, it is limited to the hasty shape of the thing itself. Even if it is modified, it cannot carry much ammunition. On the surface, there are two machine guns, The several groups of bombs on the wings already represent the upper limit of the attack power. Counting the ones sitting under the pilot's buttocks, the amount of ammunition that can be used for "bombing" will not exceed 200 kilograms.

Well, after all, the original ammunition capacity of this thing is only 45.4kg.

Not only camel-style, but also agricultural spraying aircraft, DH4, airships, and even birdmen gradually appeared later!

That's right, it's the kind of wing suit flying and hang gliding, and then people holding bombs.

Leading the trend!

"Fuck you," Lao Wang looked unbelievable, "Xiaodao pulled his ass and opened a big eye, really."

Li Lace knew how to be more tactful: "Well, it seems that life at the base is not easy!"

Not only not easy, it is clearly simple to the point of absurdity, okay

But to be honest, although there are countless points in the bombing method, the power of the explosion is really not small, and the flames and choking dust around it make people lose their breathing space.

For a time, the bombed area was full of flowers, literally "flowers"!

The morning glory grew rapidly, densely packed, and gradually moved closer to each other, the vines and tentacles blended with each other, integrated into a larger form, and the light of the coin was extremely shining and breathtaking.

"This thing," Li Cang muttered, silently putting up a flag, "I always feel that it is not just as simple as a flower"

Master Wang glanced at him.

Li Lace glanced at him.

Li Cang's nose was raised: "What are you looking at?"

"What's wrong with looking at you," Lao Wang muttered, "Are you so blatant and confident in grabbing business these days?"

Monthly check-up, is the hospital doing a Spring Festival promotion? I stayed in the hospital for two days to take a film. I just got home and I'm tired.

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