When things got to this point, in order to avoid misunderstanding, probably no one except Mr. Li Cang wanted to do anything impolite.

Well, as the "persecuted" party, the Santa Catana Federation needs to reach reconciliation more urgently than anyone else. A war with tens of thousands of people is not enough to break the backbone of a doomsday alliance, but one against ten thousand will certainly do it. It's a different matter

The sight of corpses strewn all over the field is vivid. These three people didn't just pop out of the cracks in the rocks. Are their "backups" as powerful as them?

After thinking of this, the Santa Catana Council was so shocked that they almost had internal strife on the spot.

When Tony Jia ended the call, he was silent for several seconds with a complicated and weird expression that mixed shock, ecstasy, and confusion on his face.

"Over there. There are several different voices noisy like four hundred and fifty ducks. I don't know how to describe it. In short, we can talk. I heard greed in their tone, with that ridiculous conspiracy and reserve. With carefully packaged greed, these two Chinese disaster relief bases with a population of less than 300,000 seem to want to swallow us up without any blood. "


There was a tacit and meaningful sneer.

Negotiations cannot solve any problem, not even the person who raised the problem. Only the victor of the war can write history and gain praise!

But what is surprising is that the Chinese base, which is famous on the forum, can actually piss into the same pot with a loose parliamentary alliance like theirs. I don’t know if it should be honored?

"It seems that the three lunatics outside are already at their peak combat power. Are they actually feeling guilty?"

"Most likely."

"Wouldn't that mean, well, hehe~"

"Childish, China has never been a kind person!" said a black man wearing a feather coat and holding a human bone scepter with a strange black and white striped pattern on his face: "If we in Latin America are America's leek field, then the surroundings of this rabbit The country is its experimental field. Since ancient times, it has been governed without curing. Your monsters live in the garden behind others. Their art of war has been written longer than the founding history of the nationalities of all of you here. Your innocence, oh, is like a girl’s legs curled up. The cigars that came out were just as ridiculous!”

The appearance of this guy caused the collective outrage of the members of Parliament.

"Martinis, you have no right to appear in the parliament hall!"

"This is not the place you should be, get out!"

"Oh, my Lord, it's really hard to imagine that the only voodoo high priest in our Santa Catana Federation would actually know China so well, haha"

"Because I was born in Cuba!" The black high priest forced a somewhat arrogant smile on his face, "I once worshiped Gutierrez, entered the church and studied liberation theology, and also received the Saint Tikhon Bachelor's degree in social and humanities from Nove College. Until I returned to West Africa and re-believed in animism, I had preached to more than 20,000 people in ten tribes before the disaster. You are the humus in the leek field, things that are rotten to the root. How many knowledge points do you know?”

There were more than a dozen Americans in this group of congressmen. When they heard this, they almost spit out a mouthful of black blood.

Cuba, black people, voodoo, knowledge points

This is like a heavy critical hit like a stack of buffs!

There is another important reason why Santa Catana is a deliberation system that has nothing to do with interests at all, and that is the confusion of religious sects.

Want to elect a co-leader?


Just tell me what religion you believe in!

Even in parliament, important seats such as the speaker are still rotated.

The exception is Martinis. He is not a member of Parliament, but he has nearly 3,000 fanatical Voodoo believers under his command. His combat effectiveness is extremely strong!

Before the disaster, he had performed human sacrifice and killing rituals in a corner of West Africa. The more than 3,000 fanatic believers might not even have seen the sun a few times before, but they had a character from the underworld. The common "tips" between the bastards and the so-called "ancestors" have all become masters of moon digging in both personality and physical senses. Even the zombies on the chains of Noda and Black Mist Island are kicking horizontally and vertically. Hungry at every turn, eating walking corpses, thirsty for blood from alien beasts

But such a group of lunatics have become friendly neighbors to everyone in their Santa Catana island chain, not for anything else but because of their madness in screaming and rushing up when they see a walking corpse!

While enjoying the dividends brought by Martinis, the subtext in their hearts is: You said that even if you engage in some feudal superstition, primitive religion is too backward.

The situation is like this. A group of congressmen are despised by the person they despise the most. You can imagine the psychological shadow.

The interest is ruined and the topic ends in vain.

And when these congressmen, who were in suits and leather shoes, wearing sackcloth and mourning, or wearing bones and skins, appeared in front of the military leaders, soldiers, and private armed forces of the 3rd base, everyone was really shocked. Numb shock.

What the hell?

Could it be that there is a trinity of talent, government and education? !

Well, a path that even after the end of the world no serious person would have imagined

Even Wu Nansen, who has been in the army for most of his life and has seen a lot, was in a trance for a long time. How can the shortcomings of the military oligarchy in the 3rd base area be compared with that of Santa Catana? !

Outrageous, shocked, shocked, but still polite. Wu Nansen coughed lightly and drove Kong Dao closer.

"I am Wu Nansen. On behalf of China's 3rd and 7th bases and their 289,000 survivors, I welcome the arrival of the Santa Catana Federation. Have a good journey."

Wu Nansen extended his right hand with a uniform smile, while the other side made a cross, a noble gesture, looked up to express gratitude, and looked up to express gratitude. It can't be said that they were uniform, but they did their own thing. After both sides reacted, the scene suddenly fell into a subtle stiffness.

Tony Jia's face retained the dignity of a rotating speaker: "There is no need to shake hands. Please explain why we were attacked by the people from the official base of China after we encountered the jump channel?"

"We have already communicated initially. This is not our problem," Wu Nansen pointed to the area covered by red light, "The people on your island robbed our sky island, and that person is likely to be a member of the notorious He Xiangguo on the forum. They have attacked... uh."

Looking at the group of people dressed in strange clothes, Wu Nansen suddenly realized that his words were problematic.

Sure enough, the members of the Santa Katana Federation were furious regardless of everything.

"Are you discriminating against religious beliefs?"

"We are a democratic federation! Everyone has the right to believe equally and completely freely!"

"The Church of Destiny? It is a new religion. It is normal for its doctrines to be incomplete and deviate from the right track, but the Lord's heart is broad, and so is Santa Katana. We tolerate anyone who has not made unforgivable mistakes and is willing to re-enter the glory of the Lord, etc." Senator Badro looked back at a group of councilors suspiciously: "There are already believers of the Church of Destiny in our island chain? This is impossible!"

As the saying goes, love what you do, and the system of Santa Katana is extremely sensitive to foreign beliefs - after all, their parliament is already in such a mess that it can't be messed up anymore. People like Matthias have to wait in line for a seat in parliament to the point of internal fighting.

"No matter what!" Tony Jia interrupted impatiently: "Please ask your people to stop attacking us immediately, and we will talk about other things later!"

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