The lack of the blood-sucking special effect of the big magic wand does not mean that Li Cang is not resistant to beatings. It's just that the very few Ebony Maws' effects that are similar to anti-injury and are not reflected in the attribute panel are really not very harmful and extremely insulting. When the two sides beat each other, it was like dancing on poles with wires connected. You were stiff for a while and I was trembling for a while. The scene was very funny.

When Li Cang successfully jumped onto the sky island, his whole body was completely soaked in sweat and blood. Behind him followed hundreds of Ebony Maws who were sorry that they could not personally participate in the beating of Teacher Cang because of their companions' excessive enthusiasm.

Ebony Maws were crazy and greedy, as if they were going to a feast, but they didn't know that the beating was the beating, but this was not an escape at all, but a targeted and premeditated one. What was waiting for them was not only Goudan who suddenly turned into a 100-meter monster, but also Miss Qiu, Corpse Brother, the Mountain and his lackeys who came out of the mill gate one after another, and the counter-encirclement was completed in an instant.

Li Cang: Sun thief, you seemed very powerful just now?

Li Cang didn't know what the "low intelligence" in Xiaobizi's mouth meant. In short, Ebony Maw didn't show much intelligence at the moment. Not to mention Blade Girl, it was far worse than Zombie Brother and Zombie Sister, and was basically on the same level as Miss Qiu Huahua.

Of course, it could also be that they didn't have much chance to show off.

The battle with the sister didn't start yet, but Li Cang knocked down three lackeys by himself, damaging the enemy with zero damage and his own damage with three.

Under the double crushing of the lineup and the number, Ebony Maw performed quite well. Their ability to resist attacks was simply off the charts. Usually, the communication between the servants of fate and the zombies was bloody and the flesh flew everywhere. This time it was completely different. The claws of the Mountain's heavy gun Zombie Brother would even rub a series of dazzling sparks on Ebony Maw's skin, and the sound it made was like hitting solid steel.

Li Cang and Li Lace were both stunned. Da Leizi murmured, "This is too hard. Look, look at their eyes. There are scales on their eyelids! The ears can also be folded!"

The battle started for two minutes and no Ebony Maw died. They could get up again immediately after being knocked down. This was impossible in the past. What kind of heartless zombie beast could refuse a little cutie like the Mountain?

At this time, Daomei rushed into the group of corpses with a group of sharp knife light. It can be said that she had planned for a long time.

"Alive, alive, Daomei, don't worry, sister, catch them alive for me." Li Cang hurriedly shouted, "Don't hurt my little darlings! These are all green coins!"


The knife arm of Daomei and the waist and back of an Ebony Maw burst out with a heart-wrenching explosion as if tearing steel skin or sawing off with an angle grinder. The upper limbs of the Ebony Maw were suspended in the air instantly, separated from the lower limbs and flew four or five meters away.


The quality of the sword girl's sword arm is indeed quite strong. Li Cang swung his magic wand and hooked the corpse back in mid-air.

The cross section is neat and smooth. The three layers of scales and bones of the ebony throat are so thin that they are calculated in millimeters. There is a layer of yellow-white fat-like substance between them. The layers are clear. Under the fat is a combination of white tendons and muscles, which is also very thin. The thickness is only about 1 cm. Below is a neat cross-section of bones, dark green, like some kind of enamel. You can tell that the density is extremely high just by looking at it with the naked eye.

Apart from the bone quality and thickness, it doesn't look very special. However, when Li Cang saw the dark bundles of muscle tendons filled inside the neatly cut arm bone, he was a little surprised. How can it grow like this?

And then

That's it?

This thing doesn't seem to have much technical content!

In short, I was disappointed. If you want to play like this, I can call you a crab man. The key is whether you can learn from your spider relative. Then we brothers will have good materials worth exchanging.

Under Li Cang's interference, the Mountain, who obeyed the orders, made a huge battle like a kang in the northern countryside.

The heavy guns in their hands were like huge fire sticks. They poked Ebony Maw in the face and poked into the mill gate desperately. As they poked, the Ebony Maws panicked because they found that none of their companions who were pushed into the gate could climb out again!

This was not the first time that the Mountains received such an order. Once they accepted this setting


Relying on a nearly cheating gameplay, more than a thousand Ebony Maws were driven into the mill so aggrievedly, and raised Gu with the previous batch of almost dead Ugly zombies.

With such a small number, it is really difficult to stir up any waves.

Li Cang was very satisfied, and Li Lace was also very satisfied, but the circle of fate servants who were staring at each other and licking their lips were heartbroken.

Where is the meal? Where is the extra meal? You can't treat us like this even if you are our biological father

What? You said he is a stepfather?

That's fine

Li Cang dragged out an ebony maw and lined up a row of swords and axes on Lao Wang's machine tool, calling it research.

From dissection to healing, from amputation to suturing, after trying thirteen tricks, it was found that there was really nothing special about this thing. Even if he prayed again and again, he couldn't dig out any hidden skills from them. Li Cang had the honor of experiencing all kinds of weird characteristics such as anti-injury and invalidating the skills of the big magic wand.

"Make it a fate servant directly? More than a thousand of them, you can form an army of fate servants!"

Li Laixi rarely put forward her own suggestions: "I mean, is it possible that like the tomb beasts, their rank is not high enough so that certain potential traits and skills cannot be fully reflected, but they have already prepared for the next step. Alienation has reserved space. Haven't you always said that mills can raise Gu? This time there are more than a thousand of the same kind. Why not try raising them for a while? As long as one succeeds - it will be a blood profit! "

"Well" Li Cang dropped the bloody half of his arm and the bone saw in his hand, and fell into deep thought: "Speaking of counter-injury."

"Prayer: Is it possible to upgrade Father's vest?"

[Yes, you need to provide special items that have a certain degree of commonality with alienated seeds, alienated eggs and prayer equipment. Only when the conditions are met can you perform the so-called equipment upgrade mentioned by the subordinate. 12 destiny coins will be deducted for this question. 】

"Prayer: Where is the upgrade in the designated direction?"

[Please ask the subordinate to clarify the specific intention to make a judgment]

"For example, if the fate servants, creations, alienated blood creatures, etc. that are determined to have belongings attack, the retaliatory damage attribute may be applied to the person they belong to, and then the source can be determined. Well, I don't have high requirements, even just a part of it."


"Hey, you're already a mature little coin boy. What do you mean by sending me some dots? Besides, I spent money asking questions! Is my destiny coin dirty or something?"

[The 12 destiny coins paid by the subordinate Li Cang (Cang) for this question have been returned, please pay attention to check them]

Li Cang: "???"

The simple prayer conversation shocked Li Laisi for a whole year, and she was so direct and violent,

"Teacher Cang, why don't you wear an anti-wound armor and try to implicat the nine tribes? It's really just a piece of equipment! What do you want to do? Are you a beast?"

Whenever Dalei Zi feels that she has fully understood Teacher Cang's bottom line, she will find that this bitch's bottom line is unfathomable. There is no such thing as a good guy. This timi is a pit, a sinkhole!

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