Are bulletproof patches bulletproof?


But just when everyone was subconsciously shrinking their necks due to the gunshot for half a second or a second, a long rifle similar to the AK-12 produced in Mao was already pressed tightly against Ji Xiwu's jaw, and the muzzle of the gun sank into the flesh.

Can bulletproof patches still be bulletproof now?


Everyone had only one thought in their minds at this moment: ruthless, too ruthless, this is a ruthless character!

And they were very confused.

The previous girl could be said to be impulsive and angry, so what is this little girl doing now, and why is she doing this? This can't solve any problems, it will only make things impossible to end

Ji Xiwu was completely numb.

Who am I?

Who am I?

Where am I?

There was no fear or anger at all, only a numb blank in the mind, and the body refused to react to it, even without stress, and did not move.

He had no idea how things turned out like this, but he could see that the beautiful woman with the gun was completely rational and calm at the moment.

This was exactly the most terrifying thing!

He would rather meet a lunatic, at least a lunatic who didn't know how to pull the bolt, turn on the safety, change the firing mode, and avoid the bulletproof patch!

The muzzle is now at this angle and position. The most optimistic result is that it is only slightly convenient and beautiful when taking out the bullet.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

After the meeting, a group of people walked out with smiles or frowns on their faces. Seeing the crowds of people cursing outside the auditorium, they were stunned and asked questions one after another.

Meng Liang felt his bones were stiff after the three-hour meeting. He saw a female corporal threatening a second lieutenant with a gun, and he shouted with a stern face: "What a disgrace! Stop it!"

This was a routine exchange meeting of semi-official invitation nature, which was not very important. The topics discussed were about ports, taxation, military purchases and residence regulations. Most of the other participants were representatives of civil organizations or individuals. The most important person among the invited military representatives was Meng Liang.

The participants and the soldiers in charge of the security border were relieved when they saw that it was a military boss. They made way for him. The military's affairs were their own family affairs. It was difficult for the public security police to handle them. In the end, they had to hand them over. This person was just the right professional!

At this time, Ji Xiwu had already talked about what he had just said, and the person's oral description was very detailed and vivid, inevitably with some personal word patterns, which caused the surrounding crowd to curse and get excited:

"Bah! What a dirty bastard!"

"How did this guy get into the army and get a one-star?"

"Tsk tsk, you don't know this, sir, he is the only son of the second position in a hunting camp. After having enough of drinking and partying in the base, he will directly move the place to the hunting camp. The 13th and 11th battalions are None of them are good stuff, they are worthy of being called the Brotherhood Camp!"

"13th Camp? 13th Hunting Camp with 6 times overstaffing?"

"Don't talk nonsense, they are just salaried soldiers with 6 times overstaffing, and they can't even make up 1,500 when they are called for attendance~"

"Fuck, it's so dark, it's dyed on the bones!"

No matter how dark it is, it can't be darker than Meng Liang's face. Meng Liang only felt that every word of the indirect criticism was like a needle piercing his lower back, making half of his body burn with pain, and then he looked carefully.

-Luckily I was there! Fortunately I was there!

Meng Liang recognized Qin Zhenzhen at first sight. This little girl is the favorite of Boss Bei and the dictionary of emoticons. She has been to Boss Bei's house for dinner 83 times more often than his direct line!

Well, he had only been there once. According to incomplete statistics, Qin Zhenzhen had been there 83 times. I envy her.

Besides, Boss Bei and Wu Nansen from Base 7 even had a fight to promote her relationship with his kid. Later, the arbitrary Boss Bei thought that neither of the two unpromising kids was worthy of him, so he gave up and "sent her" to be Li Cang's follower.


Humph, I know the intentions of passers-by!

If anything happens to this little girl, the boss will definitely eat her!

"Qin Zhenzhen is here, so the other little girl should be"

Second glance.

Good news: Not Zhao Li!

Bad news: Not Zhao Li!

What the hell?

Not Zhao Li?

Then this little aunt I don't know is that little aunt? ?

——I shouldn't have come today! I shouldn't have come today!

Meng Liang and Li Cang have never gotten along well, but that is due to their personalities. Meng Liang does not think there is anything wrong with this. Although he may feel bitter sometimes, he is still rational. Li Cang is proud of Zhao Yang's simple-minded and straightforward attitude. Everyone looks at problems and does things from their own perspectives. You and I may not get along, but my boss and you have a common language!

