Chapter 916 It’s like going home (+2)

Is the real biochemical mode scary?

Most subordinates will tell you very calmly that it's not scary at all, it's just a bit life-consuming.

After seeing them a lot, in the eyes of many people, these things are not much different from ugly-looking monsters. The terror only comes from their lethality and not their appearance.


The sense of substitution is very strong, and I have begun to recall the joys and sorrows of the past.

No, the elder brother next to him grabbed a box of Camel from the supermarket shelf and ordered it: "The first time I encountered the walking zombies was in a convenience store. I didn't have decent food for 5 days. It was not easy to encounter them. This wild island with traces of human civilization is such a joy. The 11 of us landed on the island, which was quite normal. Who knew that when we were searching the supermarket, an unloader rushed out of the tool room next to the toilet and killed a woman on the spot? Comrade's stomach was bitten through, and his intestines came out directly. Well, there was no corpse poison medicine at that time, and we didn't know first aid. We barely did disinfection, sutures and bandages. After a few hours of tossing, the lesbian was already in pain. She asked us to give her a good time and barely save her life, but in the middle of the night, she turned into a corpse. "

During that initial period of time, many people suffered from their teammates turning into zombies. Although it did not reach the standard of using percentage statistics, it was still a common situation.

Several people talked about their entrepreneurial projects, looking very sad.

Qiao Jiaojiao glanced at Li Cang: "What about you?"

"Me." There was a kindness on Li Cang's face that didn't fit the atmosphere of the scene. "I was lucky. The first one I met was the heavily armored walking zombie. Brother Big Corpse, the one you saw in the video Only."

Everyone: "?"

What’s the solution to having better luck? !

Unable to stop a group of people from asking more questions, Li Cang had to say: "On a small island, there are half a house and half a vegetable garden. I was so hungry that I started to take Jianweixiaoshi tablets and gnawed on grass roots. Who knew there was a... As for the heavily armored zombie, if it hadn’t used too much force to knock down the stone and brick courtyard wall and bury itself, I wouldn’t be alive now.”

Li Cang said it easily, but everyone knows how low the chance of encountering a heavily armored zombie is at the beginning of the disaster.

The chance of survival after an encounter is of course even lower.

Song Qiang thoughtfully said: "So, Teacher Cang's family history started with a heavily armored walking zombie? Others buffed it, but did you directly fight the boss?"

Brother Luotuo sighed even more and took a puff of cigarette: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead!"

Everyone chuckled.

A group of people were still searching for clues while walking along the route map given by the key. They heard rustling noises behind them. A small group of zombies wearing various clothes had gathered at the door of the convenience store, sniffing. He sniffed and howled a few times before turning his face in their direction and charging.

"Does this mean that the eyesight of the zombies from Resident Evil is not that good?"

"Oh, it still smells like that 'dead' little girl. She's very strict and rigorous."

"I'm not telling you, is it time to run away now?"

"Ah, yes, yes, we are ordinary people. We don't have weapons in our hands. It seems we can only run."

A group of people entered the scene quite quickly and started running away.

More and more zombies were attracted by the movement here. When they ran to an intersection with a four-story building, a woman in a red skirt suddenly stood up on the top of the building, holding a camouflage M249 and wearing black stockings. The black-haired man had no fear on his face, he held the gun and fired with a heroic attitude: "Damn it, are you going to attract all the zombies here!"

Several men present took a shallow breath at the same time, and whistles flew up.


"Mom, I believe in love again!"

"Everyone, please don't harass my wife with any rude glances, otherwise don't blame me for turning against you!"

The NPC image is reliable and the characters are correct. Under the leadership of Miss Raul, a group of people guarded the small building and killed the walking corpses to obtain weapons and search for keys. They went through the plot and scenes one by one. Two hours passed without realizing it. There was no feeling of boredom at all.

Everyone also noticed that this was more like a novice map than a scene in a haunted house.

