The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 167 - Parting Time

Meanwhile up in Synapse, one of the capsules suddenly opens and a girl slowly sit.

She was shocked at what had happened,while start to remember what she really is.

It's Hiyori that Sugata see at Synapse.

Hiyori is shaking," No … this can't be..!!"

She hurry operate the machine," No i want to go back …. Please.."

"Let me go to that same dream one more time!!"

"I don't want ...i don't want to be forgotten"

Hiyori can't go back, she knows the rule so she can only cry.

Suddenly a voice ran and said," Hey do you want to go back there …."

She nod.

Then the shadow come and take her somewhere.


In Daedalus base.

Daedalus see all happen, she want to help but she can't because there is a rule and the system will never violate the rule.

She can only helplessly watch crying on that road.


Meanwhile Ikaro, Astraea and Nymph feel that their master is sad.

Ikaros and Nymph know what happen so they understand why their master feel that.

The three of them fly to pick their master they know that after a few minutes he will forget those sad memories.


Meanwhile, Xin is sitting in the road emotionless, her tears continued to fall.

This time he doesn't know what he should do, he can only stare at her helpless.

Suddenly a gloomy aura starting to leak from Xin.

Its cold and sorrowful aura, when the aura touch the plant, the plant start to decay.

And Xin started to change his eyes starting to become gray while his hair became long while color change to pale back.

Xin's body starting to grow up while living in his surroundings start to die.

While this is happening all animals is mourning they howl in deep sorrow.

The people start to feel sad while their eyes start to tear up.

The whole world start to be affected by Xin's aura, while this is happening the gray aura on Xin's body start to spread in a large area.

Ikaros, Astraea, and Nymph see there master condition they can tell that he was sad in what happened but the effect of his sadness is too much.

Nymph hurry said," Alpha use your Aegis to cover master its already affecting the life in the area"

"It this continue all the people in the town will die"

Ikaros nod then she cover Xin with aegis.

Astraea said," Nymgo-Senpai what happen to Master?"

Nymph sadly said," Hiyori die in front of master, then the Synapse delete her in front of master"

Astraea shock she doesn't know that Hiyori is not real.

Even though she is an idiot she still know the rules of Synapse, she feels sad for his master.

Astraea can only stare at Xin in distance.

Suddenly the gray aura start to leak at Aegi, Ikaros hurry said,"I can't hold ….. it anymore"

Nymph harry said," Delta use your Aegis L to press down the aura back inside if Alpha Aegis."

Astraea nod then she takes out her Aegis L and trey to push the aura back inside of Ikaros Aegis.

But Ikaros Aegis start to crack, Nymph said," Oh no if the gray aura burst out the whole Sorami population will die!!"

The three of them combine their ability to resist.

Ikaros use the full power of Aegis to confine the dark Aura.

Nymph use her Hacking Field to enhance Ikaros Aegis.

While Astraea trying to push back the remaining aura that escape.

Suddenly they heard Xin's sad voice," Is it real?"

Nymph slowly said," Master ...the Hiyori that you see here is not real …"

Xin's sad voice rang," I know …. But it's too it hurt to see her die in front of me"

The Xin come out from the Aegis the Gloomy Aura has gone, while the only remain is Xin expressionless face.

His overall appearance changes,while Xin's body realizing depressing and sorrowful aura.

Xin walk and stare at the sky, his eyes crying tears of blood.

Ikaros, Nymph, and Astraea feel sad for her master.

Ikaros walk to Xin and hug him," Master .. don't worry we still here.."

Nymph and Astraea come and hug Xin.

Xin said," Why do I feel so hurt when i see her die in front of me"

"Is parting each other is always like this… sad and lonely?"

"Why do I need to feel this kind of sadness …. Did I do something wrong?"

Nymph feel crying for his master, She knows that his master is special but confused why he acts like this.

Like he never experience some sadness and the emotion he can show is limited.

He was clueless in what he feels like Ikaros who don't have any emotion install.

Seeing Nymph puzzled look,Xin sighed and patted her head," Do you know that ….. I'm not really a human…"

The three of them confused about what they heard.

Nymph asks," What do you mean by that master?"

Xin said," No ...nothing… maybe in the future, I will share my secret to all of you.

Ding! System is temporarily Online.

Ding! System detects abnormal condition of the host.

Ding! Host "WILL" is too strong and he overwrite this world rule.

Ding! System evaluate that the Host is about to collapse.

Ding! System temporary sealed All Host Memory about [Hiyori Kazane]

Ding! Initializing temporary memory sealed.

Ding! System forced Host to shut down…. In 3!

Ding! 2!

Ding! 1!

Ding! Host will be going to sleep mode.

System sighed," Xin please rest and you need time to recover …. Don't worry i will give the memory i sealed back to you ….. In the right time"

Xin heard the last message of the System then he lost consciousness.

The three Angeloid hurry catch there master and see if he was okay.

Seeing that he only sleeping they feel relieved that he was okay.

They know that this day is a sad and stressful day for their Master


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