The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 593 What kind of gods are these?

Whether it is the relatively prosperous Vacuum Port below or the farming and pastoral areas and water sources on the surrounding islands, among the various survivors and staff, some people look up from time to time to look at the source of the sudden arrival of the shadow. In addition to being slightly surprised by the two empty islands. The size (Tai Xiaoyi's sky island is too small and can't be seen behind the two islands of Li Cang and Lao Wang). Generally speaking, it looks like something you are accustomed to.

It happened to be lunch time now, smoke was rising from the kitchen, not far or near, several people felt their appetites whetted by the aroma of the dishes from each household.

How can I put it this way, the little lady’s cooking skills are truly top-notch among the small group of people——

But if you eat high-end private restaurants, don’t you eat food stalls? If you eat boiled cabbage, don’t you eat spicy crayfish? After eating Chinese food, don’t you eat Western food? It’s totally unacceptable!

People will not live like Belikov in a box. Maintaining the necessary freshness and curiosity, and changing tastes from time to time will be very helpful to improve happiness and quality of life.

The young lady took a deep breath and said, "Wow, the bacon is fried with water celery and the stinky vegetables are roasted with snails. It smells so good!"

Tai Xiaoyi is very obsessed with her bacon. She has not replenished her inventory after it was ruined by rats. They have sufficient supplies, but they are not enough. There is no way to get raw materials from live pigs on the island. Make bacon.

"Cress! There are a lot of water spinach over there! Zhong, can you ask them to buy some seeds?"

Of course, the two of them heard what she said, and they even heard a cold sweat on their foreheads: If you have something to say, could you please put that cannon aside for now? It's so scary.

Well, the little lady naturally observed the terrain through the SOP sniper scope. After all, that thing has infinitely higher resolution than ordinary telescopes.

Have a question?

No problem!

Li Cang, Li Laisi and Lao Wang have long been accustomed to strange things.

But for Wu Zhaoyun and Xu Faleng, this process seemed extremely scary. They were not naive enough to regard the almost four-meter-long abnormally shaped big thing as an ordinary firearm. The orbit boss's portable The weapon is not a praying alienated version that no one will believe even if you tell it, right?

Is this riding horse a cannon? This caliber is definitely a cannon, right? If you accidentally hug Huo'er, will we never be able to see the island just now?

Xu Faleng said quickly: "Hey, you don't have to ask for such a trivial matter. All kinds of vegetables on the island have been planted twice. I will ask people to pick a bag later. There are also various wild vegetables such as cypress, wild onions, wild leek, and ear root." Dig up some of the roots and bring them directly to the island. Don’t buy them. It’s not worth it, really!”

The little lady was extremely happy.

Wu Zhaoyun said: "Before the harvest of grain and vegetables in the first season, this kind of thing was still hard currency. At that time, 200 kilograms of rice might buy a life. But just after 26 years, it won't work. If you don't get on the rail line, you won't be too unlucky. The settlements and survivors of natural disasters are basically not short of food. If you want to say that something is popular, seafood, river fresh food, large livestock... uh..."

As Wu Zhaoyun spoke, he was stunned on the spot and looked very rude.

Because he saw a huge alienated Shire horse with its head on half of the alloy fence, rumbled past a few people, and then a large herd of deer, roe deer, wild boar, sheep, buffalo, musk ox, reindeer and the like followed behind. Spread joy.

This was obviously because Sharma had destroyed the livestock pen, and Li Cang impatiently summoned Brother Corpse.

"I almost forgot about them. Don't rush them into the circle. Just shut them all down. Damn, that cow is about to poop. Come on, hurry up, move quickly! Sorry, go on."

"Uh" Wu Zhaoyun and Xu Faleng looked at each other in confusion, licking the corners of their mouths, "Teacher Cang, do you have many deer and reindeer?"

"It's okay!"

It's over, it's over, nothing more.

It was Lao Wang who saw the embarrassment of the two of them: "There are many deer, but reindeer can only be divided into two pairs at most. Then you have to find a solution for the breeding problem yourself. Well, if conditions permit, change a few pigs." Well, both male and female are fine, we don’t choose. Anyway, we have a few wild boars ourselves, so we can improve the crossbreeding.”

"Okay! That's great!" Xu Faleng was extremely excited, "The last time I ate deer steak was three years ago. The taste is incredible."

Lao Wang took the opportunity to sell the skin of the black oil tentacle monster, but as expected he failed. The No. 1 island chain is located at the edge of the black oil ocean, and can be reached by the monthly tide, so there is no shortage of such goods.

"As for this thing, I can help you ask if anyone wants to purchase it in bulk," Xu Faleng said, "Don't mind. Although we can't capture many tentacle monsters, the source is stable, so there shouldn't be much hope."

"It's okay, it's okay. The track line is still growing. We might encounter other kinds of evil creatures in the future."


"I mean, I also have all kinds of agricultural machinery, vehicles, hand-modified limited editions, and so on. Oh yes, there are also mid- to low-end cosmetics, snacks, various daily necessities, and oils."

"Hey! Can you take a look at the goods first??"


Before the introduction process of Island Chain No. 1 was completed, the three of them already had a mutual affinity and called themselves confidants, and started bartering openly.

Xu Faleng and Wu Zhaoyun are both partners in the No. 1 island chain. They can make purchases on behalf of the island residents with full authority. Even if their judgment is wrong, it doesn't matter. What is a village? I've planted my old nose, and sooner or later I won't have to worry about sales.

But this little time is not enough, Xu Faleng suggested:

"How about we find a convenient place to park. I just forgot to mention that we provide an independent parking contract here."

"That's a good feeling~"

So Wu Zhaoyun went to inform others, and Xu Faling led Li Cang and others' sky island to an area similar to an exclusive trade island for mooring and signed a temporary contract.

Xu Faling proudly said,

"You can moor the sky island on the track for up to 7 days without any side effects, no derailment sanctions, no forced deduction of mooring area, nothing!"

Then he patiently introduced the market, where all the materials of the entire island chain are gathered, one-stop procurement, barter, and use of hard currency such as destiny coins and gold are all possible. There is management and order, and there is even a local market supervision bureau with high force standards for complaints. There will definitely be no black merchants or biased law enforcement in the market.

"You can go directly to the island at the port by crossing the street from the market. There is a food street in between. The dog meat restaurant there is great. It is run by authentic Xian people. The only drawback is that it is often in short supply. Hhh."

Old Wang's eyes lit up: "Wow, it's luxurious. How can there be such a rare thing in such a desolate airspace at this time?"

"That's why it's in short supply. The people who come and go on our island are all very powerful survivors. Naturally, they can't be too bad in terms of material enjoyment. Oh, yes, the equipment you are wearing now is designed by yourself, right? There are also several garment workshops on the island whose craftsmanship is no less than that of the top tailors before the disaster. You can go to them to order some ordinary home clothes. The price is absolutely affordable. It's too cumbersome to make clothes by yourself. If you have the conditions, don't bother the two ladies. What do you think?"

Xu Faling is so good at doing things. He said something beautiful. Li Cang, Old Wang, Li Lace and Tai Xiaoyi all felt very comfortable.

"Then let's go to the clothing store first? It's time for my little lady to have a holiday! I'm busy like a top all day long."

"Is it because the dog meat restaurant is not suitable? Don't want to go?"

"It's on the way, it's on the way."

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