This scene is a tutorial to help them integrate into the game. Since it is only an 18+ game, there are not many scare points arranged. However, the plot is compact and reasonable, and there is an NPC leading the whole process. Even if you follow the step-by-step process, you can pass it, but it will only take a lot of time. Just a little extra.

In the end, Miss Raul led everyone to two subway lines.

Everyone now has two options: one is to follow Miss Raul into the surface of Bogognani City to continue the real biochemical plot, and what follows is not a novice tutorial; the other is to part ways with Miss Raul and choose another subway track to enter. Pogognani went underground and searched for the underground cemetery. Miss Raul personally said that there is a legend that that is the real source of the biological crisis, but she did not believe this, so she chose the above-ground route.

The second option is another game scene theme called "Shadow Shadow".

"The novice tutorial lasted more than two hours, only 6 hours in total. I also wanted to experience the Chinese scene, but I didn't expect it to be placed at the end." Qiao Jiaojiao said with some tangle, "We are so different. Are you scared? You still need to upgrade gradually, or just choose the second route, otherwise you may not have enough time to play the Chinese scene!”



The built-up area of ​​a small county town in the 18th tier is only a few square kilometers, and the single-story haunted house covers more than 20 square kilometers. It is basically impossible to play all four scenes within 6 hours.

After the second monster ghost theme scene ended, there were only two hours left, and the haunted house was considerate and gave the opportunity to choose the scene: ghost marriage, deserted temple.

A group of women chattered for a long time, and finally raised their hands to support the ghost marriage.

Li Cang: "."

I knew it, if you want to watch ghost marriage, let me do it, isn't it better than this quality and quantity?

However, it must be said that with the corresponding cultural background, the authentic Chinese horror gives them a different feeling from the previous Western biochemical and monsters. Even a dusty bronze mirror and the blush on the face of a paper man can make a group of people scream and imagine endlessly.

As for Li Cang

Li Cang is like going home when he comes here!

As soon as he entered the village of ghost marriage, Li Cang forcibly expelled the NPC who was sitting on the rocking chair in front of the big coffin in the main hall of the mourning hall. He put it there and drank the tea held by the paper man happily, watching a group of people shouting and running around being chased from one house to another and blocked from one alley to another by various living props, dead props, and half-dead props.

"Huh, comfortable!"

This is not laziness, it's called tactical detour.

The main thing is that these little girls can really squeeze in and can show their acting skills and bad taste at the same time. When people are scared, they want to find a pillar to stabilize their hearts. You can't find fault with it. It's their instinctive behavior under fear.

Hey, brother-in-law, you are here now.

Isn't it unreasonable not to give some benefits to the sisters?

It's also reasonable to let people smell the taste when they can't eat, right?

In short, the scene of the mysterious shadow made Li Cang suffer enough. Other men who play haunted houses wait to throw themselves into Jill's arms, but he--

Li Cang felt that his butt and chest seemed to be swollen.

These crazy women are too vicious, as if you will suffer a lot if you don't use enough strength.

Ha, if I end up like this again, I will be a dog!

The paper man brother who was usurped by the cuckoo shivered and huddled beside him. The blush on his face revealed a round grievance. Li Cang felt very sorry.

"Well, I played two scenes of haunted houses in a row, shopping in the Internet cafe, opening a black bar, and 857. I have to go to eat and watch movies with these crazy people later. It's really killing me. Your chair is too comfortable. Let me rest for a while. I will definitely give you a five-star rating later!"

The paper man brother obviously has a girlfriend. He empathizes with him and respects him like a god.

"Hiss~ It will take at least 17 or 18 hours to finish this set? You won't even be allowed to sleep? Which one is your girlfriend? Too cruel!"

"Look, the one who screamed the loudest and kicked the Kitchen God away."

"That's a hanged ghost, not the Kitchen God, wait." The paper man took a breath of cold air: "Fuck! That's my colleague! He he he is not a zombie!"


Book friend 20211217172152480's 1500 starting coins reward, thank you teacher Hong Taohong for the 500 starting coins reward.

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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