The Tili people on the battlefield kept adjusting their formations, artificially isolating crisscross paths in the chaos of fighting with the underground zombies. Seeing this, the giant wolf knights in the rear, who were all wearing the armor of the Commandment Guard, about 6,000 in number, began to charge without hesitation. They actually increased their speed to the limit in a very short time with only these narrow and flat passages with a bunch of obstacles drilled out from time to time.

The speed of the cavalry was extremely lethal to the unorganized and undisciplined underground zombies. The zombie tide could no longer hinder their steps. The giant wolf knights, who numbered only 6,000, quickly divided the battlefield into pieces of leek fields like a hot knife cutting butter, and quickly harvested the zombies with the cooperation of the Tili infantry.

The battle formation tactics on the cold weapon battlefield is a very profound knowledge. Even Li Cang had to admit that the viewing experience of such a tacit and seamless cooperation between infantry and cavalry was pleasing to the eye.

At least

If his lackeys and demons were replaced with an equal number of warriors, even if he was given more time to practice the deployment of troops, he probably wouldn't be able to reach this level.

"Tsk, there are capable people on the Tili side!"

"That's strange," Lao Wang questioned, "If there are capable people, would my young lady shoot down the command center? How stupid is she?"

Minx gave a brilliant answer:

"The Ministry of Doctrine has ruled the Tili city-state for two hundred years, with no internal troubles and no external troubles. It has long been corrupt. Perhaps it is because this beautiful lady defeated the clan leader and the nobles several kilometers away that she replaced the army with a qualified commander."

"In the Western world, the battlefield and the officialdom have always been two different things. Political power and military power can even be opposite in certain circumstances."

"Good guy, you are not stupid!" Lao Wang said happily, "So you are playing the pig and the tiger with us ? "

"Nonono, I just know a little more about the inside story than you do," Minsk spread his hands, his expression slightly funny and with a deep melancholy: "However, my outstanding brothers and sisters did die early for various inexplicable reasons. No one except me lived to adulthood. The Ministry of Doctrine obviously does not want my family to have too outstanding heirs."


On the battlefield, the charge and division of the giant wolf knights continued, but it was obviously not strong enough. After communicating by some unknown means, they stretched their hands behind their waists in unison. With a crisp sound of the lock touching, the human figure sitting on the wolf's back with a thick cloth covering the whole body was thrown off the giant wolf in an instant.

The opaque thick cloth bag and the black meteorite iron chains that bound them fell off during the tumbling. They were a group of people who had already shown obvious characteristics of zombies!

These guys were ragged and covered with dark blue veins. Some had grown thick bone armor and triangular scales. Their teeth were sharp, their claws were long and deformed, their eyes were scarlet and shone with a frightening dark blue hue, their sight was rigid, hungry, and crazy, almost the same as zombies.

On average, there was one such guy on each giant wolf, with a total number of between 15,000 and 25,000. After breaking free, they attacked all living creatures except the wolf riders, even Tili's own infantry, amid the weird scolding of the giant wolf riders!

Moreover, the combat power of this group of half-human, half-corpse guys is extremely terrifying. The 1st-level ugly zombies are no different from paper in front of them. The battlefield is full of sounds like tearing rags. Occasionally, a 2nd-level zombie appears within their attack range, but it can't survive for more than a few hits before its skull is torn off. Even the black meteorite iron armor that Lao Wang highly praised was deformed by their fists.

In an instant, the situation on the entire battlefield reversed. The Tili army, the giant wolf knights, and those half-human, half-corpse guys formed a rapidly shrinking large net, unwaveringly pressing back towards the Sochi Castle where the seal is located.

"This, this." Minsk took a breath, "No wonder, no wonder there are often powerful guys who suddenly disappear, it turns out that they are all here, the Doctrine Department is simply unreasonable! Beast!"

The temporary command post behind the battlefield.

In a dirty corner, the two remaining clan leaders escaped the sniper attack of the poisonous bomb but did not escape the poisonous hand from behind. At this moment, their heads and bodies were separated and bleeding all over the ground. No one cared except flies.

The person in charge of commanding the battle at this moment was Kamin Kenan, the chief of the Great Commandment, who was elected by the nobles. Baron Kamin had been in the Ministry of Doctrine for 35 years and had commanded countless victorious battles against Usman, earning a high reputation, but he was actually a nail planted by the nobles in the Ministry of Doctrine.

"Baron Kamin, those giant black puppets have moved. They have given up guarding the castle and rushed into the battlefield in groups of five. The direction seems to be... our side."

When the nobles present heard this report, they immediately became lively, and they were like countless flies, buzzing and noisy.

"What on earth do the damn outsiders want to do? Are they really like the nonsense brainwashing speech of the Ministry of Doctrine, that the outsiders and the zombies are in the same group?"

"This joke is obviously not funny."

"Haha, if those leaders were not brainwashed to the point of believing it, it would not be a bad idea to leave them alive."

"This is very troublesome. We have to replace a new batch of puppets."

"Don't mention those idiots. In the past 110 years, they have not given us a day of peace of mind. After solving the current problem, we should try to change our thinking."

"Those outsiders give me a bad feeling."

"No matter how strong they sound, they are just a few lone wolves who use trickery to make the zombies their own. Maybe some kind of potion? This is the only thing that interests me!"

"Maybe there is also their purpose. I am very curious. Outsiders always put profit first. What do they want to do by staying there after opening the seal? What benefits can they get?"

"These outsiders are not that simple. Well, it is probably their last resort. However, they have a flying beast, so there is obviously no need to stay there. If they really want to leave, we may not be able to keep them." Baron Cumming looked calm and his eyes were indifferent. "So the focus should still be on the seal. It is important to deal with the seal well-"

Before Baron Cumming finished speaking, he saw a water-blue whale-like beast soaring into the sky in the castle in the distance, carrying a large mass of strange things on its back.

"Baron Cumming is indeed very good at predicting things."

"They are trying to escape."

"Haha, these bastards are finally willing to leave the damn seal!"

"Prepare the coastal defense artillery!"

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