Suo Zhihui.

Meng Liang personally disagrees with this kind of hardcore and rough straightforward communication. For a disaster relief base, how can you rush to lay mines and find a mistress for others? You didn't get to touch the fox's tail, but you got to be slutty. What will the brother units think if it gets out?

However, due to the particularity and sensitivity of Li Cang, Meng Liang had to bite the bullet.

He didn't hope for a big thing to be solved like some poor unknown captain, but just glanced at Ji Xiwu when he was about to finish: "I am the security officer Meng Liang, Ji Xiwu, right, you, go call Ji Tongan and ask him to come to the security ** headquarters."

"All the people involved, take them away!"

"You two female comrades, calm down first. If the matter is true, I will give you an explanation, and also give everyone an explanation!"

Then he said loudly to the people around him: "This kind of thing happened in the army, It is our shame. I will deal with it seriously and report it to the higher authorities truthfully. I also suggest that all military and police officers at the 3/7 base carry out the first round of rectification and discipline campaign within three days. People from all walks of life in the base are welcome to supervise and put forward effective opinions and suggestions. Now please cooperate and do not gather to avoid trampling and unnecessary accidents! "

Meng Liang's words were very real. In addition, his title was high enough, so the onlookers who saw that there was nothing exciting to watch also dispersed with relish. Gossip and emotional gossip are interesting, but life must go on.

Four days later, Sunday.

Suo Mingfei and Yang Yinan rented a luxury RV and drove away with their daughter, who was still in a bad mood and full of thoughts, as well as their daughter's friends Qin Zhenzhen, Zhao Li and Zhao Li's boyfriend Min Jinhua, Qiao Jiaojiao and Wu Yisong, Song Qiang, Bai Huazi and others.

They were going to take a ferry to the Red Stone Forest area, 130 kilometers away from the main island of the base, to have some fun. It was said that the stone forest there was like trees and orange-red in color, which was particularly magnificent under the sunset. After a day of sightseeing and a dip in the cold stream, they could have a picnic and camping. Perfect!

Lao Suo was so worried about Suo Zhihui that he asked Yang Yinan, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, after opening the glass door: "Why is your precious daughter still so depressed? Is she scared? Have you told her that the guy has been isolated for investigation, and his father will not get a good result in the end! The matter is completely over!"

Yang Yinan sighed: "Your daughter, she is afraid that the matter will be heard by Li Cang, and the reputation of the girl"

"Good boy! My daughter shot someone for him!"

"What do you know!" Yang Yinan glanced at him coldly: "Little Laso She is beautiful but thoughtful. She has been a loner since she was a child and has been excluded by girls of the same age. If it happened to you, wouldn't you feel resentful? Especially her attitude towards Li Cang. Ah. Be careful! ! "


The pedestrians around the road section were stunned to see that a glass balcony on the 7th floor, which would have been sued for illegal construction and modification before the disaster, had fallen off as a whole. The reinforced concrete and glass curtain wall with a thickness of more than two elbows hit the roof of a moving RV. The luxury RV, which was already of very high quality, almost deflated instantly and lost control and crashed into the garbage truck in the opposite lane.


Behind the garbage truck, another one failed to dodge. Bang! The RV that had stopped moving was shoveled back to the original lane again!

The pedestrians around were already dumbfounded

Isn't it too mean?

This road is not a busy section. It is common to not see a car for an hour or two at this time in the morning. Why is there a series of collisions?

A group of people rushed to save people in a hurry, and some people were calling or sending messages through the prayer interface.

Not long after, several rescue flying boats and a large number of security islands, vehicles, and ships roared in, and the cordon was pulled to disperse the crowd and escort the wounded.

"Hey, the ambulance is here? I heard that this thing is very expensive!"

"The owner of the RV must be someone special."

"I just realized that before the disaster, the car could not be put down without five fingers. The unit is one million!"

"What nonsense is this? What's the point of driving in this situation to show off? How can it be safer than your own island?"

"You are so jealous. You can enter the base just by any island? Do so many people have to travel a long way on foot? What's wrong with you if you have money and live comfortably?"

"You @#¥%"

The onlookers had something else to watch, and they started fighting.


