Chapter 136 Long-planned

   She was still wondering if the person Qian Qian was looking for was a scumbag, but now that she learned that Su Qian was looking for Lu Mingxiu, she was even more worried...

  Although there are women who follow one after another as long as Master Lu is willing, he chose Qianqian, probably because of true love...

   "Qianqian, did you two fall in love because of drama?"

  Su Qian said vaguely, "Probably...maybe..."

   Unexpectedly, Lu Mingxiu played his cards completely unreasonably, and even said: "No... I have been planning on her for a long time..."

  Su Mu: "…"

  Su Qian: "…"

   Fortunately, Su Mu doesn't have the habit of going to the end. The only thing she worries about is that Qian Qian seems to have a gap between her identity and that of Master Lu, and this relationship will be difficult.

   In a place where no one could see, Su Qian pinched Lu Mingxiu's waist.

   Originally, she wanted to find a piece of meat to pinch, but found that there was not a single piece of fat, and when she touched the well-textured skin, she could almost imagine the vigorous strength hidden in the muscles, but it was a little bit addicting to the touch.

  Lu Mingxiu snorted, put it next to her ear, and whispered: "If you continue to touch, you must remember to put out the fire later."

  Su Qian: "…"

   Rarely, her ears turned red, and she muttered, "Beast."

   It is rare for Su Mu to see that Su Qian's whole person is not in a defensive posture, but her whole person softens, and she looks like she is really in a state of love.

   But think about it, there are a few people in this world who can block the charm of Young Master Lu.

   is not far away.

   Song Yixiu, who happened to see this scene, finally understood that even an iceberg would melt when he met his true love.

   He was a little surprised that Lu Mingxiu was actually with Su Qian.

   But at this moment, he had to admit that the two were really a good match when they stood together.

   is not only a good match in appearance, but also an indescribable strange harmony.

   It was as if they were destined to be vines intertwined with each other, which had penetrated deep into the bones and blood and were inseparable.


   Su Qian has been very busy in recent days. In addition to filming the MV for her collaboration with Song Yixiu, she also filmed an advertisement for the endorsement of Sikong Jin's new series design.

   Originally, Su Mu wanted to accept several advertisements for Su Qian, but Su Qian rejected them one by one.

   First, she is not short of money, and secondly, those brands have some dark history, and she does not want to add trouble to herself.

   As for some variety shows, the ones that still need people recently are some love variety shows.

   If she goes to a variety show, Lu Mingxiu can directly demolish the building where the variety show is filmed.

   In the end, I could only give up.

   On the day of shooting the Manzhu Shahua commercial, Sikong Jin also came to the shooting site.

   His original dream was that she could wear the jewelry he designed and stand in front of everyone with radiant light.

   Now it can be considered that his original wish has come true.

   After the filming of Su Qian's commercial was over, Sikong Jin walked in front of her, hesitated for a while, but said:

   "Qianqian, the domestic branch has come to an end. My father asked me to go back, so I should be leaving the capital in a short time."

   Originally, Sikong Jin hoped to see a trace of reluctance on her face, but he was disappointed. There was no expression on her face, only excessive calmness, as if she hadn't heard.

  Su Qian only thought that this was a matter of course, since Sikong Jin wanted to inherit the Aisha Group, and the branch in Beijing was also used for him to practice his skills.

   "Then... smooth sailing..."

   A trace of bitterness flashed in Sikong Jin's eyes, well, let him be just an ordinary friend of hers forever, so that she won't have any pressure on her heart.

   "We will have an appointment later."


   After shooting the commercial, Su Qian was about to go back to Meimei to take a shower and then lie in bed. She didn't expect to meet Lin Man in the underground parking lot. She was not going to pay attention, but Lin Man blocked her way.

   "Miss Su, wait a minute."

   For Lin Man, Su Qian has an instinctive repulsion, and there is a faint alienation in her voice: "What's the matter?"

  Lin Man stared at Su Qian's face, a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes, but soon disappeared, and his voice was even more difficult to distinguish.

   "I just wanted to tell you that I'm pregnant."

  Su Qian: "…"

   She looked at Lin Man very speechlessly: "Your child is not mine, you seem to have found the wrong person."

  The expression on Lin Man's face didn't change, and there was even a hint of pride:

   "Although this child is not yours, it is related to you."

   Hearing this, the look on Su Qian's face slowly darkened:

   "Are you trying to tell me that this child belongs to Lu Mingxiu?"

"You are very smart."


  Su Qian didn't believe that the child belonged to Lu Mingxiu. Even if Lu Mingxiu really wanted to cheat, he would definitely not make trouble for illegitimate children.

   After all, she is still his wife now.

  Lin Man looked at Su Qian with a half-smile, "You just believe him?"

   "Of course, even if you believe he couldn't have done it when he was awake, but what if he was drugged and delirious?"

   Although Su Qian didn't think the child belonged to Lu Mingxiu, she had to admit that at this time, she was still a little shaken.

  Lin Man saw that his goal had been achieved, so he didn't say anything more.

   No matter whether Su Qian believes it or not, it is enough to plant the seeds of doubt in her heart.

   Twelve o'clock in the evening.

   When Lu Mingxiu returned to the room, he was surprised to find that Su Qian was still not sleeping, and was smoking on the balcony.

   In fact, he has never seen her smoking. Generally speaking, she smokes when she is in a very bad mood.

  Lu Mingxiu is very good at self-reflection.

   Although he came back a little late recently, he didn't wake her up at all, and he personally took her out in the morning.

  Especially the tenderness in her eyes when she went out this morning made his heart beat.

   So he must have offended her because he met some unsightly person at work.

   "What's wrong? Isn't work going well?"

  Lu Mingxiu suddenly hugged her from behind, she was startled and pushed him away subconsciously.

"Do not touch me."

  Lu Mingxiu frowned slightly when he noticed a trace of resistance and rejection from her.

"What’s wrong with you?"

  Su Qian also admitted that her reaction was a little too big, and it was really unfair to Lu Mingxiu to anger Lu Mingxiu before something was determined.

   snuffed out the cigarette **** and pinched between his eyebrows: "It's nothing, it's just that you suddenly hugged me from behind and scared me."

  Lu Mingxiu looked down at her, is that really true?

   By the moonlight, he could clearly see a trace of dodge in her eyes.

   is obviously lying.

   But he didn't break it, just said lightly: "It's very late, go to bed."

   (end of this chapter)

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