Half an hour later, the car washer boy and two aunts were amazed as they watched the G65 go away like a tiger out of its cage.

"Is this why people are rich and powerful? Don't they forget to work hard to support the family?"

"Steal sheep with such a nice car, hetui~"

The sheep thieves drove all the way, and after returning to the hot spring villa, they had dinner with Jin Yujing, Kong Jingqiao, Rao Qifang, and the three of them, and the vacation came to an end in a hurry.

"Huh~" Li Cang stretched his waist, picked up a huge skull of an alien beast and put it back in its place: "It has to be an island to feel like home. The base makes people feel uncomfortable, Old Wang , there is an island over there.”

"I saw it, I saw it, don't rush it~" Lao Wang raised his feet and climbed onto the base of the ballista. The bearings and metal mechanisms creaked, accompanied by Lao Wang's endless complaints, "This thing should really be oilier, huh?" , The island is a bit small, no matter how skinny the mosquito’s legs are, they still have meat, let’s go!”

The surrounding airspace was clear and clear, with occasional room-sized geological fragments flashing past. The speed was so fast, so normal and beautiful that Lao Wang even felt uncomfortable with it.

"There are two or three big and small kittens. It's strange. It's been several days. Why are they so peaceful this time? It's totally unlike Teacher Cang's style of painting."

"Pfft~" Tai Xiaoyi rolled her eyes at him angrily, "You, be careful of Teacher Cang beating you up!"

"Hey, Teacher Cang's law of inevitable collision doesn't work very well. It always seems like something is missing."

"She smells like sheep!" Li LaiSi looked at Tai Xiaoyi eagerly and with malicious intent: "Young lady? Take a shower?"

"Wha, what? I don't! I'm not going with you. It's too shocking. Don't drag me."

"Oh, why are you so polite? Let's rub each other's backs. Let's go!"

"Ah, this." Lao Wang made an extremely subtle and stupid gesture of swallowing saliva, "Teacher Cang, do you feel..."


"Huh? Do you know what I'm going to ask? You have it!"

Princess Cangcang sighed: "This girl has become more and more abnormal since she got involved with Suo Zhihui."

"9494, it's so orange~" Lao Wang was about to move towards the next wild island, when he suddenly jumped on the piece of debris he had just retrieved, "Good guy, Teacher Cang, guess what I found!"


"Haha!" I saw this guy throwing a bunch of things onto the island, "This is not much more interesting than the money gun!"

There were dozens of cars lying on the piece of debris that was probably not as big as the Vatican. It was half a road, and the half-rotten clothes on the ground were just worn on the bones. It could be seen that these cars and clothes should belong to a certain country. security or police, three cash transport trucks with rotten patent leather were surrounded by police cars.

What Lao Wang just lifted up was his bundle of banknotes.

Lao Wang stretched out his hand and tore off the shaky back door of the cash transport truck from the body. He got in excitedly and threw out a dozen of them, which were basically brand new and undamaged except for a bit of moss. He crushed the alloy lids with his big feet. , all of which are colorful banknotes.

Li Cang looked up at the sky and down at the geological fragment that was so small that it could not maintain its own balance even if it was floating in the air. He was extremely speechless.

This timi is fine too

It didn't overturn for a whole year, wasn't discovered by anyone, didn't experience any accidents, always maintained the same appearance as when the disaster happened, and then flew across the sea specially to see you?

There are a total of 40 large boxes, which are a whole circle larger than the 320 standard boxes in China. They have rollers and handles. It seems that each box can hold at least 5 to 7 million yuan. Seven of them are damaged, with coins soaked in them. In the stinky green water

In fact, the money in the car and the surrounding dirt was full of money, but it had been damaged by the wind, sun, rain, and rain. You really couldn't tell it unless you looked carefully.

"What kind of money is this for holding grass? It's not the Vietnamese dong we looked at last time. Why is it still worth 1,000? And it's so ugly."

Li Cang picked up a stack of brand-new 20 denominations, looked at them, and threw them on the ground: "Swiss franc, the currency of Switzerland and Liechtenstein, in 2026, it is still a new banknote that was just printed last year and has not been circulated."

"Gan! Don't throw it away!"

"A box of this stuff isn't even worth two coins, so why do you keep it?"

"Let's make the hotpot and make the bed!" Lao Wang made a gesture of lighting a fire, "Come on to a dream!"