Bei Zhikang's office didn't fight, but it was almost.

Boss Bei flipped the table on the spot, and his furious posture was like an old lion, and he yelled at Meng Liang: "Is this the solution you promised with your chest patting? When I was young, if someone made a military order to me like this and failed to complete it, I would kill him!"

"What's going on? Where are the people? Where are they? Where are the others?"

Meng Liang was a soldier brought out by Bei Zhikang. Until now, decades have passed, and he has never seen his boss get so angry. His face was completely black: "Ji Xiwu is under quarantine and investigation, and Ji Tongan came from our side. I just know this person and don't know him well, but I don't think he would do such a thing, at least not to this extent"

"You mean accident?" Bei Zhikang stopped yelling and changed to Grinding teeth: "So you mean to let me tell the hundreds of thousands of people in the base who are watching this matter, Rao Qifang, Li Cang and others that this matter was a complete accident? Do you believe it? You tell me, who do you expect to believe it? Li Cang? Or Rao Qifang??"

Meng Liang's blood ran cold: "No. I'm him."

Bei Zhikang snorted: "Whenever there is a big event, be calm, do small things carefully, and do details thoroughly. Meng Liang, Meng Liang, you are a soldier I brought up. I almost watched you grow up. I taught you and trained you, but you didn't do a single thing!"

"Boss Bei. I."

"When something happens, you can only grunt like a woman and can't speak clearly?" Bei Zhikang pulled a chair that was not broken from the ground and sat down: "Let me ask you, how is the person?"

"When the balcony fell, someone used a skill to block it. The real problem was when the RV lost control and hit the garbage truck. The large shovel installed in front of the truck caused the cab to be cut open, and then"

"Then what?"

"The most seriously injured person is probably the one named Wu Yisong. One of his arms is severed and his leg may not be saved. Moreover, during the rescue of internal bleeding, the doctor reported that he may need to cut his liver. Then Suo Mingfei and his wife suffered head injuries. The situation Unknown. Bone injuries and flesh injuries caused by multiple squeezes and bumps. Most of the people in the back may have had at least one physical enhancement. The problem may not be too big. Zhen Zhen is fine. Uh, Bai Huazi, it’s over the limit. His skills are still in a coma, and his life is not in danger, but his strength may be affected."

"How many possibilities did you use?"

"That's what my doctor said. I don't understand that."

"Then tell me something you know! Is the owner of the balcony under control? Is there any eyewitness count? Is the news blocked? Also, there are rumors outside that the driver of the car that rear-ended the car for the second time ran away? Why did he run away if it wasn't his responsibility? Send? How many people went to look for it?”




"Get out of here!!!"

Meng Liang clutched his head and ran away. The next second he went out, his roar could be heard outside, and the people under his command were buzzing and scurrying like wasps under his command.

Bei Zhikang breathed four or five times rapidly: "Is this thing really a kid brought out by me? Huh?! I will lose ten fucking years of my life!!"

Zhao Yang sighed speechlessly.

Even though they were close friends from the same school, his relationship with Meng Liang was actually not as good as that of Feng Yuanqing, a new civil servant.

"Tell me what you think."

"Ji Xiwu!"


"Ji Xiwu's isolation and review procedures were wrong, and the confidentiality was very poor. The two men were not on duty for two hours and were replaced. The 13th Battalion was forced out. Ji Tong'an is very likely to know about Suo Mingfei's family. But if his hands and feet are not clean and his feet are pinched, he can only choose to turn a blind eye. He is not the one in charge. "


Zhao Yang said: "Duan Li's incident itself is disgraceful. Li Cang saw it early on. No matter what the purpose of these people was, in short, it was not just the 13th Battalion that they set up. It was us. This kind of thing happened in the base. , No matter how good-tempered Li Cang is, he will inevitably have resentment in his heart. This is a conspiracy. "

"Where's Rao Qifang?"

"I know, but I can't come back for the time being. I'm stuck on a mission. It sounds like it should be very troublesome." Zhao Yang rubbed his brows and said, "Boss Bei, I'm not the material to be a staff officer. If I continue to analyze it, I'm going to lose my mind. Right Okay, there's no movement from Li Cang's side yet, there should be a bunch of people sending him messages. If there's a blind spot, you can do it as soon as he comes out."

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