According to the current value trade-offs of all survivors, a human life is not worth a few cents more than the same weight of rice or pork.

How many people died?


People from outside will eventually be let in, but they must not be allowed to rush in on their own.

What will they do if they break through the defense line?

Will he turn around and fight to the death with the walking zombies?

No, it won't.

Most of them will just head into the building without looking back.

The point is not that the so-called intimidating power of Big Corpse Brother or any other ghost or his unmatched fighting power is that people outside simply don’t have this kind of mentality of fighting to the death.

They are just cowardly, not stupid. So what if they can destroy the building?

What are the benefits?

How can a group of old, weak, sick and frightened people withstand tens of thousands of living corpses?

Compared to themselves, the hundreds of combatants in the building are all "lunatics" who dare to think and do what they do!

So everything just fell into place.

Big Corpse Brother Bai received a wave of heroic treatment that turned the tide.

The team leaders discussed it and then dispersed, returning to their own defensive positions and starting to set up. Except for some babies who were brought back to the building, even nursing mothers were sent up the embankment with their teeth gritted.

The old, the weak, the sick and the disabled? This is the time when the race is exterminated!

"Young Shaoxia Li is really good at turning his hands to make the clouds and the rain." Qiao Shasha forced herself not to look at the ferocious and ferocious heavy-armored walking corpse. "I think I know everything about you. How many things are you hiding from me?"

"Nonsense, it's obviously true if you know the truth."

"You are such a bastard, you still don't forget to take advantage of me at this time!"

"Have you ever thought about getting rid of your status as a homeless person?"


Qiao Shasha opened her mouth, but what came out was——

"The corpses are coming!!"

The horde of corpses was already surrounding them. The spacious square and road in front of the building were all filled with corpses as far as the eye could see, filling every gap.

These were at least 20,000 zombies. They gathered in such a small place, so that the individual people on the embankment who had not experienced the first, second, third, and fourth waves had long lost their understanding of the concept of quantity.

"Maybe I will become one of them soon."

The only thing that makes them really feel that they are still alive and slightly different from the creatures in front of them is

It stinks!

The extremely strong rotting flesh-like stench of tens of thousands of walking corpses shrouded the surrounding neighborhoods like a substantial cloud, and people could almost feel the weight and shape of the stench.

Many people bent over and vomited violently.

When people in the building saw this, they all made sarcastic remarks.

"Haha, a bunch of idiots!"

"I'm thinking that they are not useless at all. How about using a sliding shovel to directly feed the zombies and make them vomit?"

"What on earth was I expecting? This group of people is simply outrageous and hopeless!"

People are very complicated.

Even when I was kneeling down to make money, I was always thinking about how to make my kneeling posture more beautiful and imposing.

The San people stood upright angrily, holding back the desire to vomit, and then when they looked up, they saw Wuyang Wuyang, a walking corpse with torn skin and even maggots crawling on his body, rushing over with his teeth and claws.


This was repeated several times, and the unbearable strong physical discomfort even overshadowed people's inner fear to some extent.

The walking corpse in front of me makes people want to empty everything in their stomach, but it seems...that's all it is?

Unexpected, the angle is tricky.

An epic model case of physiology \u003e psychology.

The people in the building keenly noticed the changes in these new recruits and were not surprised at all - this was their experience of "getting along day and night" with the walking zombies for a month.

However, if they are asked to take the lead, they will definitely not be taken care of at all. This is the name of the Sanren.


Even if you work hard to save a group of trash, and then let them live and feed other walking zombies with the hope that everyone has sacrificed their lives for?

Even if the group in front of me are all my own children, it still doesn’t make sense.

The corpses rushed forward like a raging wave. Each one was in a very consistent state. Their mouths were wide open and saliva flowed into rivers. There was only bloodlust and madness in their eyes. Their bodies were completely dominated by the desire for fresh flesh and blood. No obstacles or traps were visible. You can turn a blind eye to the horse in front of you and just rush into it -

The lump still left in their skulls now obviously has a single purpose, even worse than that of low-level beasts.

The transportation vehicles of scattered people were all over the road, which caused a lot of trouble to the walking zombies. Later, they were blocked by Juma and dikes.

Even so, the moment the scattered people came into contact with the walking corpses, large-scale attrition began.

At least hundreds of people disappeared without even a splash.

"What a waste!" People on this side of the building communicated through the intercom, "Go up, go up, let our people go up, they can't stand it!"

About three hundred to four hundred people changed from half a step back to half a step forward.

"Are you stupid? It's the first time I've ever seen someone stab someone with a machete, machete! Look at my mouth, this thing is called a fucking machete~!!"

There were only three to four hundred people, but their addition instantly made this weak defense line grow real steel and iron bones.

Watch carefully, once you have learned it, you can kill two more zombies. You will be so scared that you will pee your pants and close your eyes to smash and chop directly at the zombies. What can be faster and more effective than this way of education?

In just a few words, all the people who were still standing became skilled workers who worked in an assembly line.

Killing zombies is really a repetitive and mechanical heavy physical labor that does not require going to the factory.

This thing has no rules when attacking. It will only rush towards you with one mind, like an LSP, with its mouth wide open and drooling, staring at your neck or mouth, stretching its hands and trying to twist you and bite you.

What machetes and maces do not exist in their eyes.

The people on the embankment only need to swing the machetes or maces in their hands at the right distance, time, angle and strength. There is no obstacle except physical strength-

The disadvantages are also obvious. There is no chance of error, and there is basically no operation of finishing the knife.

In short, facing the attack of the first wave of zombies, the defense circle with a huge difference in number from the zombies was able to hold on temporarily.

The gap in the dam that was opened by the scattered people was not blocked in time, which should have been a weak point, but it was a coincidence that the big zombie brother had never received the order to leave since he stood there at the beginning.

Speed ​​is the shortcoming of the big zombie brother, a very obvious shortcoming, while strength and physical strength are obviously not.

On the floating island of Li Cang, only one heavy armored corpse of the same level was needed to entangle the big zombie brother so that he could not get out to save Li Cang.

But this time, it really let everyone, including the zombie group, understand that the phrase "one man guarding the pass, ten thousand men cannot open it" is tailor-made for it!

There may be another chapter later, I mean it is possible, so it is recommended not to wait, of course I have another reliable suggestion, such as you take out the money in your hand or something

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