The Multiverse Conqueror

Chapter 187 - Oregano

Early in the morning XXin is sitting in the table while starting in the people in front of him.

Xin stare at Sugata.he said," Umm .. senior... Who is that?"

Ikaros and new Angeloid stare at Xin.

Sugata sipped his tea then calmly said,"So I said followed me back"

The Angeloid flap her wings while intensely stare at Xin.

While Ikaros stare at her.

Sohara asks," Didn't you say that Angeloid couldn't participate in the dive game?"

Nymph said," That's true but.."

"That girls are quite different from the rest of us.."


Chaos walk at the new Angeloid and stare at her while Ikaros trying to teach her new things.

Nymph said,"She's a medical specialist Angeloid [oregano]"

"She may be an Angeloid, but her emotional function is sparse and her communicative ability is nonexistent.."

"If i had to describe it, she is close to what you would call a robot"

"So perhaps she isn't aware of the taboo.."

Xin raise his hand," If she can participate in the dice game, we can send her back to where she came from right!?"

Nymph said,."We can't do that!"

"What I said is merely a hypothesis"

"We have no guarantee that we'd even able to enter the next dive game safely!!"

Sugata suddenly said," So someone need to take care of her.."

All of them stare at Xin, Xin's lips twitch he wanted to refuse but he fell pity on her.

Ikaros thumbs up at him.

Oregano stare at her then copy Ikaros.

Chaos happy copy both of them, she thumbs up at Xin.

Xin want to reply back but Sugata interrupt him, he said," You don't need to refuse"

"After all she already stuck at you"

Xin stare at his back and see Oregano grabbing at his shirt.

Xin helpless slump at the table," Ikaros what did you say to her"

Xin sigh and said," Well its fin to her to stay here.."

"But to be honest my finances are in dire straits but i can still support them .. I just won a lot last event. But i don't know how many months until I go bankrupt with my food expenses"

Miako suddenly said," Why not leave her for me in the meantime .. after you got some living expenses for the girls i can take care of Oregano for meantime."

All of them feel something not right in Mikako's suggestion, but in the end, they let her take Oregano for the meantime.

Mini Ikaros or Oregano was sent to live at President's House.

Well, thanks to that Xin can have time to collect money for their living expenses.

But after a few days, Xin fee worried.

Nymph staring at him and said," Worried? about Oregano?"

"But the President's Family is super wealthy right?"

Xin nervous said," Not about money.."

"I'm worried ..about that President .. you see she is a warmonger and sadist"

"Try to imagine it … that President, who think human lives are worthless that a fart."

"Obtaining something as Mysterious and exotic as an Angeloid.

Nymph start to imagine different kind of torture that Oregano will encounter, maybe President even dissect her.

The two of them snap out," Ohhh .. noo"

Then both of them run fast at Satsukitane Resident to save Oregano.

Xin slamming the door with his hand," Damm!! It won't open!!"

Nymph hurry said," Move master let me destroy it!!"

The door successfully destroy,then both of them hurry enter but they stop by Oregano.

She said," Welcome and thank you for coming…"

"Xin-Sama … Nympho-Sama…"

Both of the was shock in Oregano's change, she gentle standing in front of them and she wears a traditional kimono.

Xin was shocked," What?"

Nymph confuse ask," What .. .hold on a second ..communicative ability?"

Oregano nod," Yes.."

Oregano explain to them," It's too sad to be unable to speak… so Mikako Ojou-sama installed it.."

" Mikako Ojou-sama is currently out ..would you like some tea while you wait for her return.."

Xin and Nymph nod.

While walking with her, Nymph notice that she change, she looks perfectly happy.

Oregano pass tea to Xin," This is for you Xin-Sama"

Xin nod and take a tea and drink it, Xin suddenly ask," Um excuse me can i ask where is the washroom here?"

Oregano pointed out the location of the washroom after that Xin go out to take a leak.

Nymph happy stare at her while she is making her tea,she can see that she is happy and content in what she is doing.

Oregano pass the tea to Nymph.

While Nymph gently take it but when he stares at the tea she was petrified.


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