The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 146 - It's a Trap 2

After finish eating Xin take a big umbrella and place it above Astraea then he take out kotatsu then lay it beside Astraea.

Astraea confused so she asks," What are you doing?"

Xin said," I'm going to sleep first ~ i know that i'm already winning"

She said," How can you say that?"

Xin take out a plate full of orange and place to the Kotatsu, the then reply,"I deploy 3 vanguards with strong body while let some of them ambush the girls general if ever she want to escape"

After assembling the Kotasu Xin take out a portable stove and start to boil some tea, he takes out two teacups and place it on the table.

A few minutes later the water build enough, Xin make a tea pour it in two cups.

He drinks the other one,after that she lay down inside of kotatsu while his head is outside.

Not even a minutes pass Xin falls asleep,he even sleep peacefully.

Astraea feel that the snow trapping her start to melt and try to move.

Feeling that she can now escape she suddenly feel happy.

She moved slowly so that she can't wake up Xin whos sleeping peacefully in her side.

A few more moves she successful escape, she want to laugh but she remember that Xin is sleeping near her.

Then she slowly take out her sword ready to behead Xin.

But she heard Xin's sleeping voice.

"Are you a monster?"

"Why you do that despicable thing.. do you have your own decision"

"Is that your master wish or… yours .."

Astraea shaken, she said," Angeloid only exists to carry out master order!!"

"So shut up and let me behead you!!"

When She about to raise her sword she heard another low sound.


"Hu ..."

Then she see Xin still sleeping, she doesn't know if he did that intentional or not, but she feels shaken in what he heard.

But for her master order is absolute, She slowly places her sword in Xin's neck nervous.

She doesn't know why she was nervous doing this.

Suddenly a hand tap her shoulder and heard.

"What are you doing to Master ....Astraea?"

She turns around and see Ikaros expressionless face.

She hurry said," I..Ikaros-senpai it has been a while"

Ikaros patted her head and said,"Yes ….. It's been a while… it seems you are doing well ."

Astraea happy said," You to you look well today senpai .. I think I need to go… Eh?"

Ikaros grab Astraea shoulder hard, she see Ikaros eyes change color to red and said," Astraea ..If something happen to master .. I will not forgive you"

She feels death is staring at her, she can even see a big lion in Ikaros back.

Astraea thought,'I can't .. I can't. if Ikaros-senpai get angry she will absolutely kill me'

'I have no chance,i need to escape back in synapse and report'

Suddenly Astraea remember that his master doesn't like to hear failure.

If she tries to report back she will be punished by her master'

'No I can't go back in doom if go back .. but if i try to kill Xin Ikaros-senpai sure will hunt me down till the end of the world'

Astraea can only weakly sit in the ground thinking about what she need to do for now on.

Then she notice the other cup with warm tea inside.


While Xin was sleeping he did not notice that almost all of his soldiers have been captured.

He forgot that there another two monsters in the girl's side, its Sohara and Mikako.

After Sohara and Mikako knock out all Xin soldier they start to march to Xin base.

Ikaros and Astraea left.

Only Xin left sleeping peacefully,suddenly one of his men come and wake him up," Lord wake up the enemy is coming"

Xin sleepy said," What happened?"

"Almost all of our soldiers captured and the girls are marching here ..... we need to escape."

Xin was shocked by what he heard, he quickly said," Let all our soldiers come in and close the door we will defend our base"

"But lord we are outnumber!!"

Xin pat her and said," Don't worry i have a plan just do what I say"

After that, all of the remaining boys come inside of the fortress and close down the door of their fortress.

Xin order to raise the wall more.

Before the girls come closer the wall raise up to 16 feet tall.

Outside of Xin base Mikako shout to them,"Xin boy just surrender ~ you can never escape to me ~"

Mikako face become sadistic," Fufufufu ~~ at last, i finally win to you Xin-kun~"

Xin's voice rang inside of the fortress," Mikako-Senpai can we calmly talk about this? You don't need to be angry at me i just did it because i want to win"

Mikako laugh," Don't worry i will not going to be hard on you if you calmly surrender maybe I only punish you for half-day~"

Xin shout,"No I'm sure if i surrender you will going to torture me to death …."

Mikako laugh," Ara ~ Ara ~ you're such a bad boy …" then she command all of her soldier"All of you attack the fortress ~ and catch that white-haired kid for me "

All of the girls surround the fortress and start to destroy the wall.

Xin's voice rand again," Mikako-Senpail please stop that don't attack any more …."

Mikako laughs and command all of them attack more relentless.

Xin teasing voice suddenly rang again but this time he taunt Mikako.

"Ojousan you really want me to give you a special served you ~~"

Mikako heard Xin's teasing voice and remember the last time she heard it.

All the embarrassment suddenly came to her mind and snap out.

She stands up and takes a large hammer somewhere.

Mikako laugh evilly," Fufufu ~ so you want to hurt before you surrender ~?"

Xin shout," Ojousan ~ can you do it ~ maybe if you really win i can give you special service ~ <3"

A huge vein pop-out in Mikako's head, she angry run at the fortress and smash it with a hammer.


The fortress shook,then Xin's voice rang again," Ojousan ~ please stop it or else i will punish you ~"

Xin's voice ignites Mikako's anger she start to smash the wall fast.

Not far away from them Sugata and the other student where tied.

Sugata notice that their fortress wall has been rise up, while Mikako relentless smashing the lower wall.

Suddenly he notices something and hurry shout," Mikako stop that Xin is -"

Before he even finishes,Mikako interrupt him," Don't worry ~ it's my win this time !"

"No that's not it let your soldier run because--"

Sure enough, the fortress starts to crumble Mikako feel that it's her win this time but she noticed that the wall is falling to them.

Mikako hurry said," Get out of the front of the wall it's a trap!!!"

But it's too late an artificial avalanche come down to them.

With just one move Xin exterminates all his opponent.

Inside of the fortress, Xin and the remaining student held in the middle of the fortress while Xin was smiling brightly, He said," Hahaha you lose again O-J-O-U-S-A-N ~"

All the girls bury in the snow while Mikako can't help but surrender, she knows that she has been outsmart again by Xin.


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