Chapter 153 I will get you back

   Feng Xuanmo returned to the capital and returned to the Xiangbei Hospital to the ward, but suddenly found that Su Qian's figure on the bed had disappeared.

   He walked over to Huo Jingyang who was sleeping on the sofa and kicked, "Where's Su Qianren?"

  Huo Jingyang rubbed his sleepy eyes and said shyly, "Isn't she in the hospital bed all the time?"

   Feng Xuan Mo: "…"

   "Please, Young Master, get up and see if she is still on the hospital bed."

   Huo Jingyang got up suspiciously and glanced at it, his eyes widened, there was no shadow of Su Qian on the hospital bed.

  Feng Xuanmo watched Huo Jingyang look under the bed, looking for the cute and silly appearance in the cabinet, and pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

   "Enough, you take out the monitor."

   Huo Jingyang reacted at this time, and hurriedly went to the monitoring room to adjust the monitoring.

   When Su Qian left the hospital, she seemed to deliberately glance at the camera, her dark eyes were like huge black holes in the universe, spinning and quiet, as if she could swallow everything that came into her eyes.

   Even through the camera, Feng Xuanmo could feel his heart skip a beat.

   He couldn't help but wonder, is the person in the camera still Su Qian?

   Although they look exactly the same.

  Huo Jingyang was in charge of guarding Su Qian and Lu Mingxiu. Now that he lost Su Qian, he was a little flustered.

   "Xuanmo, where do you think Su Qian can go?"

   Feng Xuanmo's face showed a trace of exhaustion, and the whole person was a little gloomy: "I don't know, the legs are on her own feet, and I can't be the master."

   Having said that, for some reason, the unease in his heart widened a bit.

   Always feel that something important will happen.

   Until Feng Tanjiu came to the hospital in the evening, there was no news from Su Qian.

   Even Huo Jingyang made several calls during this period, and it always showed the shutdown state.

   He almost couldn't help smashing his phone.

   "Brother Ming was lying in the hospital just to save her. She's so good, she just disappeared without a word."

   Angrily looked at Feng Tanjiu who was standing on a tray: "Tanjiu, use your intelligence network, I'm going to take her back, and then kowtow to Brother Ming to apologize."

   Feng Tanjiu said coolly: "Are you sure Mingxiu is willing to let her kowtow and apologize?"

   paused here and continued: "Let's worry about what will happen to Mingxiu if he wakes up and can't see her."

   Based on the importance Mingxiu attached to Su Qian, she just disappeared, and Feng Tanjiu seriously doubted whether Lu Mingxiu would enter the operating room again.

   He asked Aaron to search for Su Qian's whereabouts the whole way.

   Finally learned that she had left the capital.

   As for the final destination, it is temporarily unknown.

  Huo Jingyang didn't understand after reading Su Qian's whereabouts report: "Why did she suddenly leave the capital at this time? And where will she go when she leaves the capital?"

  Feng Xuanmo frowned slightly, "Don't you forget, she is from the Su family anyway. At that time, Mr. Su wanted to take her back. Maybe she left the capital to return to the Su family."

  Huo Jingyang: "…"

   He said in a puzzled way: "That old man didn't treat her well that day, are you sure she will go back and be despised?"

No matter how big he was, he could see that the old man looked at her with bitter hatred, as if she was his enemy. Even if he looked at Fu Nanshen, he was more kind than her. .

  If he is, he will definitely not go back to find sins.

  Feng Tanjiu interrupted the conversation between Huo Jingyang and Feng Xuanmo, "Let's stop guessing. In short, I will try to find a way to find Su Qian's whereabouts temporarily. You are on Mingxiu's side, first block this news."

  Huo Jingyang: "…"



  The moon hides in the clouds.

  Xiangbei Hospital seemed to be enveloped in a light mist, and the whole hospital began to become hazy.

  Lu Mingxiu, who was lying on the hospital bed, was dreaming a dream. He dreamed that Su Qian left without turning his head. No matter how much he chased him, he couldn't catch up, leaving him alone in loneliness and despair.

   Before Su Qian's figure completely disappeared, he faintly heard a sentence:

   "Lu Mingxiu, you said that no matter what happens, you will find me back, don't forget..."

The sound of    kept reverberating in his brain, like a spell, that he couldn't break free.

   He suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the white ceiling, white sheets, and realized that this was a hospital.

He got up with difficulty and saw Huo Jingyang who was sleeping on the sofa at the moment. The dream was too realistic, and he started to panic at this moment. He wanted to get out of bed and look for Su Qian. Carefully fell directly to the ground, hearing the movement, Huo Jingyang immediately opened his eyes.

   Seeing Lu Mingxiu awake, he was all excited.

   "Brother Ming, great, you finally woke up."

  Lu Mingxiu, Huo Jingyang helped himself to the bed, with a hint of weakness,

   "Where's Su Qian?"

   Hearing the name, Huo Jingyang subconsciously said "ah", opened his lips, and hesitantly spit out a sentence: "Brother Ming, it's so late, she must be sleeping in Dijing Manor, and I'll find her tomorrow."

  Lu Mingxiu looked at Huo Jingyang fixedly: "Then you help me call her."

   "She's sleeping now, so her phone must be off."

   "She won't turn off when she sleeps."

  Huo Jingyang: "…"

  Tanjiu asked him to find any excuse to fool Lu Mingxiu, God, this is really the most difficult thing in this world.

  Huo Jingyang hesitated for a long time without saying a word, and Lu Mingxiu realized that something might have happened to her.

   Originally still a little weak, his aura changed sharply, his eyebrows were cold and his face was gloomy, and he said sharply:

   "Jingyang, I want to tell the truth, did something happen to her?"

   Huo Jingyang was stared at by Lu Mingxiu's eyes, and his whole body was a little weak and weak, and he stammered:

   "No, nothing happened to her, she...she..."

   "What happened to her?"

  Huo Jingyang took his heart seriously, and simply told Lu Mingxiu the truth:

   "She left the capital, and she doesn't know where to go."


   Hearing this, Lu Mingxiu breathed a sigh of relief.

   He thought he didn't stop the bullet for her and would never see her again.

   But when he remembered his dream, there was a faint trace of unease, and a panicked mood enveloped him:

   "Why did she leave the capital for no reason?"

  Huo Jingyang: "…"

   His heart was crying, how could he know what Su Qian was thinking?

   He suddenly remembered something, by the way, the surveillance video of the hospital.

  Lu Mingxiu finally understood the meaning of his dream after watching the surveillance video.

   Her sub-personality awakened completely and occupied her body, so she gave him a dream, hoping to find the real her back.

   (end of this chapter)

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