The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 103 - Take Over

Xin shout at Luffy, "Luffy you already become giant."

Luffy noticed that everyone becomes small then he realized that he become giant.


Then he runs in neer hill then punch it.


The small hill Flaten, Seeing this Garp angry run at Luffy and hammer his head.


Luffy's body become small panting heavily while care the large bump on his head.

Seeing this Garp carry him back to Xin place.

After seeing the Xin group, Garp said, "Why he became small after taking a single hit?"

Xin smiled and said, "Grandpa Garp, Luffy come back to his original form because all of his magic is already use, he need time to recover"

Garp said," Then said then he can only use his magic for seconds?"

Xin shake his head, "No he can use it more convenient if he maintains his magic and upgrades the magic power he can carry on his body"

He continues, "Maybe if he upgrades his magic capacity he can use his magic whenever he wants without consuming all his magic power."

Then Xin teaches Garp how to train Luffy magic power and how to upgrade his body magic capacity.


After that Xin forced Garp to activate his magic because Xin was to persist Garp accept his offer.

A few minutes later Garp activates his magic, just like Luffy he has Giant Magic.

Because of Garp already lots of experience he can easily use the magic he can make every part of his body enlarge.

Seeing this Luffy beg his Grandpa to teach how to use his technique.

But he only has a little bit of magic power on his body so Garp did not teach him.

Then Xin come to Luffy, Xin know that this Magic not only can use to enlarge body size but he can use it to stretch body parts like Rubber Devil Fruit not only that using magic doesn't have side effects but it consume magic power.

Xin teaches how to use his magic like in the original work.

After seeing that he can teach his body like robber Luffy feel happy he can now use some of his brilliant ideas.

Luffy runs in the near tree, "Gomu Gomu no Pistol!"

His arm stretch like rubber and hit the in original One Piece he can use his body like a rubber.

Xin doesn't know what will happen if Luffy eat the Robber Fruit in the future but at least he can train his technique even still not eat the devil fruit.

After that Xin come to Stella and ask if she wants to activate her magic power but she refused because she still not master Reishi's power.

Hearing that Xin respect her decision.

Then Stella grab Makino and said,"|Young Master let Makino activate her Magic so that she can protect her self"

Makino was surprised, "No need I'm just an ordinary girl maybe i don't have magic power,"

Xin smiled at her then said, "It's fine Makino you are already our friend, let's see what kind of magic do you have"

Then Xin take Makino hand and pull her near table.

Makino lowered her head and let Xin pull her.

Seeing this Stella can't help but smile, murmur, "Young Master Xin has a high affinity on women, from old to young … maybe he will become lady killer in future"

Then she follows them.


Makino nervous place her hand in a crystal ball.

The Magic Awakening Stone shine color red, indicating that she can use caster magic.

Then Xin pass the Magic Property Detector then it the Animal transformation magic shine.

Seeing this Xin was surprised,Animal Transformation is rare and cool magic.

Xin smile at Makino and said," Congratulations you have 'Take Over Magic' it was cool and very useful magic.

Makino asks, "How can I use it?"

Xin said, "You just need to imagine a type of animal that you want to be for example just imagine that you become for example imagine that you transforming into a rabbit"

Then Makino try, She imagine a rabbit then she notice that the magic power in her body is changing his body structure.


Smoke come out surround Makino, then fluffy paw come from the smoke.

Stella and Koala was shocked to the big fluffy paw come out in the smoke.

In distance Garp teaching Luffy about his daily training suddenly they notice the smoke pop out and a fluffy paw come from the smoke.

Both of them come close to observe.

Garp asks Xin, "What kind of magic Makino gain?"

Xin smiled and said, "Animal Transformation 'Take Over Magic' ability to change to any kind of anime whole body or partial transformation."

Garp amaze then said, "Then if she want to fly she just need to transform into a bird?"

Xin nod, "Not only that after she transform she can get the traits of the animal that she pick"

Xin continued, "For example, if she transformed into a fish she can breathe in water if cat he can gain flexibility not only that if someday she can transform into a Dragon or Phoenix, she can gain their destructive power and super regeneration"

Garp dumped and said, "Then she was like super upgrade version of Zoan Devil Fruit and it much better"

Xin said, "That's right but if she needs to want to transform into a Dragon or any mythological or ancient animal she needs to upgrade her magic capability because it will consume much magic for her."

The smoke blown by the wind and a giant rabbit come in front of them.

It was a white rabbit with red eyes and fluffy fur, then the rabbit said, "Xin i feel weird after i change to the rabbit"

Xin smiled at him, "It's fine Makino!try to move around to see what change in your body."

Stella, Koala, and Luffy amaze in what they see it was a giant fluffy white rabbit.

Xin said to them, "It was Makino she use Take over and transformed into a rabbit."

While Xin explaining to them what kind of magic Makino gain. Makino tries his new body.

She tries to run but she can't run properly she almost stumbled.

Xin notice it so he give some advice to her, "Makino try to hop around.

The Makino try to hop but she use to much power so he jumped so high that she can see the Windmill Village in distance.

Seeing this Xin catch her before she falls into the ground.

Xin said, "You need to be careful because after you transform you gain some animal traits"

Then Makino understand.

After some experiment they know that in rabbit forme Makino gain the super leg of the rabbit, she can even destroy a big tree with one kick.

Then Luffy ask if she can transform into other animals.

Because Take over magic consume little magic Makino can transform into a bird, pig, fish, and fox.

After that, she stop using Take Over because she felt that her magic is near her limit.

Xin let her rest and give her some refreshment.

Makino happy said, "It's fun to use this magic i can become any animal I want"

Xin nod, "Not only that you can use partial transformation"

Makino puzzle said,"Partial Transformation?"

Xin explained ," You can change part of your body to a part of an animal that you choose"

Makino nod she want to try but she need to rest first to replenish her magic power.


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