The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 122 - Smile

It was already one-week Nymph staying at Xin's house.

She tries to find a way to eliminate Xin but every time she going to move Xin miraculous escape from danger.

Just like the other day Nymph sabotage the gas tank to explode, but who knows when it was about to explode she forgot to check if the gas tank still gas inside.

Nymph go outside and wait to the gas tank explode, she waits until a delivery man come to the Xin house with a new gas tank.

Then she understood her plane where fail.

Then she try to electrocute her, but when she was about to succeed the electric company said that they are going to do some maintenance and they are going to cut the electric supply.

And she feels every time she fails Xin come to comfort her, Xin even try to help her problem

She doesn't know if she will get angry at him or she will laugh because of his stupidity.

Some times when Xin ask her to help some problems like his homework in math that he doesn't know.

Unconsciously Nymph help him afterward she realizes she helping her master enemy.

But after hearing Xin's gratitude to her, she feels happy somehow.

Sometimes she thought that he would become her master someday, not because he treated her with care but she feels warm in his side.


Next day Nymph sees,Ikarus and Xin facing each other seriously.

Maybe only Xin was serious, Xin said, "Can you even try to smile?"

Ikarus only gaze at Xin expressionless.

Xin already trying to teach Ikarus all kind of expression, but she can't even do the most basic expression smiling that Xin teaches her.

Xin already try everything he knows but its all for nothing.

Until Xin said, "Can you just at least pretend to smile?"

Ikarus tilted her head and said, "Just … pretend?"

Xin nod, "Yea! It doesn't have to be real smile … just copy the facial expression on this book"

Then Xin pass to her magazine with a picture of a girl showing a bright smile.

Ikarus take it at stare.

Then she stares at Xin and tilted her head.

Xin notices that her lips are moving, he knew that he was a success this time.


Xin was petrified he thought that he already success teaching her how to smile but…

He feels that all of his strength drain from his body, he said, "I said to you that you can copy the girl in the book … not the sound effect~"

Nymph peeking at them she doesn't know what they are doing early in the morning.


After that Xin give Ikarus homework, because Xin doesn't know how to teach her Xin let Ikarus ask someone to teach her how to smile.

Ikarus come to Sohara's house and ask her about her homework.

Sohara confuse said, "How to smile you said?"

Ikarus nod, "Um"

Sohara said, "Hmm... Well even if you ask me happen naturally"

"Why don't you try to find something that makes you happy maybe you smile unconsciously"

Then Ikarus comeback at the Xin side.

Xin asks her, "Did you find a method on how to smile?"

Ikarus stare at him and point at herself.

Then Xin stare at her then shake his head, after that Ikarus stand and go outside to find who can help her.


She come to Sugata to ask but she did not find any answer from him.

Then she passed by Mikako.

Mikako see that Ikarus have a problem so she ask her.

Knowing the content of her homework.

Ikarus ask her, "President when do you smile?

Mikako gentle smile and said, "Let see when I think about destroying my enemy and squashing them like an ant"

Hearing this Ikarus come back at his master's house, she about to try what Mikako said to her but eventually she did not do it, she feels that his master is going to be angry if she do that.


Lastly, she come to Nymph and asks her.

Nymph confuse ask, "How to smile? .. you're worried about that?"

Ikarus nod, "Um"

Nymph ask, "Is your emotional protection is still on? Wait … you specialize in battle so you don't have those kinds of function…"

Ikarus only stare at her, Nymph know that she was sad this time even though she did not show it in her face.

Nymph whispered, "I-i think that we angeloids .. probably can't smile.."

Bot of them suddenly feels down.

Eventually, Nymph help her find a solution for her problem.


The next day Xin come back home from walking outside.

Xin shout," I'm home ~~"

Then come in the kitchen and said," Ikarus I'm hungry do you have any food there?"

Just like in the commercial of toothpaste, slowly Ikarus face at Xin with smiling face.

Ikarus gently said," Yes … Master.."

Xin's heart skipped a beat, suddenly he noticed something in Ikarus face.

Xin touch her face and feel it.

Xin lips twitch and said," Ikarus what did you do to your face?"

"Did you use glue to your face? .. Hurry and wash your face"

As for the culprit Nymph, she was hiding outside she knows that Xin will move what she do to Ikarus.


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