Chapter 174 Twelve Punishments

   Hua Yanyue glanced at Su Qian out of the corner of the eye, he really couldn't tell whether she was happy or unhappy.

   When she saw her walking out of the gate, she looked up at the sun, took a deep breath, and walked forward firmly.

   They have already solved it here, but I don't know what happened to Master Lu's side and whether they have rescued anyone.


   at this moment.

  The dark hall.

   Inside the dungeon.

  Fu Nanshen stared at Lu Mingxiu who was in a coma in front of him, his eyes full of madness and gloom.

   Now that Lu Mingxiu is in his hands, he is thinking about how he will treat Lu Mingxiu.

   It seems too cheap to kill him like this.

   It's better to let him suffer twelve punishments first, Sikong Jin can only survive three, but I don't know how many Lu Mingxiu can survive.

  Thinking of this, the peaks of the eyebrows are slightly raised, and there is a cold light in his eyes.

   At this time, Chong Beishan hurried in and said anxiously: "Master, something happened to the group."

   He glanced at Chongbei Mountain coldly, "Isn't the old man going to the group today? What can happen?"

  Chong Beishan breathed a sigh of relief and continued to speak: "The eldest lady suddenly appeared and controlled the computers of the whole group, in order to threaten the old man to give her all the shares of the Su family."

   After Fu Nanshen heard it, he just said "oh" coldly. He didn't care about everything about the Su Group.

   He is the grandfather who cultivated a knife, a sharp blade that can cut through everything. He was reluctant to give these shares to Su Huang, but now that Su Qian took it back, he really couldn't ask for it.

   said nonchalantly: "It was originally hers, so what's the fuss about."

  Chong Beishan was not surprised at all, but what he was worried about was that the old man would be furious and blame the master for this.

   said carefully: "Master, the old man is very angry and wants you to go back immediately."

  Fu Nanshen's eyes showed a trace of impatience, but he agreed and raised his chin:

   "I will go back. As for you, wake him up and punish him. I want him to survive, not to die."

  Chong Beishan looked at Fu Nanshen's slightly grim expression, and his body couldn't help feeling a chill.

   responded quickly: "Yes."

   Actually, he still wasn't quite sure why his master hated Lu Mingxiu so much.

   But he did not dare to obey the master's order.


   Evernight Star Museum.

  The old man stood in front of the window and waited motionlessly for Fu Nanshen to appear. As soon as Fu Nanshen appeared, the old man couldn't wait to speak:

   "Where did you go today? Do you know what happened to the group?"

  Fu Nan hugged his chest deeply, he didn't take the old man's anger into his eyes at all,

   "Didn't Grandpa want me to bring her back? Isn't it good for her to show up now?"

  The old man was going to be deeply angry with Fu Nan, "I want you to bring her back, not let her appear in the group and trample on my face."

  Fu Nanshen didn't speak, he suddenly understood why Su Qian did this today.

Are    and Lu Mingxiu separate?

   But even if she got the group, Lu Mingxiu rescued Sikongjin, didn't Lu Mingxiu still fall into his hands?

   Thinking of this, he hooked his lips, and the meaning in his eyes was hard to understand:

   "Why is Grandpa so angry, Young Master Lu is still in my hands, if Grandpa is really so angry, then use Young Master Lu to force her to return the shares."

   Hearing this, the old man was a little excited: "What you said is true? Lu Mingxiu is really in your hands."

  Fu Nan nodded deeply.

   I just don't know if he can make it through tonight.


  Su Qian estimated the time, and under normal circumstances, Lu Mingxiu must have rescued Sikongjin by now.

  Lu Mingxiu not only had the map of the dark hall she gave, but also Feng Tanjiu accompanied him there, so there shouldn't be any problems.

   But for such a long time, there was no news at all, and she was a little muttered in her heart.

   After thinking about it, he still called Lu Mingxiu, which showed that it was turned off.

   Immediately felt that something might have happened, and immediately called Feng Tanjiu again.

   As soon as the call was connected, she immediately asked, "Are you all safe? Is Lu Mingxiu with you?"

Feng Tanjiu's face was a little ugly, but he still replied: "When we went to rescue Sikong Jin, we met Fu Nanshen. After Ming Xiu broke up, let us leave first. Now I can't contact him anymore, but I think he should I'm still in the dark hall, after I set up Sikong Jin, I'm about to go back to the dark hall to find him."

   As soon as he finished speaking, Su Qian hung up the phone.

"let's go."

  Hua Yanyue looked at Su Qian's eyes instantly turned gloomy, and shivered a little: "Where are we going?"

  Su Qian: "Go to the dark hall to rescue Lu Mingxiu."


  The dark hall.

  Su Qian and Feng Tanjiu arrived at almost the same time.

   Because Lu Mingxiu and Feng Tanjiu had already passed through once, Fu Nanshen was already alert, and it would not be so easy to pass through again.

  Hua Yanyue looked at the guards patrolling the door, and then there was electronic surveillance above. The security measures were simply better than the Presidential Palace.

   The corners of his mouth twitched.

   "Boss, you said that in such a place, who would dare to break through? Does it need such strict monitoring?"

   Feng Tanjiu said quietly: "We're just about to break in."

   Hua Yanyue: "…"

   When he said nothing.

  Su Qian observed the outer circle for a while, and said to Hua Yanyue, "Go find a way to cut off the monitoring."

   "No, boss, it's a bit difficult for me to be alone."

   This is a bit more work and time consuming.

  The Dark Hall is not a small organization of cats and dogs, and it is not that he can invade in minutes if he wants to.

   "Let the entire Yehuang people help you."

  Hua Yanyue suddenly became excited, doing things in the dark hall, he had never even thought about such a thing before.

   After half an hour, Hua Yanyue successfully cut off all the surveillance videos in the dark hall, and even entered a fake surveillance video to confuse the people in the dark hall.

   After finishing, he made an OK gesture to Su Qian.

   When the gatekeeper saw Su Qian and Feng Tanjiu, he immediately stopped them and looked at them badly: "Who are you, do you know what this place is? You dare to break in?"

   Feng Tanjiu looked at them with a smile, "Of course it's the one who came to send you to the West."

As soon as the words fell, Su Qian saw Feng Tanjiu move, and then only saw an afterimage. After the afterimage disappeared, all these people had deep and shallow scars on their bodies, as if they were completely stunned to the ground. .

  Su Qian: "…"

   It was the first time she saw Feng Tanjiu do it. She was not shocked, but a little surprised.

   I'm still a little curious about Feng Tanjiu's true strength.

   (end of this chapter)

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