The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 130 - Swimming Training

After a delicious lunch,Xin take all of the girls in the sea to teach some survival skills.

He invite Sugata to come but he decline his offer.

Ikaros, Nymph and Sohara facing Xin seriously.

Xin said,"Do you know how to swim?"

Ikaros and Nymph nod,while Sohara shameful said,"I-I don't know how to swim?"

Xin said,"It's fine that why we are here to learn"

Then Xin ask Ikaros and Nymph to swim.

Ikaros and Nymph nod then start to swim ….

Xin nod," Oh both of you already know how to swim~ .....NOT!!!"

Xin's angry shout at them," The two of you don't know how to swim!! Nymph can somehow float but Ikarus"

He points his finger to her," How can you say that you know how to swim? Your not swim sign your sinking!!"

Ikarus said," Master ..after my wing absorb water they get heavy i can't float"

Nymph pout," We are not made for water so we don't have the ability to swim"

Xin's lips keep twitching while his ahoge like radar pointing the three of them.

Now Xin knows what kind of problem he will going to face.

Xin said like swimming instructor," From now on, I will teach all of you the basics of swimming"

"Am I clear?!"

The three of them stand straight and solute," Yes sir/Master!!"

Xin nod," then I will teach you the first basics of swimming… the skill of how to float"

"The technique of how to float is simple you just need to take a deep breath and store a large amount of air in your lungs"

"After that slowly lay down into the water.don't be nervous because if your nervous you are easy to sink"

Then Xin take a deep breath and store some air in his lungs, slowly he lay down into the water.

Xin easily float and said," After you feel that you are already steady floating release the air from your lungs little by little until you can float freely"

Ikarus , Nymph, and Sohara did what Xin teach to them at first they nervous that's why some of them sink.

But after a few more try Sohara and Nymph learn how to float.

Sohara happy said," Wow, I can float now .. I don't know if it was easy to do"

Nymph nod.

Xin nodded at both of them but someone is making a big problem.

Xin comes to Ikarus and said," Ikarus can you come to me first I will do something with your wing"

Ikarus nod then fallows Xin at the house.

Few minutes later they come back.

Sohara and Nymph confuse at them.

Sohara ask," Xin what did you do there?"

Xin mysterious smile and said," You will see~, Ikaros now try to float if you still can't float i will find another solution to your problem"

Sohara and Nymph confused in what they do, but both of them just silent watching Ikarus.

Ikarus take a deep breath and slowly laid down in the water, surprisingly she floats in water easily.

Xin laughs," HAHAHAHA~~ I'm really a genius!!"

Sohara asks what he do to Ikarus.

While Nymph notices that Ikarus wing did not absorb water and it was like coated with air.

Xin proudly said,"I voted Ikarus wing with water repellent spray to prevent it to absorb water"

Xin caught," Back to the lesson I will teach all of you the kinds of swimming style that I know"


The backstroke requires similar movements to the front crawl, but it is done, as the name suggests, on your back. Doctors often recommend this stroke to individuals with back problems as it provides a great back workout.


The b.r.e.a.s.tstroke is the slowest competitive swimming stroke, and it is the most commonly learned stroke. It's often taught to beginner swimmers because it does not require putting your head underwater. However, in competitive swimming, swimmers do submerge their head and breathe at designated points in the stroke.


The butterfly is an advanced swimming stroke that provides an excellent workout. It can be more difficult and tiring to learn, but it is also a lot of fun. It is the second fastest competitive stroke, and the favorite stroke of Olympic legend Michael Phelps.


This is an older swimming style that is not typically used in swim competitions, but is still an important stroke to learn for safety reasons. It is most commonly used by lifeguards when they rescue someone, as this stroke most easily allows you to pull something along with you. It involves swimming on your side, as the name implies, propelling yourself forward with a scissor kick and alternating arm movements. It's one of the easier strokes to learn, and can be a nice break from the more popular swim strokes if you're looking to add more variety into your routine.

Front Crawl/Freestyle

The front crawl is what you picture when you think of swimming. It is one of the first strokes learnt by young swimmers. Front Crawl is also known as freestyle, as it is the most used stroke in freestyle events. This is because it is the fastest and most efficient of all the strokes.

Dog paddle

The dog paddle or d.o.g.g.y paddle is a simple swimming style. It is characterized by the swimmer lying on their c.h.e.s.t and moving their hands and legs alternately in a manner reminiscent of how dogs and other quadrupedal mammals swim.

After Xin teaches them one by one he demonstrates the styles that he teaches,then he let them use what they learn from him.


Seeing that all of the already know how to swim, Xin called all of them.

Xin stare at the man said," Now all of you know how to swim it time to teach first aid when someone drown"

"And the right procedure in applying CPR"

Sohara face becomes red when she heard what Xin said.

Home Ikaros and Nymph confused as to why her face suddenly change.

Sohara note that both of them confused so she said," Xin i will going to say something with Ikaros and Nymph for a moment"

Xin nod.

A few moment later the three of them come back with red face.


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