Finally, the sorting was completed. There were banknotes with face values ​​of 1000, 200, 100, 50, 20 and 10 Swiss francs. There were ten boxes each of 200 and 100 face values, and one box of 1000 face value. Several of the boxes weighed as much as the sky, and they were full and neat after opening. All coins sealed with oil paper, 5, 10, 20, 50 centimes and 1, 2, 5 Swiss francs.

Lao Wang counted on his fingers, and finally looked a little disappointed: "It doesn't seem like much money? Converted to ours, it's only a few hundred million~"

"The most valuable thing is it." Li Cang took a small coin of 5 centimes and told a cold joke: "The cost of this thing is said to be 6 centimes."

"You make me feel like a cold wind from Siberia, really."

There are also guns and some other miscellaneous things on the fragments. The ones in the car are somewhat complete and can at least be used. The rust marks scattered outside are extremely heavy and are not like those that could be caused in more than a year. It feels like nothing. It won't be like this for three or four years.

It's of little value anyway, so let him do whatever he wants.

With the situation these days, it is probably difficult to find people willing to collect such things in large residential areas, not to mention that there are often no traces of people on the tracks.

Really, can’t we stop using the hard-earned luck of Yangshou in weird places?

Just as Li Cang was thinking this, he heard Tai Xiaoyi, who had taken a bath and looked brand new, shouting: "Zhong, you are so awesome! Are there all these boxes?"

People are very interesting creatures. Some people are born with a special preference for neat and orderly things. When they see the boxes and stacks of A4 paper, they want to take it away secretly, let alone brand-new coins printed with delicate ink and fragrance.

It looks festive!

Tai Xiaoyi's face was cute and serious: "You didn't put it on your body. Don't put the money you found in your wallet. You will have bad luck!"

Lao Wang leaned over and whispered a few words secretly, but he didn't know what he said. Tai Xiaoyi's face suddenly turned red to the root of her neck, her shy eyes seemed to be looking at a stinky gangster, but it just happened to be the one she liked: "Change, metamorphosis."

"What's wrong with a man being a little perverted!" Lao Wang said confidently: "If you're not young, how can you still be called a young man?"

However, Lao Wang's money-burning hot pot plan failed. The taste of this hot pot was so weird that you might not be able to enjoy this treatment even if you go to the cemetery during the Qingming Festival.

Feeling that his life was back on track, Li Cang rarely slept peacefully throughout the night and felt particularly refreshed when he woke up early.


Teacher Cang took an exaggerated breath of the air on the island that was full of the smell of the living and dead flesh of the servants of fate, and felt full of belonging here.

Li Laixi was wearing a sports vest and shorts, and her smooth skin was covered with glistening sweat. It was obvious that she had been up for exercise for a long time.

"Morning~" Bai Yan was charming and disgusted: "No wonder you didn't touch my room. You slept well yesterday?"

"Not bad!" Li Cang said cheerfully: "It's not too late now!"

"Roll around, you're all sweaty, don't make trouble!"

"What to eat?"

The little lady is good at everything. The only thing is that she has a very serious morning difficulty. Of course, that is compared to Li Leisi and Li Cang.

When Li Laizi is not addicted to the Internet, she has a very regular schedule. She can practice Thunder at 3:30 in the morning. She has been persisting in it since she was a child. It is not that Da Leizi is determined and consistent, nothing else, unless she waits for the day when Rao Qifang can no longer fight. .

As for Li Cang, strictly speaking, the young lady has never seen him actually sleep.

Therefore, Li Cang usually makes breakfast. Occasionally, Lao Wang can make a meal when the sun comes out from under the quilt. If it is Da Leizi, then everyone will probably have to eat the leftovers from last night.

"It's too hot, please be vegetarian."

"How are the crystal elbows? I see there are three pickles in it. Why are you staring at me? At least they look plain."


Ning is really a big beast!

There weren't many kinds of dishes that Li Cang could do or know how to cook, and the morning wasn't that grand.

I cooked a bamboo shoot slices, ham and chicken soup casually, omitting even the most basic seasoning. The heat was natural and beautiful. Then I cut two elbows, took out the wild vegetable and whole grain pancakes in the refrigerator and baked them by the fire. Finally, I put the big The two alien antelopes in the pot were only symbolically half-opened. They came out and asked them to work together!

(Haiban, Banzi: Northeast can refer to a whole animal that is slaughtered and broken into two pieces)

Li Laisi's eyes stared straight, and she subconsciously took a step back: "Is this something you can see and should see for breakfast? Isn't it too hard?"

"Have you ever heard that you have to have breakfast?" Li Cang said plausibly, "Go take a shower, I'll go down and pick some fruit for you."


