The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 109 - Flying

After they back home Xin was about to enter his house but he notices Sohara still following him.

Xin puzzle stare at her said, "You're not going home?"

Sohara said, "No i will going to finish my homework in your house"

Xin said,"Are you going to do your homework or you going to scrounge food at my house?"

Sohara smiled pleasantly, "Your cooking is better than so i like eating in your house"

Xin rolled his eyes, "Are you not afraid of gaining weight?"

She answered, "Don't worry my metabolism is fast and I'm not gaining fat even I'm eating your food every day"

Xin glanced at her up and down then stop at his c.h.e.s.t side then nodded"Yes I can see where all the fat go"

Seeing Xin staring in a particular part of her body, Sohara know that he is making fun of her again"

"Karate-chops of Doom"

Xin head karate-chop by Sohara again," he tearful said, "Why you need to be violent with me I'm just saying the truth~"

Sohara ready her hand again, "Still going to reason?"

Xin pout, "In future whoever, your husband will be unfortunate"

Sohara happy said, "Don't worry if I can't find a boyfriend I will wait for you to grow up and marry me~"

Xin did not want to continue to listen to her, He enter and takes slipper then he come to his room and change.

Xin asks,"Sohara what kind of dish you want me to make?"

Sohara were sitting at the livingroom starting doing her homework said, "Anything is fine I know that every food you made is delicious."


Then Xin make a meat dish and some rice after hour Xin has done and ask Sohara to eat.

While eating Sohara keep talking about new things that happen to her today, while Xin listens to her.

After eating Xin asked her to wash the dishes, then he sit in the living room and start to do his homework.

A few minutes later Sohara has done washing the dishes and sit across from him.

She noticed the stack of letters in the table and ask Xi shows busy in doing his homework.

Sohara, "Xin what are you going to do with this stack of letters?"

Xin indifferent said, "I will read it later, all of the mist just greetings letter anyway."

Sohara stare at Xin, she doesn't know if he was an idiot or genius.

Sohara asks him, "Xin do you know what kind of letter is this?"

Xin said," Greetings Letter?"

Sohara sighed rather helplessly said, "All of this is a love letter, not greeting letter."

Xin stop doing his things and confuse said, "Love letter?"

Sohara nod at him.

Xin doesn't know what kind of letter is that so he stand and go back to his room.

Seeing that he is going somewhere, Sohara asks,"Where are you going?

Xin shrugging his shoulders said, "I'm going to take something at my room."

A few minutes later Xin come back with a book in his hand.

Sohara wonder what kind of book Xin gets,but when she sees the title she can't help but massage her head.

Xin sit and start to find search into the dictionary

He murmurs," Love letter? *sign I finally found it."

Then he read the meaning of it, "A love letter is a way to express feelings of love in written form. Whether delivered by hand, mail, carrier pigeon, or left in a secret location, the letter may be anything from a short and simple message of love to a lengthy explanation of feelings."

After reading Xin still confused so he ask Sohara, "Hey Sohara can you explain to me what love letter is?"

Sohara took a deep breath and inhaled some fresh air, "Love letter is a method to express love in opposite gender"

Xin amaze, "Ho so you saying that if I got love letter, someone has a crush on me?"


Xin then start reading the letter one by one, some letter saying that they admire him some are showing some love interest.

But Xin was a puzzle in some letter because some contain hair or lipstick mark and some stolen photo of him.

Sohara happy for Xin that he has a lot of admirers, but her face became gloomy when she sees the content of some letters.

Sohara said, "Xin beware of this kind of letter, the owner of this letter some weird fetish and somewhere stalker"

"Be aware of them some of the more dangerous may be the will kidnap you and take you like a pet"

Xin said, "Then what should I do?"

Sohara pat her c.h.e.s.t and said, "Don't worry I'm here if someone happens i will defend you from any harm"

Xin want to say that he can defend himself, but he knows if he told her, he will any get some karate-chop on his head."

After reading all the letters Xin place all of it in a cardboard box and hid it.


Early in the morning Xin and Sohara were walking to the entrance of the school.

Both of them heard the student clamoring.

Sohara ask one girl, "What happened?"

Blue-hair girl nervous said, "S-Some someone is about to jump off the school building!!"

Sohara was shocked,while Xin confuses ask, "Jumping in the building?"

The girl hurry said, "Yes jumping off the building"then the girl run to see.

Sohara and Xin come to see who's brave enough to jump off the building.

"Isn't that ..Sugata-senpai?"

Xin puzzle said, "Sugata-senpai?"

One onlooker said, "It's the guy from the 'New Continent Discovery Club' that well-known geek in our school"

Then they see that the guys ready to jump with his glider.

Xin amaze in what he sees, he knows that normal humans can't fly that's why they invented different kinds of equipment to help them achieve their dream.

But this guy is extreme he were going to jump off the building.


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