The corpse of the giant monster turned into a paste and soaked into the soil, disappearing with it, along with the corpses of the dead subordinates and servants of fate.

When everyone noticed this, they suddenly felt a strange discomfort.

From the moment they logged into this ruined area, they had a subtle feeling of being calculated, manipulated, and walked into a trap. The sandpaper-like moss and alienated plants covering all the debris were exploiting the island almost all the time. All living creatures, including walking corpses, including alien beasts, and naturally including newly arrived subordinates.

Now it seems that these nutrients that were subtly plundered probably all belong to the troll?

"Still not right."

As for what's wrong, of course the troll is too weak!

He could exploit the entire area at every turn. This kind of master would be easily killed by a mere hundred or so people. No matter how you think about it, it's not reasonable, right?

Although everyone didn't say it out loud, they at least had such a vague idea in their hearts.

Therefore, from the time when the giant monster's corpse melted and disappeared, to when the giant vines produced huge "fruits", the subordinates were actually not too shocked.

The fruit burst open and juice was all over the ground. What came out of it were dozens or twenty walking corpses, including the Common Chou, Sickle Hand, Sword Girl, Heavy Armor, Scale Armor, Giant Foot, Licker, and Crack Series.

The variety is comprehensive, covering almost all types of walking corpses that can be seen on the market.

Everyone checked the attributes of these zombies and fell silent - all of them had a strength value of 39.99c in stage 3, and the six-dimensional attributes were fully maxed out!

This couldn't be a walking corpse in the normal sense, it was obviously a bear.

As soon as nearly twenty walking corpses appeared, they immediately started killing. They came and went like a wind, making people confused. The subordinates who dared to deal with the giant monster for several rounds were stunned by these "little" guys. Defeated, casualties quickly occurred.

Never, never, never think that smaller monsters will become weaker. Smaller size means more flexibility to a certain extent. The number of subordinates that need to be faced in a certain period of time and the number of attacks received are fewer. First of all, the cannon that just blew up the giant monster's mouth immediately lost its right to line up.

Although the strength value of 40c is difficult to deal with, it is at least manageable.

But for alienated species such as Sickle Hands, Sword Sisters, and Lickers whose main attributes are agility, the slaves just wish their parents had given them more legs. Although the additional reinforcements failed to improve their agility, It has the same upper limit of 39.99c as the strength, but it has also been raised a lot, so that the subordinates can only be passively beaten when facing their attacks, without even any room to fight back.

Even the sickle hand, a product of failure in Li Cang's eyes, is an out-and-out killer in the eyes of normal subordinates. As long as it is given an open space and complex terrain, it can pick off anyone's head as easily as eating and drinking.

The slave group, which had not caused many casualties against the giant monster, fell down in minutes with a total of twenty or thirty people. The servants of fate were cut off like leeks one after another. Everyone was only trying to protect themselves, and there was basically no room for fighting back.


A stream of light flashed, accurately hitting the afterimage floating among the vines above everyone's heads. The powerful bullet almost blasted the sword girl into a sputtering posture in the air, and a fan or trumpet-shaped blood mist filled the surrounding area. In a space of more than ten meters, there is no residue larger than a grain of rice.

Zhu Ying was overjoyed: "It's Lao Wang's gun! Well done! It's finally accurate!"

He threw a ring of fire with his hand, igniting all the remaining blood stains on the sword girl and turning it into ashes before it hit the ground.

Everyone was stunned by this earth-shattering shot:

"What the hell kind of gun is this?"

"With this power, holding grass, and such a hot weapon, do you hope the price starts at less than 10,000 yuan?"


There was only one Licker in the form of the Sword Girl, the Scythe Hand, and the Hyena. The dragon that was crushing the whole place was missing its head and tail, and just one of them was touched off. Everyone suddenly felt that the pressure on their necks was greatly reduced, and the heads on their necks were much more stable.

Lao Wang, who was squatting at a distance to hug and grab, murmured to himself: "I'm clearly aiming for the fattest giant foot. You can use your ADC to hurt T with a hammer."

As confident as Lao Wang is, he will never admit that the shot into the soul was actually a tragedy caused by a misguided visit to his grandma's house.

Speaking of which, he had only seen the Giant-footed Walking Corpse once in Li Cang's Gu-Raising Tunnel. It was the only one. It had big hands and feet and was covered with bloated skin folds. It was extremely ugly and had an incredible ability to withstand blows. Old Wang In fact, I am a little curious as to how something like this, which is not a regular zombie species, could appear here. That thing is obviously a special species raised by Teacher Cang.

"Strange, where did Teacher Cang hide? Why can't he suddenly be found?"

Lao Wang didn't dwell too much on this matter. Bao Yuan Shou filled his Dantian with anger and shot three times in a row. I don't know if it was because his luck value was off the charts today or something else, but two of these three shots actually hit him, one of which was shattered. The armor of the heavily armored zombie, another shot directly took off one of the Licker's legs.

A group of subordinates burst into earth-shattering cheers, shouting that they were awesome and mighty.


Licker and Scytheman, who were missing a leg, abandoned the buffet around them and chased in the direction of Lao Wang.

"I'm so stupid."

Lao Wang followed Teacher Cang's instructions, took the gun and ran away.

The subordinates are angry. Nimale is just a hammer. He wants you to sneak attack me, but I don't want me to snipe you, right?

"Stop it! Stop it quickly!"

"Protect the sniper!"

"Damn you, if you don't stop them today, everyone will die!"

"The guarantor, I'm holding the grass, you're just fucking doing it, just give me the Servants of Destiny!"

Anyone can understand what this kind of sniper who can kill the opponent in seconds means. If you want to win and live, who cares about a few people protecting one?

From the top, the scene was really lively.

Lao Wang was running in front, and the Licker Scytheman and three 3rd stage ordinary clowns were chasing behind him. Behind him were hundreds of fate servants and subordinates who heard the news, as mighty as a river.

God has pity

Master Wang has never been so popular since he was born. He was so moved that he almost peed his pants pocket!

"Crap, rap, rap, why are you chasing your father?"

"Get out, get out~"

The speed of the scytheman and the licker is not to be mentioned. Not to mention the enhanced ones, even the unenhanced ones are more than enough to chase Lao Wang.

In the eyes of the crowd behind, Lao Wang, who was nearly two meters tall and strong, was knocked to the ground by the licker and the scytheman who jumped down from the air in a few seconds. The claws and sickles opened and closed, and blood flowed.


On the bright side, Lao Wang's hatred was so strong that the Licker and the Scytheman completely forgot that they were assassins who could fly high and high. They simply deleted their previous tactics from their minds and were surrounded by hundreds of servants of fate. They died in a second, and even their bodies were eaten up.

"Where is he?"

"Here! Here! Damn, he's still alive! Who has a wish pill? Give it to him!"

"Here, here, I still have some"

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