A total of 17 island chains were thrown out before the jump point dissipated. The number of empty islands was at least tens of thousands, spread across five sectors: 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22. If the air quality in Langyan Cave was not so bad, You can see these behemoths with the naked eye right from the base.

The 3rd Base quickly reacted after a short period of shock. In less than an hour, only the "empty nesters" were left in the entire base. Wu Nansen personally set off from the military island, and all kinds of information and transfer orders were gathered and delivered like a tide. .

"This, is this confirmed?"

Seeing the latest reconnaissance report uploaded on the screen, even Wu Nansen couldn't help but take a breath.

The 700,000 survivors, more than 3.6 million walking corpses, and animals and plants with alienated bloodlines are simply not counted. Instead, they are printed on the top view of the 17 island chains in the form of light spots. The brightness of individual light spots can blind people. Eye.

"Only more, not less!"

"But how can people live with walking corpses? Let alone alien beasts and mutated plants!" Wu Nansen was surprised and happy, his face turned red, "Ahem, how about the place named Bei?"

"We have already set off. We have emptied our belongings and are heading here."

"It's the Chinese New Year! It's the Chinese New Year."

"I thought that robbery contract was of no use, but the first wave came so hard!"

"Are you sure it's because of the robbery contract?"

"Confirmed! In the past half month or so, our people have deployed 1,500 large and small contract island groups in various sectors, and the Academy of Sciences has clearly observed that the jump point appears starting from the 7 contract islands in sector 19. of!"

"That island."

"It's gone," Wu Nansen's deputy shook his head. "The jump point immediately tore all seven islands into pieces. The 120 prisoners and 30 guards on the islands were all dead."

While several military leaders were discussing, two men in uniform pushed open the door of the conference room and rushed in, saluting.

"Report! Commander Wu! Please take the prayer interface line 139. A message has been sent from the newly emerged island chain, requesting direct communication with the top commander of the base immediately!"

Wu Nansen looked at another person. The soldier seemed to have thought of something happy:

"Well, Commander Wu, Zhong Jianzhang, Comrade Li Cang and Instructor Rao's daughter somehow appeared on that island chain and have started a war with the other party - I think this is probably the reason why the other party is eager to send you a 'video invitation' one."

Several military leaders looked at each other, and one of them couldn't help shouting angrily: "This is nonsense!"


Nonsense? Is this what you should say? After all, you are still young!

Wu Nansen looked a little weird, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he called up the prayer interface and projected route 139.

In the projection screen, which was about 2 meters long and wide, what came into view was the dome of a palace-like building. Then the screen was straightened, and a group of white talents in suits and ties appeared "in front of the camera."

"This is the Federal Congress of Santa Catana. No matter who you are, or which party you represent, please immediately ask your people to stop the unprovoked armed attacks, otherwise we will resolutely fight back. We are always well-intentioned, peace-loving and I didn’t mean to offend you, but I was transported here due to a warp storm.”

Wu Nansen was distracted.

Commander-in-Chief Wu can be regarded as a military problem solver who is fluent in Chinese, English and French. However, the other party's French was chattering too fast, and his mental reaction speed at this age could not keep up.

Moreover, mainly in the lower right corner of the screen, there is a projection of the same call behind this group of people, and the voice of a guy who has just been eavesdropped is heard.

"I'm so fucked up. Video harassment, isn't it? I'm deadbeat, isn't it? I even translated English and French for you and you still have a language barrier with me, isn't it? That's a #¥%fuckin' #¥% , beep nima, Wenn ich so Dein Gesicht sehe, gefllt mir mein Arsch immer besser, do you understand? The car hit the tree and the child cried, I told you, it’s too late, but I’m waiting! May your island chain have enough street lights!”


"Bah!" Lao Wang angrily threw Li Cang's arm to the side, and the mini prayer interface automatically closed, "If you ask me, you don't need to answer this video, shameless things, these two devils are the best at it Act stupid!"

Li Cang and Li Laixi were also quite speechless. It was really not Lao Wang who was the first to stir up trouble this time. Lao Wang was just reckless but not stupid. He had tried his best to politely explain the reason in English and French, but the three people on the other side got through to the call. The French actually whisper and mock their rural pronunciation

Lao Wang had never been treated like this in his arrogant life. On the spot, he used more loose German to add a few little knowledge points to the other party that can be called the common heritage of human civilization:

“The only language the Indians understand is gunfire, the only language the French understand is German.”

"French is known as one of the most rigorous languages ​​in the world, but why are the documents used and spoken at NATO meetings all in English? Because English speakers guarantee the rights of French speakers not to speak German."

"It turns out that France liked Hitler more than Germany because the French raised both hands when they saw him, while the Germans only raised one hand."

"Please find the time inscriptions of the World War II Memorial and the French World War II Memorial from the following two options: A, 1939-1945 B, 19:39-19:45"

Emm, then they really understood

"Try not to argue about things that can be done, Xiao Wang, give them a hard time!"


If it were any other time, Lao Wang would definitely get angry, but this time he was unusually obedient, he lifted his butt and jumped directly from [Kun], instantly transformed in mid-air, and fell to the sky island dozens of meters below with flames.

"Will there be something wrong at the base?" Li Leisi hesitated slightly.

"With so many people and sky islands, the base can't swallow them all at once, given the nature of our country of etiquette."

"Ha, we don't have time to wait for their long wrangling time to end!"

"No matter whether these island chains have any elements of his country, since the sky islands that annexed the young lady don't want to return or talk about reason, then all we can do is try to solve the problem before the base sends people, so as to save some face for the base."

"I listen to you!"

Li Lace's figure flashed, floating down like a fallen leaf.

Li Cang squinted his eyes and looked at the white land cleared by thousands of lackeys below, stretched out his hand to summon the big magic wand and the mini prayer interface: "The same source interconnection link points to the target [Kun], and the magic mountain is released!"

The [Kun] under his feet suddenly lit up with a dazzling light, and a huge black figure twisted into shape in the air, and then transformed into a solid body. Under the effect of the floating force field of [Kun], they formed a neat formation and began to airdrop synchronously in groups of 5.




Each group of magic mountains landed with a huge roar, and the huge sky island trembled.

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