Lao Wang used his crossbow and hit Nodao with a few arrows, trying to drag him back.

Not to mention the chain crossbow, Li Cang even "fished" across the wild island with a rope made of bed sheet strips, without any pressure.

But this time, the alloy chain of the chain crossbow really seemed to have locked an island. No matter how the winch retracted, the crossbow base made a squeaking and harsh groan. The wild island floating in the black oil remained unmoved at all. , I really didn’t even shake.

"Ah this."

This was the first time that Lao Wang encountered such a thing. He was stunned for a while. It took him a long time to figure out that the volume of this wild island under the black oil should be much larger than the three empty islands here combined. Only in this way can Unable to capture definition will be triggered.

If you can't get over the mountain, I will go over there!

Lao Wang is tired of the "worthless" walking corpses all over the island, so it makes sense for him to take some time out from his busy schedule to have some fun.

He put pulleys on the alloy chains,


It was only a mere two hundred meters away, and the landing was smooth and effortless!

Lao Wang exaggeratedly put on a pos that was as great as the people of his motherland. After being intoxicated with himself, he began to inspect this wild island that was almost engulfed by black oil.


I can only say that as expected, it is not very clear from my own island. In fact, this wild island is surprisingly big, but the track line is lower than the surface of the black oil, or it is gradually sinking. His landing point is here. On the "plateau" with the highest "altitude" of Zano Island, looking ahead, there is at least one or two kilometers of shrub grassland. A huge number of ordinary beasts have been driven into this area, including wolves, badgers, hyenas, and marmots. Rat, grizzly bear, reindeer, ptarmigan, owl

And the bison that Lao Wang saw at a glance before. To be precise, this thing should be called a musk ox.

All the animals, carnivores, scavengers and herbivores, gathered at extremely high density in this small area above the nakedness and black oil. They were trembling and frightened. There was no behavior that could be described as unfriendly or fighting. Some old wolves roared harshly and wandered back and forth on the edge of the wild island, which could be seen to be engulfed bit by bit by black oil.

The only people on the island who were unhurried were the owl-shaped owls and thunderbirds. Lao Wang noticed that many thunderbirds had eggs in their nests. Apart from being extra protective of their shortcomings due to breeding, thunderbirds themselves are not good at long distances. Flying, this may be the reason why they are reluctant to leave.

Look at this vast ocean. There are no islands nearby. If you think it’s too far, I’m still too far!

At first, Lao Wang thought this thing was some kind of native chicken and pheasant, and didn’t pay much attention to it. When he got closer, he realized that it was a thunderbird. Some people also called this thing a snow quail. As the name suggests, it can be understood as a quail in the snow. It must really look like

Speaking of snow quail: Oh, that kind of yellow chicken

Mention of the ptarmigan: O noble bird of snow-white color

Furthermore, the prototype of the magical animal Thunderbird (Frank) in the HP series actually comes from the legend of the Thunderbird by the Native American Indians, who believe that it is a divine bird that resembles an eagle and has four or six wings. The incarnation of an almighty god, with the power to stir thunder and lightning. The famous American wand maker Shicoba Wolfe prefers to use thunderbird tail feathers as the core of the wand when making wands. This wand is very powerful and cherished by shapeshifters. It is said that it can Be the first to fire spells.

The ptarmigan relies on its feathers to protect itself. It is pure white snow in winter, but in spring, summer and autumn, it will have horizontal spots of gray, brown or an inconspicuous khaki like earth.

Well, because it is from the second country, so according to the inverse law DDDD, it is delicious and famous far and wide.

The ptarmigan is a common bird in the HLJ watershed. Lao Wang only recognized this humble thing as a ptarmigan after seeing it several times before.

"It's done tonight!"

He grunted and slurped water, and his face began to distort.

The next thing will be a matter of course. You can't refuse when a pie falls from the sky. Can you bear it when God angrily says, "Did I give you face?"

Lao Wang smiled and took off the rope he was carrying.

Musk oxen are the northernmost ungulates. They are medium to large in size, about 200 to 450 kilograms, which is only a thousand kilograms. It is not difficult for Lao Wang to put them down.

Soon, all 8 musk oxen, 32 reindeer, and a bunch of clumsy thunderbirds and thunderbird eggs were packed. Lao Wang frantically clicked and asked Teacher Cang to collect the pulley set on the alloy chain.

There was a little accident on the way back. Lao Wang's smell attracted the attention of the zombies in the black oil sea, and then two musk oxen were killed, and a dozen reindeer died.

"I'm here to help people in danger!" Lao Wang said with a stern face, "Otherwise they will be eaten by the zombies sooner or later!"

There is some truth to this, but it is an indisputable fact that he accelerated the death process of certain biological individuals. After all, in addition to the corpse being left behind, there is another possibility of being brutally murdered, because Lao Wang also said: "Little Miss, today You can serve meat in the evening, the thunderbird tastes really good, and the musk ox, which also produces musk, is probably no worse than the forest musk deer~"

The young lady looked through the scope at the pile of shivering large quails: "Thunderbird? This thing is actually a thunderbird?"

Look, so it turns out that many people subconsciously think that Thunderbird is the type with a snow-white fairy air all over his body.

"I've eaten it once, and it wasn't very good. It's not even the slightest bit worse than the artificially bred flying dragon." Li Lei curled her lips. She was very hungry and couldn't stand Lao Wang's morbid mentality of pursuing game. "The polar hunters in Alaska." "People who are allowed to use shotguns to shoot ptarmigans are as common as venison in the market."

"That's what I said. Let's try something new."

Temporarily letting the magic mountain slow down the speed of the zombies landing on the island, a few people have to spare time to deal with these animals, send them to the underground breeding area, and at the same time, they have to search for the remaining resources on the wild island. One of the musk oxen was seriously injured by a zombie attack. Li Cang didn't hesitate at all after asking Xiaobi Zaizi about the price of treatment, and just cut it.

Underground shelter.

"This skin is really bad," Li Lai Si turned over the skin of the musk ox, "Didn't I say that this thing was almost hunted to extinction because of its fur? That's it?"

"I'm a polar creature, and I have to molt in the summer," Lao Wang said. "I've spent more than half a year on a wild island in temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius. How about the quality of my fur? Damn it." This meat is so fucking beautiful, it’s so red and black, it’s like that amethyst—Hey, Teacher Cang, what are you doing, just throw it away and blow on it?”

Li Cang said angrily: "If you want to brag, brag!"

"If I blow, I will blow."

Lao Wang took a large pile of lung leaves, took a look at it happily, and threw it out with a trembling body: "Hold the grass! What the hell is that! A bug? Such a big one?"

Among wild animals, lung parasites are much more common than liver parasites. It is not incomprehensible that musk oxen have moved here from the polar climate and lived here for more than half a year. It is not incomprehensible that the parasite infection will double.

It's just that there are too many and they are a bit too big.

Lao Wang can actually see bugs the size of wheat grains from the outer layer of the lungs! The dense masses are still moving!

I saw him trembling all over, his hands and feet were cold in the hot weather, and he almost burst into tears. What happened to this society? There is oppression of artists everywhere. When can our industry, Laowang, really stand up?

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