Due to the management of the bee colony itself and the persistence of Li Cang, King Li Laixi, there are countless alienated plants in the insect hive space. In fact, these things are no less effective than the meat of exotic animals. Able to replenish the energy needed by the subordinate.

He picked some carefully. When he passed by the holes of the alienated silver ants, he looked at the crystal clear and slightly metallic ant legs. Li Cang subconsciously swallowed a big mouthful of saliva. This thing reminded him of what Aunt Kong did yesterday. The raw pickled shrimps and blue crabs are simply amazing!

"I have to think about raising some good-quality river crabs in the pond, steamed with wine and drunken crabs."

Even if there is a jump point, it's not a problem to hang around in the base all day long. If you walk too much at night, sooner or later you will run into a ghost. It's okay to run into the zombies of Noshima and Kurogiri Island, but if you can't, you might as well jump. They are going to be in trouble, so they can't be too arrogant.

At half past nine, Tai Xiaoyi and Lao Wang went downstairs.

Seeing the table full of hard dishes, Tai Xiaoyi was very embarrassed. She found the soft flesh of Lao Wang's waist and pinched it hard: "It's all your fault. It's so embarrassing. You have to ask Lei Lei to wake us up!"

"What's wrong with this? It hurts, it hurts. I was wrong, little lady, next time, next time you dare!"

During the meal, Dao Mei and Ms. Qiu, the most dishonest person in the animal form, did not go to the table where the corpse brothers and sisters were eating. They stayed close to a few people and showed their teeth and claws.

"Go, go, have you finished your portion? There's no use for you to eat these things!"

"Oh (wò)~" Dao Mei, who was driven away for no reason, yelled in dissatisfaction and scolded her in an ugly way: "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

The normal exercise and intellectual training of fate's servants such as Corpse Brother and Corpse Sister have never stopped. From dining etiquette to mahjong games, everything imaginable is arranged. Lao Wang happily takes photos and uploads as usual. Some guys on the forum are like this. Once it's done, if you don't take pictures for a few days, they will urge you for more, as if you can't wait to take pictures.

[Hey, this is full of ritual sense, so great]

[Everyone is on the track line, why do others look like they are on vacation while I am just running for my life? ]

[I really like the attitude of Mr. Cang and Master Wang towards the servants of fate, it is not like treating a dead thing at all, but like friends and family]

[Hmm, uh, it hits the heart of this fairy, this fairy will raise anything that dies, 18-level senior member hiahiahia, now my mother doesn’t have to worry about my pets dying anymore! ]

[↑, what you said is really creepy, that is a walking corpse, no matter what, it is a walking corpse! ]

[That being said, why don’t I see you not using the servants of fate? ]

[What to say to this kind of self-righteous, he knows nothing]

[Master Wang’s composition and angle are becoming more and more professional, people who know the business, is this natural light or light? ]

[You can rest assured. These four teachers of Mr. Cang are definitely on the track line, not the group of stupid drama queens who have emerged recently]

[Good guy, you also saw it. I never dreamed that someone would be stupid enough to fake this thing. They took a few photos and the name and color didn’t change. What do they think of them? There must be something wrong with their brains! ]

[I am more concerned about how they did it. They sat there honestly and used a soup spoon. Will we see them using chopsticks after waiting for a while? Look at my servants of fate. It’s hard to describe. It was desperate enough to raise a Husky before the disaster. Compared with these servants of fate now, it’s just a small witch compared to a big witch]

[Does anyone still remember the mutant Alaska that weighed several tons? Goose, goose, goose, goose, I really want to know which guy bought it for collection. It’s more than a thousand coins! ]

[I remember, I remember, the second stage mutation, weighing a full 4 and a half tons, sold at a sky-high price of 1,100 coins! 】

【What a jerk! RBQRBQ】

【What kind of family dares to do this, buy that kind of mythical beast, the area of ​​the sky island is probably not calculated in square kilometers.】

【If this is a Husky or a Big Samoyed.】

【Samoyed? Not to mention whether it will destroy the house, just the appetite of that thing is unbearable for most people. Compared with it, Ala is the type who chews slowly. How much food does it have to eat with a body of four or five tons? Aren’t you afraid that it will eat you as a snack when it is hungry in the middle of the night?】

【Alas, thinking about this makes me miss our pineapple. It has been gone for a long time】

【Ala has never raised one. Huskies are indeed gluttons, and Samoyeds are also real gluttons. I worked in a pet store during the epidemic. The store was closed. Every time the boss saw the group of Samoyeds eating, he wanted to eat dog food instead of himself. That heart was so painful that it was bleeding】

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